Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 May 2008, p. 29

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The Canadran Champion, Frrday May 09, 2008 - 29 F~iï~IITON Si41u lAi Oh M I~VEZ veiZ ~veEZ tommuni~y ~~1Newspap~ Have a "B" Corne and See Me" er Stock Transportat on ta Iookîng for rel able carîng part t me dr vers for routes n jfl MISSISSAUGA & OAKVILLE Free Traînîng for Quai ted Applîcants Heavy equipment Mechanic with Licence Licence are 7am - 4pm Saiany lobe Negot/a/nd * s s - aua~îan~tn e ADDITIONAL INCOME Type oLWodr Door-to-Door newspaper delîoery. Pot Milton - Taesdays and Fridayo Yo~Need Strong seree of commîrment and reoponsîbîiity. W~~~ofl~r Ao many roules as you car handie. Traînîrg yod on-goîrg commun/ca/ions and ouppont Tho Hunnîrnin Srei'nurcnr n uni nnnnnrvut'nvo m dia n'irqan'/a I I Media i.aroup LO/./.r a arge and dprnacoîc g/oc/pI ot companies including daily and community newspapers, magazines, directories. consumer shows and more The Hamitton Spectator has an opening for a National Advertisirq Coorduv i Reporting to the National Advnrtising Manager, this s a fou t/mo, temporary positIon for approoimately 1 year Tho main focus and rnsponsibiiity of the position s one of service to Mol/rn Market Retail customers. The responsibilitins oH the Coordinator noie includn. * Provido customor service to a liso of Multi Market Rotaîl clients and local store proprietors. * Liaison with corporate staff at Metroiand. the Sales Representatives, Production Deparoment, and the Nationaf Advertising Manager. * Assist Sales Representatives and production staff with ordering and processing of pnint and insert advertising. * Act for the National Coordinator or Sales Representative during times of overflow wotk or absence. The ideat candidate should have related advertising esperience, excellent organizational and communication skiils and proficient computer okifîs. Access to a vehicte s essential as travet s required. This s an excellent opportunity for an individuai to work n a diverse sales environment. PS/e thaok you foc your norereso bon only Ihose casdnda/en receunog an no/envnew wnf/ be contacted No phone cal/s or apyencnes, p/nase ADDITIONAL INCOME OPPORTUNITY Door-to-door nowupaper doiivery For Milton -Taesdays and Fridafe. Yod rend s/rang serse o/comm//ment oed teoporsib///ty. We af/or an mary testes as you car hardie Tîaîring & nn-golrg cemmunicat/one & support To explore, contact Jack Maiixi 416-962-6914 Halton Daîry Farmera are iookirg for a Pari-Time Dairy Educator ta conduct ochool prexentafiona about dairy farming. Mai t resume 10. Roland Egger 5269 Steef ex Ave W Mit ton Ontari o L9T2Y1 or e-maft te xwîaaroc@tirefiynet2cosr ~~dedimmediateIyU IForbooyGTAçourier.U ~ReIîabiecatardeocelIentEngfiohettert/OIj L2~5793726j ~33iI~eîp ~~mlMelp KOMEWORKERSNEEDED!I To Asoembie Ploduclo . S/ufnrg Ervo/opes. Mani O O O O nngîPîocesonrg Çntcuiaîs. Oniîre Compu/en Work -. - avan/abue Up To $1.SRO Wnek No Eopenîorce * s . NnndRd' FREE inn/n/ma/non aI osa Jobs-WorkCaroec/ ur cron Roferooce 3'tt3 HAKIM OHTICAL FASHION CONSUJANT! RECEPTIONIST/ SALES ASSOCIATE nnnund/rnLurgeOn/o/O//tnnai'rn r n d'a naindatnseî//rnaungnodcnnnnnnnni a/uns/rn//s orna la hon TrannI i/I On onucidod re/alerpen enCourrA Piease amp e/I Resu rrre te Lob/ses Centre-OnO Ma/rt 5r. Essi Attentron-Jett .