3Q -Ttse.CanadianvhmoFy92O '9111111W e A Are you between the ages of 15 & 30? The Youth Employment Preparation Program (YEPP> can help you 10 find a job and keep a job. You'II get free transportlation and get PAID ta attend! ,4&Halton nei elesian es iînded in pairt bth ge aneent of Caunada Contact Margaret Springle eit: Halton Region 905-825-6000 Toli tree: 1-866-442-5866 TTY:. 905-827-9833 Email: margaret. spring le@ halIton. ca wwwhaiton.ca Production Line Workers Fuli-timje Days Muet ire aile toi cerk in faceS puceS envi- roirment, leceted Dundes &1403 area. Contact Noea Stafftiog toc. 1550 Enterprîoo Rd, Suite 302 Cal) 905-795-9779 Fao 905-795-9449 Fa ,u, I r Oakville, Ontario lic il,. PLANT ACCOUNTANT In as coiin youI Le responsr I fcor rp ar înq rrîorrsly journai entres, uccocîni recoor ii urîvre, standurd ns veto env reporis ara ornher documnts, revewrovariances ana rnaloraîn Ina rhe stardard cosr ng voetem and the Iîe Asset sysrenre le adition, vual manage smai Coarly puproil ana asîst in Accouers lecev- uble issues, annuai poyelcaliInventons ara the avouai budaget prucess. To qualîty, yvu muet Cave an accoantIng dîpio unegree, or lever 3 peare' occountîng esperience ipreteruoly rn a manuiacturng envîrooment, near the Coul stages ot compieriog the CMA Orrtegîc Lead- ership Program, and excelleot communication, prvbiem-soling andanaolytîcal sklis Tu api y, eSmt your resume and salary reqaîremenre ru www.dana.com/careers usîOOilob ID #6929. S VOLVO 0F OAK VILLE SALES PERSON REQUIRED Ceise et Oakeilie as locig fer Sales Consultants te fiil sacascies sn est dpsamic Sales Departmenl. Velea af Oaleelile as the exclusive Voise deaiersCîp sereicîsg the Oakoîlie and Bsrlingten area. We et- fer a state et the art faciitp, cempetîtîse remunera- tien, and an extensive new and usvd carîrrertery. Our esperîenced management team is crîsen te ensare toal succesa. The ideai candidate aili Ce a sales pretessienal, in a related and non relateS fils e wl io c nid rdie ,sleoiae We necu fui , cre seaso001 staff ir-roc ate- py We ate an award-winnng fast gtowilrg Mlississauga-based commercia swînrmng pool compaey. We rifer lotso f Fours, bonas program, great !erpa Coostruction pool plcimbirg, piasrerIng tiiîng, or pool service experîsoce on osentý Wîif trrino Cleer driver'e absiract. Bendabne Salary. S12.0GO Or. Fao: 905-569-6160 or email resomne ta tclarke@serviceplusaquatics.cam ~Acting Modeling ~ Opportunities ItarCast Scauting Services has helped masoi 1 . peopte get inte Sears catalogues, Walmant & . 0.J Rayai Bank TV commerciale, meelea, kg *,Canadien Tire ada, music nîdees and more'.0 o Attend aur search levent in: BURLINGTON * Tuesday, May l3th C i. Holiday tnni * 3063 South Service Road * (at Guelph Line) r Attend anytime between 5 join -8 Pm l.1 No eeperieoeoeceeoary -3 eare & on . eegon tee et $39 plus OCT . Rntunded i tyou de nor qoafifte w .StarCastScoutin9.cam C MARK'S S HIRING! "Dur People Taile After Our Clathes" Dur Burlington Mark's stores are currently recruiting for the following positions: part-Time Sales Associates If trouro Interostodl In a Carner that Works see the Store Manager with Voor ratsune today or visit us onlmne at www.markxs.com or fax ai (905) 690-8650 CUSTOMER RELATIONS $16.36/ hour Local Dîstrîbuter for Inrernational Manufacturer nec eepni in Burtîngren and Cakulille Hae epenînge in Customer Relations Depariment. Ne esperience requîred, Company aBfers: *Camplete Training -Paid Vacation *Rapld Adeancement - Benefits Ail applicants muet Ce neat in appeararce and reade te atari immediatele wîtC own transportation. 