Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 May 2008, p. 28

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LJO ders 10-l ders eders eders CareZr 1 aer M Request for Tender #23156 Hydro O)ne Nerworks Inc. invites qualfftcc coipanies ris soumit a Tender for grass cutting andi lawn maintenance services in arcas speeiftc to and surrconding the GT \ (Grcrstcr Toerontot \rca) in the province oaf O)ntarioa, C-anada, for a perierd tof up to 3 vears, ail in acceerdance with I-Ivdro ()ne's Rcqucst for Tendeir (RUT). lntercsred parties can c-maxii reguestinformationCà hydroone.com fier rte RUT". The subjeer heading of your e-mail musr reaci "RFT #23156 - Grass Cutting and Lawn Maintenance Services." Prîsside your complete courrier mailing addrcss, contact name, tcicphîînc number and e-mail address, and the RIT will Uc e mai1citro vou. Interested parties are tes requcar tender package no later than Fridav, May 16, 2008 ar 4:001 p.m. Tender closses Tuesday, May 20, 2008 art 4:00:00 p.m. Eastern Time. hydroý- one [af rerTminng M rerTainng E rer rinng OTrack is a 1 O-week programn offered free ocharge. It wiII help you gain the skills you need to find and keep a job! ln addition you wili receive: " Two High School Credits " Computer Training " WHMIS Certif ication Open ta residents of Halton Take Advantage of this Opportunity! ! For further information contact Margaret Springle at 1-866-442-5866, ext. 4626 or margaret.springle@halton.ca Assistance with ch/idcare and transportation may be available. INTERESTED in the Trades? Attend a FREE information session on APPRENTICESHIPS IN ONTARIO Thursday May 15, 2008 at 6pm To register cati the YMCA in Burlington@905-681-1 140:. Funded by the Government of Ontario Findîsg agsral jsh Ca s e aso. Just otpen Tîùü Y s lI'ssjfil set i s ail it tooek. Phirnc 90 or25 5 emiail classifià Ci àmiltoncanadianchatnipion.corn Rave yos herd lte news? COasutfied nov has ernail clasaitedo Execatmne Personal Assistant required Iruestmnt ri esquires full lime Eueculur 'iiauAs siant o '0 arco rloq5 corer les experîlse te sors for lourder from home office on Campbeller le Salasse ofS36.000 to $72ý 000 plus Sers based or quaifitiosse Send resumne t0: ger5qe@factrutîtcont Entrepreneurs HOT BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Fastes! growsng îndostry un Norths Amerîca www. inf inftyplussurces .com Serieus only 1-888-682-3969 Work- wfth a purpose Senior Relationship Manager, Agnibusiness [)ii yîu aîederstaîd agrsbssitscss and the agri-foisd indusery? ('an pieu start relai sistisns. butild rhecnu trin somneshing ressarding while groiiwsg a sigiFicaes agribisiness psirifsilii Des cou sec irppiintinities foîr both filarture and emcrgirg ià trkets: 'loil sisc yeue nerw'irks and lending esperience tus wsîrk wîîh cutiiners wis freuit coitiples local and internaional businesses in the (,reater fuurnou Arei. lotis poesition is locaîed ix Oakviffe -ifs ail escitiirg iupfuurtsriiy iii break new gnîîsînd andi espand onr rcfatiinsbips wstft apnibussness entrepreneuirs. You hase ai Irast sixs vears of conmmercial fendiiig espereusa and a business degrree We'ff ceinsider an equss'aleîuî cenibiiuaîtion utf efucaiuu andc scounmercialf lenisng sofuenietce. File inuebr 032-if8/019 Customer Service Representative 'tIf frefp our sa/es iearm nstnser lutins t'or csiommercial and agniiueuuu bitutsssrs sn us rus isu wtfs votr aitaatng skiffs ai beuildinîg taus itit aisiir usl it re tsish/ips. fUsc sont eue fuir detaîf to preparc ls'nditp and fnri adrteiutiratuti doucumtenittion. fil's a fatacs i cîrsi rîritecueit it rs sur rush ffuu ssiisr rrgaintirissual anud peouple si/s. fil-suri inake tutli easkîng Iluok eau', r/eus us yui rippouniu 5/> uie av a iptuotia ut utffisce adnist sss t ion as fes esair s sw uaf o re/stes espet j etece. Kuusos edgc su vuarisons Lsunpuiser sseses, srtware crususfr/ctc t f ti rustuttranitui of t gri ucuflite. AosidurSO rin cieitisiciitî utintio out sf esfýtissit snid exfcleiccc Fit/e ttuitiibsr We l ove Canadian agriculture \gî iurc irs s i f us r itces , l'lit tus stîfl tr i ris/snd tiisgs ti/rîit Curir - lif.c ciscasusi :rxssurr/iassperieiiuet for cy cusititct anducf ers' fC O /c'f1s pruc c ausi.grshsusiucscs succds \\'usfic h clauisnt antc1 itinýitf sci5 fus te/cl sucr to iuuîtiltrc stsi. aiustu Antid, fuur u/ ulo it an atteuttg' pit' l wik il à5ý al'eti i t sssirC e ltir ucistines of aiututre a ftfc51su suris, senti yur resuirse, safars esîre sasiruss test file iissuiber b ' Mas t v 3 2008ii eus futin Resurtces, tuetu Orec/t C attesta f1)1 Brrx 4320, 1800ii f-taseiiis Stret, Regina, SK, S4ft if13. Fan 30ii/r 550 otiSil urs s-iar ir tA cfcc Get dexails on ail the new oppontrixies art www.fcc.ca and click on Careers. li/ t/titeu îsecisdit a erissu uuut's'a sur//au be act'îd. Vo, g,1Jtiis p/ars. Weu' i owmitte'u tir etsp1omt settt i/t IJ' eux/s, stsui'tt/ui e/sa sVuisass'sgrup, phuîee iuuniee /etting 113 ksîeus Farm Credit Canada Adsanciu'g the buiîts of agriculture lit Your Comm unity Newspaper in print + l workbpol NS 1i Recruitment Sit Cali 905-8 74¶-2341 (itîttul Make a living Making a difference 4CE In the non-profit sector ACCES Empîcyment Sereîces is a leader in lînkinq qualified personnel with employers. EacA year, thossands of joS seekers are seroed a!t 0cr 5 locations across fire GTA. We specialize in connectîng rrew Canadias to therr field of expertise. We haee a wîde range of oppertunities for people who thriee in a flexible and innooatiee ensîrosment. ACCES offers an excellent benefîts package, a RRSP mafching program, an Emptoyex Assistance Program /EAP) and competîtîse salaries. We invite yau ta attend our OPEN HOUSE ta meet with aur management team and tearn more about ACCES and the benef its oi working in the non-profit nectar: Dater Saturday May 10, 2008 Timer 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Location: 151 City Centre Drive, Suite 700, Mississauga Dater Wednesday May 14, 2008 Timer 5:00 p.m - 7:00 p.m. Location: 489 Cattege Street, Suite 100,Toronto Please vsit www.accestrain.com for more information.

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