The Caniadian Champion, rridlay, May 9, 2008 - A5 Region set to start West Residents asked to report any dead bird sightings The Regieri wii kick off is 2008 West Nile virus centrel pregrarn Mondax/ The Haiten Regien Heaith Deparinent xviii begin decad bttd sur- veillance and is asking residentx le reiport dead bird sightings by caling (905)T 8~25-6000 or t miailing witw8@,hal- ltn.t,. i hese xvhoeitpotrt a decad hird art ased te previde as rnuth of the fliies ing infermatien as pessible " Type et descriptien of the bird " Address or ciesest intersectien le where the bird is iecated - The iength eft ime tht dead bird bas heen there Heaiîh departmeni staff niay ceilett and suts dead trexxs and blut jays fer virai îesîsng if suitabie. Il lte bird îsn'î picked up then staff viii gîve dîsr- tien on bew te dispose cf the bird safe- iy Tbe beaiîiî department says aiîbougb ils interesîed tn sigbîings ef aul dead hîrds, iî won'î be ciiecting all cf thens. West Nule virus is spreati through hiles frcrn infecîed mntsqtiitos. Aiîbougb 80 per cent et people înlecîed xviii have tit symrplcmns, 20 per tent wii bave a lever, headache, mtuxcle athe anti rash. Standing waîer that has heen siliing for seven davs tir more tan tîtate an iticai hreedin g grtîuîît foi irtosquilts il oîten teiiettsn te ce l lke hirti haths, eldti ires, tex-r, plant satittis of- tieggeri eavesttetighs. Rexitients aie enretitageri te testait thit waier net-e t arrrtrelittte nitiist ix pes of ebjects et te itteex e tlîtm ,,\,heni possible. -Vit have teesisictti letier \Vest Nile sius te Haitens bîrt populaioun siete 2001 anti ti tht iosruiie pope- lation siere 2002, said Hiion Merittai Olfirer et lieaiîh Dr. Beb Nesai. "Birti ant i msqriite surveillane aclevilies and iarviiting are ail parts et cr t mprehensîxe tenu ei pregrani. There were eely îwtu prehable tases et Wet Nile virus infection diagnirser int Hiaiton iast star." The Regitun wii hegin ils mosquslc iarviciding prograiri when staff bas idetieîfied mosquile larvar te tatch basins cr areas tof standing waler. Locations that receive iarviriding wiii bave a sîge posted and he isîeti oin the Regices xshsite, www baltiîee alxvex' 1-i 'ly U p Yoi rNct \/Voth Save 40%/ Save 40%o On ail outerwear! Simply present this ad. Milton location onily. Not vatîd in nonction vvîti any other ottet or discount.J Olfer expires ihursday, May 15, 2 ()0. TU1 P T First Milton Shopping 1220 Steeles Avenue Eas 905-693-9399 s/C, Fuit Power Package. Attîy WAtt/t. ABS brakes, CD, Crew Cab, teailer, A/C, Alitas , CD, OAS aid lots ai chtrome. Ore twner trade in. L ~ IN ~ One ot a kîrtd witii teather trim, Navigation, Atloy «Me-WM- heets, CD, 3rd Rîw em seau., SAS. p tl' M U MManufacturer's Warranty e 150+ Point Inspection #24 Hiour Roadside Assistance ED VEHICLES e 30 Day /2500 kms No Hassie Exchange Policy ____ - ~1WILLT'QtM.U ~E1'~FF~ eiv ~A Ore if a kind wlttt Navigatirn, teather, SAS, Neaa Rima/Tires, 3rd Rîw seats. Orie 29KM - Lts of GM Warrarty Remains! A-I 1