Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 May 2008, p. 21

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The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 9, 2008 - A21 Barrie Colts pleased to corral Sgarbossa in 3rd round 'Canes centre lasted that long By Steve LeBlanc CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF An absolutc stcal. Thatis bow Scott 'Mecc clescribcd Michael Sgarbossa's tbird-round acquisition in Saturday's OHL Pnioriy Selection. Wbîlc being draftcd 54th overaîl - tu the Barrie Colts - was bardly a disappointmcnt, the minor midgct Humecanes bead coach had bankcd on bis offensive cornerstone bcing taken signîfîcantly higber. "My reports werc ihat Michael sbould go [rom l9th lu 30tb overaîl. 1 was surpniscd he lastcd as long as be did," said Melcc. Sharing those sentinments was Colts general manager Gregg Camrgan, wbo'd cxprcsscd interesi in Sgarbossa throughout the 2007/08 scason but cxpccted him îu be gone 'V/e figurcd we'd bave iu siep up ti the second rouînd if we wantcd binii, but the guy wc took second plays a different role," notcd Carnigan, wbomn Milions ~~ lungîîmc junior hockey fans will remember as the arcbîtect of the Merchants' championsbip success dur- ing the laie '90s. "V/e wcrc pleasantly surpniscd to gel bim wbcn wc dîd. Hes a charactet player who really impresscd Michael us in bis interview' Sgarbossa Dcspîic missing six wccks carly in the scason wîth a bru- ken wnisi and then baving to wcar a proîclive brace for anoîher month or su, upon bis returu, tbe 15-ycar old centre led the Hurricanes wiîh 53 goals and 51 assisis in 61 games. As if brcaking the 100-point plateau wasn't impressîve enougb, the assistant captain - and only Milton-arca player taken in this ycar's draft - provcd bimsclf to be a big-gamc performer. Strong national debut for young blackbelt Wîsiewski takes bronze in sparing in Cal gary Daniel Wisniewski cerîainly didn'î îake a 'just-happy-îo-be-bcrc' approacb to bis receni national debut in Calgary. As JSC T a ck won -D o Club's firsi repre- scniaiivc ai the tanadian junior Cbaminîo n s lip , tic 12-y'ear old Miliontan shossed sirongly aînong the preteen divi- sion in boîb poom- Daniel sac (lorms) and Wisniewski sparring. Efforts in tbe latter eveni eamcd tbe young blackhelî is fîrsi national inedal, wutb a iwo-maîcb spliî giving bîm tbe bronze ainong a higbly-com- peitive field of seven combatanis. Wh'ilc noî quite accusîoîned lu adminîsîering or absurbing bead sboîs - an aiea be badut rcally focused ori hefore - V/îsnîcwskî kickcd îbings off wîîb a raîber decisîve îbrce-round v'ic- tory uver a B.C. opponieni. 1i dîd pretiy wcll, He didn'î score an> points in the last round,' recalled tbe JSC student, wbo's been studying îaekwon-do for about five ycars now. From ihere the local youib was upsîaged in a bard-fougbt match wiîb a fcllow Otio competiio. Making the trip oui wcsî, club stu- dent/assistant insîructor Carrie Caîci said she was îboroîîghly pleased witb V/isnicwski's performance - especialîy gîven the circumsiances. '1 was going lu be Daniel's coach, but whcn wc got ihere thcy wanted an insane insîructors [c, su anoîher Ontario master touk hîîn un and 1 ended up watching [romn the stands," said Caier, who heads tu B.C. later ibis înontb for the national tcam trials whîcb bolds a bcrthi lu international competîtion tbis summner. "He was a lit- dle atraid ai firsi but did rcally greai. 1lec showcd a lot of poise and .onicenitra- tion.