Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 May 2008, p. 40

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B4 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 9, 2008 'The Nerd' a Iaugh riot - from beginning to end Mil ton Players [beatre (.roup. By, tbe end of last Fniday nigbt's show, îny abdomninal inuscles had gotten quite th, workout [rom the constant laugbmer 1 was unable to suppress throughout 'Tbc Nerd,' presenteci at tbe Milton Seniors' Atitvity Centre, 500 C bilcîs Dr. Somne audience memnbers actually snort- cd, thcy werc Iaughing so bard. (Or was that mne?) If yon're a fan of awkwarf bunour tbink Napofeon Dynamnite or Tbc Office tbis play is foi yon. Fan favonnîte Gino Raurmondo was bac k on tbe stage after a several-year biatus, tak- mng bts rigbtfcil place once agaîn i a leacl role. Words [ail to describe jnst bow funny Raimondo was as tbe nerd. From tbe occa- sional nose pick to bis bunebed stance to bis Rick Steadmnan. In a nntsbcfll [be Nerd, wnuîcen bx Larry Sbne, follows tbe plmgbit of Willnmi Cnbbert, played by a capable Dan Patcb, wbose lite svas savcd i tbe Vietinm waî by Sîcadmnan. Cubberm bas never ntet bis bero, so be's tbrillcd wbcn Stcadinan anncinces be's corning for a vs io Tbe tblfl dlocsni last long, bowevci, as Cnbbcrt realizes bow îî n- tating Steadinan is, witb bis contpcme lack, of social gram.es aitd clingy endencies. For mie, tbe second star of tbe sbow is Ctibbertfs fricnd Axel Hlammond, playel hnewcomner Andicw Saundc s. f lis mcmeii table one-lînci s, sinootb clcliverx' and bunorocis facial expressions -wbicbl ofreui say mnore tban woîds -kcep tbe pace mnos ing quickly and ensnre tberes neyer a cîîll Moment. Cnbbert's girl friend is played by Minima DcC.arif wbile Doîng Goiiîilin antI fian Patcht play a couple thii dcisi)t i tî k<i)iv wbat tii niakc of- Stinai. i' licy pi ivide a fui1 lioi pleins îîf bilai its' as ibc y Io cîîîîc ti itirnis SSii fi, is suauge nln Aiid uniie- cai-îîld f aiui Moinaiî i iiknivis buis iii îî a biai -iii lus Iole ibiai i, as tbi' counples son. Liiecting tbic sbhow is Brian C .ranfo)rd, îvbule mnoîber Stisan Cranford îs tbe stage mnanager and Trina OrrelI is tbe prodcicer. ne, noueii fl ib.ii pitic niails ii,îîcid. Vil take passiiinatc actiing ss tb a Icîs iîissed files any 4la' ovcr picc se. c\ict i deliscis itbout any mnagic. Suris e' nclings aie ,ilways i iI cai and "flic Nc d' dicîni disappoint , ssiîb a finaile bhai 1 ibîink is sale to asscine c angbî s'e îîîîc off gtîaitl Pemiaii ng f Irici i itiii (lieh \ci d ai c îî nigbît (f ridas ) andt ioiiiiii i i For iiiigbît's slîiiîs dîîîîs isi oipeni ai 7tif pin. an t l, sbhow iilI siai t ai 8 o iii ltcîs ts "20 cadiEitu iu sho sîuiis a tfîiiii i ,i I e a ic i liii niai ce. I fit liii vilIf opfen ai W 30. p ni1 , tlionit will be ai 7 1) nî andc tlie sbovi vi'll stit ait) 815 )i ii -[ii lkcs cils) $40 i adi atce oii $45 at tîte clîîîî 1icl<ke-s arc available un-fine at wvi wmil- ton players coin or by callîng (905) 875-0629 or irisiting Boutique 188 at 188 Main St. E. AHito ThReioa REGIONa *u i i a i y o a t n W Whio .a New entrance to Halton Regional Centre opens May 16 The new south entrance from North Service Road to the Halton Regional Centre (HRC) at 1151 Bronte Road in Oakville wilI open on Friday, May 16. The HRC houses main offices for Halton Region and the Halton Regional Police Service. Ail visitors to the HRC will use the new entrance to access visitor'parking, the Government Services Centre, the Halton Centre for Child Care, and the police reporting centre. The existing south entrance to the HRC on Bronte Road will be closed as of May 16. Staff, Oakville Transit, the fire department and deliveries to the HRC receiving dock can stili access the existing north entrance. The new entrance is part of the work being done by the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario (MTO) on the Queen Elizabeth Way (QEW) and the North Service Road south of the HRC. Bluüe Green Better Check out www.halton.ca for more information or to watch the GreenCart video. Do ydour part -use yotdur GreenCart 151 s Brnt Rod .5 leT-ýi'Fe_ -6 -"2-86 1TY 0 -2 -83 veihioic i M.Immo.m c9ý

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