905-634-0000 1Oam-Bpm 1ý ctbli cf:pon Looking for a Fresh Start? Corne join aur Milton/OakvilIe gli Supercentre Team! Wo Mari: CanaaierIrgiriçIi escii/iqn,, Sra. r.p1e riî n il tf s5 and we rierea peO ta/aOis ,trd e- ethr rimpeti', ~pa araf blhIrý I I' ftiendiv aiirsprere 01 rs 0 .. aýse e f i f af ci Vut elriafc Fa/I Time, Port-T/me, OvernightAssociates, Cas hiers, and Teom Leads in a/i departments încludîng Bakery, Deli, Produce, & A4eot. . rV e rU(i i - Energetic Aottgement A ssociates for our Deli, Bokery ond Produce Departments t' jC AVG $2O1IR Sommer Stadeots Wanted!t inumeraten type cerk, In a team envîresrment $500 paid training incentive No expurseedled Training ciii be praaîded Scholarships availablett Fer as interviec cali 1 1-866-421-2727 Ballroorn D)ance C maies & S temnales needed immediateipi *Nu eeperîesce nec. Wîii train'. *Must cre persenabie Hailtn: 94)5-522-3237 Oxke itle <9905-81i5-3237 (Cati: M-F t2 flprn Lmw-oredvtairerua ar . dyt Friay Datm roc expaiidinrq e, I, Vi ar I Oakvlle Have openîng on Cutorner Relations Departmevt. No eperer ce requirea. Company otiersý Complete Training -Paid Vacation Rapid Adeancement -Benefts relaiearts ,musat e nit iwn tanpertatien rA, apntosrt nl net on tperan catin 905-634-0000 9am-5pm McTavish Travel WANTEO: EXPERIENCED CORPOIRATE TRAVEL AGENT We are growing and expanding! We currently need an eeperienced Corporate Travel Consultant te, jin our Oakeille team' International tares expertise ceuld ire an asset. We are an Amadeas agencp. -c--i1 Tr-e efiers excetlent career eppertu- nities tor sett-metivated indioiduats. Contact Rots McTavish at: 905-827-1100 ross@mctavish.com If r rivate new bar, pleasant cork conditions, 2-3 heurs ins the rorning. No herse handling, ns esp. reqeired. Well-paid. Fletired people welcome. FHIPER1 FRECEl VER Lots of lOvertimel FAX: Sln&SaHelp Red Lent Siudeni Pragram Needs tamîly in Milton ta hse studeats tram Spain ie Jaly An appurtuniti to win a Buee trip o France or Spain wlth a schoiarshlp ta hesi lamîily vie pay $620.Olt/mth for a lite rime experlence fo eu and yxur lamily. For more Information cali Irene at: 905-783-3888 Scîmmîng Pool Company lssking fon Swimming Pool Builders Same Experence un auset. Oppertunîty te grec cîith cempunp. Compeîrîee salarp Fao: 905-338-1689 Cal) 905-338-1887 IL Sln &Sa ep * Excellent atarting cage. Grocîng Saloni. P sitve,fun rkng place. Feble heurs l Aise lonkîng ter NAILTECHNICIAN "HAIRSTYLISTS Hair Stylist ffor bosy new (Childrens) Oakville hair salon needed tan Qakeilie F/T & P/T hauts. & Burlingtan Paîd Haurlp Dano +Bonus Incentîses, 905-731-6280 $300 signîng bonus, Email: careero@ Cali now melonhead.c 905-257-3990 or ernail abasanta@ - symparticl.i lm Tchncal Help. Techical Hep Experienced smaii engîne mechanîn requîred immedîateip. Please appip cîtr a nesame in persen: ADAMS RENT-ALL INC. 334 Guelphr Street Georgetown, ON Or Fas Io: 905-877-0159 Attention: Humar Resources Depantiment - 0MM-Ma I v.~ ~ -t; -~ P Need Help Finding Work?>.. - -s your FIRST STEP ta Find out what services are avaitlable ta, you ai NO To egster plaseonitactvpi at: Millon: (905) 693-0034 Oakvie a(905) 330 2190 Bartsna (905) 637-8900 Budds' BMW Client Loyalty Representative Castomer satisfaction is aur number ans geai, anS peur rele in the Client Lopi Centre wiii Ceip guarastee we are proeidîrg eaempiarp castomer service and sales escir anS eeery day. Prîmanîiy communication as user tire phare as il 5s a sales cati baseS / cali center type raie, anS as such peu must pessese excellent communication ski be attentive and abne te work wvii on peur valt Yur prîmarp rois ciii be cîthin the Sales Divsison et aur Client Loyeitp Centre. Automatise et cail centre esperience an assel. Pleaae ornai) resumne tao: boddsbmw@buddobmw.com