The Canadian Champion, Frday, May 9, 2008 -B9 i~Z~Z[Enjoy a littie pampering tonight, ladies in II Shen, hcling urg'anlzc an utlintotg cx cnt at Gutudlif icEtucnn wtiff that vcry purpense niind. Terday (Friday) frui 7 tue 9 pli. and next Tucia fruxm O1I arnt bo 2 m the fitness club -iocatcd in the xiiigxc xx encn a clmenue to pc! tin tablesn ieatuning xvariots local xctx'sccn anud products un[icrcd to hring a litetie baatnuce intxuxnn lixens "Mcmbcrs andl loctai businensen xviii shuîwcasc what xven can du t b takc Th lc vent mn lihe hct dimnattmmnn xiii hc acccptcd to thr Gaoxulil tc Ktids Funundatîcîn, xxhich ecu urages hcaithy, acttxvc lixfcntvcn en ktuin anti youeth. pALNE PR gNE -ERL NEW iAEY RAEL a DRi~i:: ~a;1a~u'a~IVE _9{j7 Pirý Mustang GI Converlible -,jfj [r'I Focus ZXW SE Wagon >7~ Mustand GT Coupe 4.6L VO, auto, AC, PW, PL p seat, Speer] £0000! tl exheel, 2 Ou 4cy, auto, AC> PW, PL, speed contro, tiit Nt1Lee, log- 4 6L V8 5 spai AoC. P& Pi, P oeat opeed cotta iý aiam wbeels, leather seat arey 19,100 kmo (former dale gage tack, t tundra ext, onl y33,743 kms. balancet oflactry altee .r ltror upgtade pkg .sde airragu, eattîot seats, tenta), balance ni iaulory waînoy, aaritt Stk #2757A on. 27,236 km, balance ot lactnîy exarranlo blue ext, Visla bioe ext Slk #275 ~ #,. CeNADM aAAAeN1 CANAOIAN VECICLE O1I VEHICLE 2005 Five Hundred SE 4DR 2fil 00. - J Taurus SE 4DR ,,,Cavalier 2DR 30000V6 auto, OC, PW, PL, speed uonnrai tlt exhexl aijm V6, auto, AC. PW, PL> spexa canîna i lt wOeei, aniy 23091 4 Cyl, 5 npeed. AM/FMICO, black ext, aniy 75,884 kms, wheeis, An biege ext, anly 600723 kms, balancentf laclao kms, balance ai Fard ESP, exndele blue ext exilbwarranly S1k.#27510 wannanly, Slk, #2751 A Ste #2742B AAANCANODIAN CANAOIAN 2104 Nîcr.,î. Murano 205Sport Trac 4x2 XLI /o' î;r Escape XLS 4X2 3 5L Vi autoa 02, Pro pa, pdl leatoor, Base stere, V6, auto, oCW P L, alant wbel moantani, tonneau 3 OL VO, autoa OC, PW, PL, Oc ose ext, 92,255 kin s witO P. sannaul, ainy waVets, p cer9847kn lwatranly Slk #2738A caser 9094 kîns ! ___ aartanly blacx Oct W AADAND I A £00000A VEHICE VEICiseHoLcEJ GRAHAM PAiNE / ( ANAuiIAN (-HAMilON IN STYLE: St. Davîde Preubyberian Churuh in Campbellville held a sprîng fashion show Suida afternoon featurîng the latest in cdsual, work and formai wear by Studio 49, ALL VEHICLES P root~ ' ý ee AN STRBET . i 1 , 65 MAIN STETESMLO ,O TRODRC AT N 0.,501,_ li