ASSURED OAKTOWN COLLISION W cilran exceptional working environnment, as wetl as excellent compensation anid benetît packages. Fax resumnes ta: 905-878-7421 I s ooC ng chi e eaperienced P04OUI PLU MBING TECHNICIANS Excellent compensation. Cal 905-838-5050 Reurdfrrpdygrowing natiosal secs pt com- Ipany. $1 0o $25 to vtar Must hase own vools i nsurable, company sapplied van, bene is and ho - Inusesi 0a eum o905-840-3371 Attention Dase Inside Sales/Warehouse A leading company in the wvelding sxpply basiness lscated in Milton is looking for an Islde Sales & Warehosse Asseciats. Relevant esperience and a DZ license woxld be a detinite asset. Fax resume fo Jim at 905-876-9930 QUALITY ASSURANCE TECHNICIAN ated for food production tacîlîty in Oakvîlie lv provîde technical and administrative services bp csrking wîth laD and production staff Io test fîsîished product to ensure quvlity and compliance. Must hase a College Dîpîsma or Dniversity Degree in Food Technslogp or related tields (Microbivlogy, Food Science), knowledge of HACOP/ GMPs. 1tol 3 years experience in a QA role in the food industry, experience in Food Satety Traiig, generail ah equrpment knswledge and use (pH mietler, Brie retractome- fer. cvnsîstsrmeter, thermometers, colvurmeter). Also reqaired are strosg praîect management, maltî-tasking, analytical, computer, and communi- cation akilîs plas atrong abilîties for idxntitying coîxar, texture, fastes and smaI15 that are sut of spec. Daily cork inclades standing for. long perîos, besdîng and reachisg, and corkisg rn wet prodaction and packing areas. Must als be able and cîlling to csrk shifts. Please send resumne to lirenie Lis et: 2379 Speers Rd, OakviIIe, ON, L6L 2X9 or by fax at: 905-847-2305 PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT TECHNICIAN wasted for food production facility in Oakville ta assiat with new prodact develxpment, sec and reoiseci processing rexisions, csst redactian initiatives, ingredient formalations and lesaluation xf prodact performance. Muat hase a College diplomna or BBc in Food Science or related field, knowledge of food technxlogyl tood ingredienîx' lanctional prspertiea, basic lah bench skills sach as pH, brie and viscsity, t ts 2 yeams experienoe in pradact develxpment and bakery manalactar-1 ing. Also required are ntrong prslect manage- ment, computer, analytical, and communication skills plus strog abilîties for eealuating cslsar, texture, tastes and omeils, and for deseloping new prodacta. Daily work incladex sasndîng for long perixds, bending and reachîng, and wsrkîng n cet production and packing areas. Please send resumne ta litrne Lis at: 2379 Speers Rd, Oakville, ON, L6L 2X9 or by fax at: 905-847-2305 * s. ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT 7Duties. Genenai Data Entry, Recorcîle Payables & Receivablex. General Office Outres. Recvptîss ana Phone Outles, Hours: Msndup- Thursdup t2pn-Opm, Saturdap Sun 5:3Opnr. This iv a Fuîl- Tîne Entrp Level Position tOut wili puy $11! hour. Benetîts uvaîlahie uhepr probarîsnarp 90 dayso Please emnail reaume to: or fax: 905-633-8199 2016 Plaina Road Easf * Fuctvry Truining Supplied. Fixed Operatiana Manager Phone: 9054633-8811, Fat: 9054633-8815 Email: -1 INTERNATIONAL Zt Construction & Maintenance We aresa multiple award cinning leader in the Landscape lndustr lscated in North Oakvilte. We have the tollocîsg empîsyment oppsrtusitp availabte. Come grow with us! LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION FOREMAN *3-4 pear esperience in aIl aspects of landscape construction iv required P alid AZ/ DZ driver's license an asset -Year round empîvymont - Excellent compensation for the rîght candidate Forward your reaumne to: Eniait: Fax: 905-876-0400 Phone: 905-876-3000 Mail: International Landscapisg nc. 1114 Lower Boss Line Hornby (Milton). ON LOP 1lES Please caII Santo or Baldo: Santo ceil: 416-540-3169 Baldo Celi: 416-948-8787 Vue thank pou ton pour inteneot in on cvmpany CIl those velected for as interview woui De contucted! Cto MACHINE SHOP *Ecavating I slokîng for severalj Heayy Easîoment To i lkr l Operat r as Vieil as *Req M emunr Minimuj3 yvvs 7Designers eep. DZ Lienc vu for progressive aies nust AZ Licnc Open over-tîme. Cati M ke @ Fxrsm o 416-771-4213 905-336-0272 Dat Prcess!!î jE~~M Dt cesng IT Support Maînfaîns, onalyces, froubleshoofs and repaîrs computer hardware & penîpherals, le scales & pninfers. Documenfs, maintains, apgrades or replaces hardware systemoi. Also supporfs, monitors and froubleshoofs hardware problems perfaining to LAN, Must ho able f0 work in a faot paced plant envîrnment. Please send resumnes to: careers I Offe Hep Ofi elp ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Yoa enjoy workîng in a smaîl and eopandîng tinancial services practice. Yoa pride yourselt on being celI organized, able f0 malti task, strong criflen and verhal communication okillo and being detailed oriented. Previxas employers have commenledi on yoar oatgoîng and lrîendly manner in dealing with clients, business parîners and other staff members. With s olear anderotanding of yoar responsibilîties, yos are able f0 cork independenltly fo complete the tsks and prolecto cithin the requîred time fie. Seasonal business peako motivate you for step up yoar gamei fo the neot level. You are computer literate cith the ahililp f0 lears nec software programos. If thîs position sounds lîke you, please forcard yoar resame 10: Jackie @ 142 Martin Street, Miltas, L9T 2RI2 Office Manager Wanted Appllcanta muat ha self starters with strang sIIlîs anrd experlence in admis, HR, sbipping, receieing, and accoantlng actîvities. Applicsnts shoafd have prosiest initiative and high lexel computer skiffs. Position lscsted in Mu as t an entrepreneurial engineering startap companry. Email resame la: admln@advsncedta.cnm [artimeOffice Help j in Georgetown South Home FleiîblhvrsuandtruiningvîiuOîej j Pisuse fax rosume lv j I ~ #N ~ 'J The Canadian Champion, Friday May 09, 2008 - 31 S~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ als ep Sls eî als irSae Hl 1 ___I ~ N.),PUNL Make a dîllerence thîough a curesri n professioral sales wîto Canada s prermier smali Dusiness aosocacp organivation, The Cuîîudîur Fecdsrutin ofirdepesuent Businîess îCFIBî i, v noro îfit merr Dershîp orgavîvalion dedîcated Iovh suapport of omail and o sdiiiOî sd enterprîses on Canada ard fuodea evciusivp Dp lts t105,000 Dusîneos veser msmDers acroos Canada. CFiB's leadership icie as ths Pv itîcai vüOi 5o lO smill DusIneso, convives wîtn a portlolis of signlîicant group discounts revoirs vn memher lopalIait Dtiranslats o ta revewai ratse i ecss of 831, atioira CFIB hus unique aod rsaraîg fli rime SALES OPPORTUNITY .n nhe Georgetocn, Acîson and she Hallvn Hilîs aiea Os as annuai Davis, pov imne i De disîdea 40/60 Derveeo * Annuailo reneeîng the CFIB memsers in the rerrîrorp * ODtaîsîvg sew members