- Heip warted for sma// laodscapîng company I onganîc farm r Campbe/lrii/e Enperîerce ho/p/ai bat good attitude more impon/ant varîery 0f dutios, fleoibie hoaro Muot be physîcaliy abie and have own tranoponlatior $1 5//hI 416-856-9774 orow@ekoiandxcaoing.com -r"" tocallîtajob! TERRA Greentrouses 0 Nnrth Amerîcas moot rrnonatîue retanl gardenr centre We Cane bai/t nor succeso w/t/n ra/errted perpîn and are a/ways inokino ro eenaod tee TERRA Team wîth the rîqht players' There's a fitforyou atTERRA! If you'd ike te werk wîth us but dent son the mb yeu're ieekrng for, send peur reoumeanyway We'rea/ouayogrouurng&ysemnghtbo the perfect fit for a faturrr pnsntnern '"" Dutlerin Aggregates Open House Wednesalay May 7th 900am 700pm O ii'//di/icni/n.'iir i' , rn/ni//p/n rn/ni.' eusrness Oeeeieprtretrr Managet/Anneunt Murtager/Bet/rrrgtetr & Ouker//el 0/. ni 5/ .. n i ni. /1.1 i i ietornsteri0 Rundstad Sutirngten i , i/r ' randstad JOIN OUR CARRIER CLUB Earn extra $$$$ We are Iooking for reliable, reoponeible Youths and Aduits For door ta door to deliveries PLEASE CALL 905-878-2341 Ext#244 PT Home HeIp Workers Needed n Milton ta provîde cleanîng for seniors and aduits wif h dîsabilîties. Musf have own transportation Cieanîng experience an asset. Send resume ta Seniors Coordrnatar Fax: 905-844-5656 Email: coarker@links2care.ca Lînks2Care i5ankr ail ayp/îcants, Soweeec on/y tRoue se/ected Ion an îrriervrew ennui Se coniacted - 1~~ f interested apply n wniting by May 16, 2008 to: 1?,. Kamllton Spectator Human Resourcex Department 44 Frid Street Hamifton. Ontarlo L8N 3G3 Fax: (905) 526-9211 emait: specjobo@theopec.com a Ousiress or/I nI /tc a mnmsnn O//rn Ho/n ni Onrup Wn arn (ors//uc/en agornoales S/I aenrccn Cnmnrn Production a /ra/n/ su//p ,nr 5/ Foreman Oîîn spncia//y S y r/r/en//uns ///// fi//g r/I//r 5//O//If Irai O ni//a/i//a Hua //n a/id Sa/e/f rois a//rn pn i//e' crus//rd s/r/n sanîd. ai o p i naines arr adhnrnO /0 'ni/o O/i sunnsnn îrn ard graun r O/// 5/S/ni 'i/un c/./'aa//u/i v/ma/psu/n nOu///OSr.'/ roc//n a/v/s/nos Or//n//r an/O pro//c//f drue/O//mn//I. w//île n/air/a/ring prosuci ru C rnc/'în ara Or/Inn n s indu//s an r rîdI/nînO opnna/nrg cas/s Sou Paon a Cnî/s/nu/ //r// as we I as dînir/ra î// un a//p/r//na/n dîscîyîînnn lînudrsi rn a/i /00 opro markn/ npu/ua/nr/ cmesîru/rrr 0/ //rsI sncrrdaîy educa/îrn ana uc//O/rd 00//r nepnnrnrcn 505/ (00//O/rn pnr/ncîn/îce is cor/rima e//r iro /înnî/rî/î/y /0 con/r no/a/nng s/'.n0s s//rrg crmourncaînor s/r/lis 50/0 unîbal ara wnnoer ard sourd lochrîcal krou/ndgn of aganega/es cors/n/n on crrs/nvc/nor producîs ana o/as//ces r ondnn /0 ayp e. p/nase ais/i oun wnbsn/n www.sttawrencocement.com We nana a/i a//O//canIn non Ire/n n/ennuI OuI un/y nnnne nandîdannnueiec/ed Ion an ,n/ens/ne ci/i Oncun/acîrd ARE YOU A STAY AT HOME PARENT? RETIRED WITH TOO MUCH TIME ON VOUR HANDS? REQUIRE EXTRA SPENDING MONEY? Stock Transportation 2741 Plymouth Dr. Oakville <905) 829-2040 X226 1-877-357-8625 S I O( k www.stocktransportatiofl.Com BURLINCTON! WHAT WOULD YOU DO WITH AN EXTRA $800 EACH MONTH? Get plenty of exercise with early morning door-to-door delivery of The Hamilton Spectator and the Toronto Star! Prof/S PoSent/ais may vary, dependîng on the size of OSe route. Maso have retiabte vehicie 7 Daps a week. For complote detaits on the route neareot you, please cait 905-526-3377 or smmply f111 out the online application form et www.thespec.com and a Hamilton Spectator representative wuIl contact you. Independent Distributors for early mornîng home delînery of THE TORONTO STAR A permanent 7 Day route o becomîng ana/lubie r Oakvîlle. Reliabte candidates with own vehicte should contact the District manager: SAEED AHMED 8:30am - 3:00pm (Mon-Thu) 1-888-748-4388 Ext: 6804 sahmed@m-O.cOm

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