- i busc atîributes nu doubi scrvcd bii ssell during pooumsac competitiun, wbere despite no iniedaling tbe Guaidian Angels scventb grader dcliv- crcd one of bis besi ever efforts arnung <FOR LIFE C a nadLi Canceî S c)citt, v w 1~ o w o E Teamrs sought for softball tourney Tcams arc still being accepîed for the tird annual Aidan TcagucfMac Kids Chaiy Sofîhaîl Classic, bcld ai local , diamonds [rom May 30 îu June 1. The toumament will include buîb cu-cd and mens ieams - as well as a hoinerun challenge and sîlent auctun - and procecds will go lu the ueo-natal intensive care unit ai McMasicr Children's Hospital in Hamnilton.j tion, e-mail tceger@sympaiico.ca or ý a group of nearly two dozen. "His technique and tuiing hciween moves has really improvcd, and y'nu could sec thai out there," said Cater. Addcd Wisnicwskî, 1I was happy with how 1 did." \Vhile organîzers made a laie deci- sion to pull bis age group - believing il t lie a liiilc too young for national coinpictition - clloss' ]SC incinher A\ustini fdison also macle the trip to Calgary as a learniug cxp)cncnccý t ike \Visticwski, thc ntue-ycar-uld miedalcd iin boib poumsac andl sparing ai ibis spi ing's proincal chamupi- onushipsý POUR LAVIE ',o< jete (anadienne du canî(er Teamn RaIIy May l3th 6:30 pmi - 8:00 pmi Upstairs at Loblaw SuperStore Learn more about Relay and sign up your team! www.cancer.ca/relay eEA O F JIl e3h-1t 905-332-0060 gaules ai ibis spiings 01-1 Cul) V/c finisbed the season haviiîg playcd 14 gaines in 16 days, and for Michael to have produccd like tbaî ai the end of sucb a bectic mun is a real testament îu bis compciive- ness," Melcc said. "I-es a winncr and showed up in evcry big game for us. Along wîîb bis big numbers, hes very dcdicaîed îu bis defensîve responsibiliries. He'lI ibrive under (Barrie bcad coacb) Marty Williamson." Added Carnigan, -1 saw bim in the OMHAs and OHL Crip and be really plnyed well in those big games. Along wîîb being a skillcd offenisive player and always seeming îu know wbcre bis teammaies are oui ibere, hes jusi a greai competi- ior." Barrie's GM was nu doubi cncouraged by bis îbird-ruund pick's irack record of îcam success. Along wiih leadîng ibis pasi seasons Hurricanes to a remarkablc 57-11-7 record, Sgarbossa now bas six OMIA medals under bis bell, includ- îng the bronze secured in March. "Wbhenever you've gui iwo guys wbo arc close in skill, you always wanî the une wbo knows how îo win," remarkcd Carrigan. One of six Hurricanes drafîed Saturday, the five-foot-lO'- inch, I 60-pound lorward sccmed quite pleased lu be îaken by tbe Colts. "'in prcîiy bappy, Thcy're (Colis) a good yuung îeam," be saîd. Wîîb mosi of Barries forwards due back nexi season, Sgarbossa will be bard-pressed to crack tbe lîneup rigbî away - alîhougb Can-igan lîkes bis confidence and feels be could be une of the wildcards ai ibis f als camp. 1 can sec bim rcally challeriging some guys." CROSSWý NDS GOLF & CO*UNTRY CLUB 2008 Rates - Weekdays (Mon. to Thurs.) $68 - Weekends (Fn. Sat. Sun.) $78 * Earlybird (Mon. [o Fri. before 8:30 arn) $50 - Twilight (Everyday after 3:00 pin) $50 Ai caris include GPS Ail raies include taxes -18-hole Championship *Driving Range and Practice Facility 1h- 0 *Licensed Lounge and Bar, D ,R Golf Tournaments * eddings and Receptions *Private & Corporate Functio"' 6621 Guelph Line, Burlington j usi souih of Derry Rd) www.crosswindsgolf.comn s* [ Tel: 905-319-5991QW 1

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