iv the terrîrorp to ensure growth Commissios irenewsi ana nea membero) are paîd weekIlo *We prosîde intensive, Dandy on initiai training and extensive ovgovng support, * Paîd vacation and statutory holiîdaps and a competîtîse Desefîts plus. * We promote fromt wilhîn YOD posseos a consistent work ethîc, wîiîvigsess to lern ana excellent or- ganîzatîssal skîllîs Experience wîth agrîbuoîvess wvuid De consîderedaun asaet. Pleaxe forward pour resume rn confidence f0: Mark Collins, Division Manager Emalý nsrco@cf Fax: 416-222-6595 Pleaae check oat var weD site ait wce cfilDca (iutssd 5,,isxvkvriv,,iva,,,viiM~vv,0MaOi,5i.i 1,Dv5iiv~v ,s,,xiv,,cp,,~, ssiovOivu,,,5vpvi vG.sId Ba ,liredcom dos is,.ivsi5Meia rovid, vi5vooh i wolyo. vks, îî,viar flosa Croaion W pivsîu,,ve24 ordiivsrus and opera514 andself moivate ,iividesvtv ainv our triSOvv . areoinserho kii5 ueOUSD AVav~u a ar wrkig ndindeennt, self-starter? ,, i sigi Ar usiomar a desire tos bul ,srivs,,tsv -uss Ar o goa oretr and,ît cpble of min,,g uvkl tarevse i igsis DoVuojo rln l0,,kp*ît,*,sobsins n eeignwpupeeeyd Ar o wlig t cmit3 5bot prwek aacovig or iania oas Doirhve elat ceNsisnEs If oiranwer a s" tpiyvs*of the ve n oldlk t sur, M,5,v,,a,,idbe, onkan a ,s,,soS, to,nd MediaGa, Li ýcd11,k -l, firlu ~irm~aw n iu The Milton Canadian Champion, a division of Metroiand Media Group Lfd. hao an immediafe openîog for aný Advertising Sales Rep. The quaifîed candidate wili be a mofîsated, independent, self-starter drives Dp achievement. You will posoeao excellent wriffes and verbal communicafion okîllu and De famîliar wîth Microsoft computer applications. Advertîoing sales eoperience os a defînîte aaoet. sn thîs roile, pou wîli he customen fvcuoed and wiii Did atrvng relifships wîth new and evîstîng clients Dp ensurisg that thymr adsetîsîg needs are met. Ysu wili De goui-orîented and capable of meeting regular mvnthly Dbudgets and opeciai section targets. If pou woaid lke'ro work for a leaden in the media îvduolry thîD oppontusîty map De the rîght one for pou. A reliabie vehîcle iv reqaîred. If înterestvd pieuse forward pour resons toi szacadzki @metrnland.cnm Fax: (905)632-0308 We upprecîste the interest of ail applîcanîs howevvr osip thoDe Diected for an interview wîii Dv contacted. No phone cuils or agescies pieuse. A dîstrîbutor 0f specialtp procesu valves, ugîtatoro ua filtration Dus as ,mmodîate openîng foi v TecOnîcal Insîde Salesperson. The succesvtui cundidure ouil be reoponsîble for hvndlîng relephone onquiries and provîdîng custom taîiored solutions for suads generuted Dp the valsîde sales force, To quality, pou nîust have v college or usîversîtp education in Electricul or Mechasical Engineering. Previvus reluted însde suies eeperîence required. Please forcard ynar resame in csmqlete confidence ta: e pcatos Aven a le expe nienc nthsme pro îce cantmer oem n u bîdrong reatfonship cinh nseca nd esitin ci Exelblengtht cohenating plned ar met Yoa dît b e arente and apbl metn Tre ainihng bal nse ci sc Ifîtret p@erchard po resuef.a Docfer a n ptoeolce ora neîccl Dhe cvlaed cnodphate cllo or agmtaenx pe- pedet selfstrer ven Deta acieeret o er applios Ader.tsn sa e quîprie d i deint Piesevoreon Intisrle o wl b uso 0 fcse ndwl LBASST CIO requîred for 7O>~4 Millonrprctccj 78-2341t ECp. preferred I j Please seinS F: 905-864-9393 B: healthytamly Four q-ommunuiy Vewspaper il ~cil 905- rt+ workpl! = Four Totald CAADSBIGETJ'SIERecratMen$1S ales Hej