B6 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 9, 2008 Auction, BBQ fundraisers for autistic girl tomorrow irorn two very senous conditions. I-rom il arn. to 3 p.m., a free barbecue - with donations accepted -viii take place ai Just Wine, 342 Bronte St. S. The fundraiser xviii continue across the street starting at di aw andl dinncce spctials. spenîcer io belli e witic v tas aks" The sileiji auction xviii mn [rom 5 to 7:30 p.ni Morley raised ironi thi iwo evcrits xviii go to lip pay lor Live music wiii be provided hy Soul Setters Rock and Spenîcers neressary inteniîve training, as weii as hehiaviourai Blues Band trom 9i30 p.m. to close. treatiiient [tir Chnistina. *-alo e Regia l s.iip lt of * et More Blue & Green fora Better Planet oGreenCarti s collected every week (collects kitchen scraps and compostable papers) *Blue Box collected every week (papers and containers can go in the same Blue Box) *Garbage collected every other week with a six bag/can limit *Yard waste collected every other week, on the same day as garbage (urban areas only) *Bulk collected once every four weeks wvith a three item limit, on the samne day as garbage (ail urban areas and rural Burlington and Milton); seven collection dates per household in 2008 *Metal and Appliance Caîl-in Service (ail urban areas and rural Burlingion and Milton) New! Search by Address Vîsît www.halton.ca to fînd out your collection schedule! lnput your Halton address and the search by address tool wîll dîsplay your waste collection details. Collection in Milton Collection Tips " Don't be late. Put waste ai the curb by 7 a.m. the morning of your collection day, but no sooner than 5 p.m. the evening before. " Keep the weight dlown. Containers and bags should weigh no more than 23 kg (50 lbs). items that are too heavy will not be collected. Do flot put material oNt in cardboard boxes. " Avoid accidents. Wrap broken glass and sharp objects in a puncture-resistant package before putting them in your garbage. " Stack your Blue Boxes on top of one another to prevent papers from biowing away. Place heavier items on top of loose paper, or tie and bundle them. " Tie corrugated cardboard in bundles no larger than 90 cm x 90 cm x 30 cm (3 ft x 3 ft x 1 ft) and place beside your Blue Box. " Put your GreenCart out ai the curb every week, even if it is only partially full. Do not place your Kitchen Catcher ai the curb; it is more likely to blow away in the wind. Area 1 Area 2 Area 3 1 I L4 in Area 5 Area 4 - 3 Green Car Blue Box Garbage Yard Waste 4Bulk (3 items maximum) 5 * rneRa, Oale , Ontri L 31- Te: -2-000 Til Free 1-6644-56 e T : 2-83e :atn 17 21 1