AlO0 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 9, 2008 Shipley to be assessed - from MAN on page Ai The IP address was traced to Shipley andc Halton Regiotial Police ilien tooký ovei the lives- tigation. The day Slîipley was art ested, Febntary 11, piolice raîcled his Collis (Court home -- wbich he slîared witlî lus wife -and seizecl bis lîard dnive. justice Richard LeDressay beard tîtat Sltiîley's cconputer coîîîaiîed 815 su11l photos of chîld poriiographly and 97 1 extrerrnely grapliic video files. Sbipley was one of 22 people arrestecl acioss Ontar io tii wliat was callecl tle largest co-ordî- tiatecl clîîld pot îîcgîaphy criack- clowi iii tbe provinices liîstoryý Sbipley a liefty itian wîîlî a ItîlI uiikeiîpî leaîcl, sai lîcîiclied over iii the insoners' box as ilie lacis ivete read. Fie was lîaîîccuffed iii front. Hîs lawyer, Keti Iackiier, will lie seîîciîîg Sbipley -wlîo lias nio prior cruiiriial record -for a oiîe-day assessrneiit at Toroiito's (tîre for Addiction aîîc Mental lcaltbi, court heatd. Althougbi (oodnian didn't say wbiat sentence he' cI seek- ing, bc told the court lie'd he asking for jail tinie over and above the approxiiîiaiely three nionths Sbipley lias already spent ni custody silice lus anrest. [lie case wdl go to Tuesday, J une 17 for seiitetcting in Oakville. Stcpîtani te oinscll cdli bc' icacltcc ailitsctnttîi n Handgun stolen from residence "The business that considers itself immune to the necessity for advertising sooner or later finds ilseif immune to business, Derby Brown fIalîcîn Regiîial Poitce are investigattiig tlîe ihlf t a bandc- guit frîîîî a iestceiice Stimitiiî beuicn 30 andc 9:30 niii M,îmcli 23, uiilrfoîîui scuspects eiitcrecl aî boutte io Detmplsey Crescemît ilirîuîgli a bîasculenit asiili.,ncd fîiiccc topeni a liîoccld gumi cabinietî Stîileii fri tt Ille blîtte vu e a pellet guti tht ce irifles, aiiîiii ttin andic a Cotlt .4 -caliliie STOURBERS lîý,clsat d oi the borîne, n1ts lias c intc r icptec t le t 1)ics'Cs Menu Request Line 1-800-786-6113 To order online please visit OFF YOUR [bere was noi stgîi of forced entrx itito tbe bornie. liii 111'ilvge (1 i liini liien ut d su I o u n i1rý Iliî Soilîi s of I foltoîltîlot sitii'l ulic Io i (ilt îfispliîî. (itîll 1-800 222 I IPS SMOKING wiîàtsthe, Someday. you'1 be offered a cigarette or be tempfed 10 smoke. Refuie yoo start, think about il: every drag yoo lake screws op your body. Smoking eut cause permanent damage to pour body. Once a persan slarls, it becemes eolremnelp 100gh la quit. And did we mention ail Ihat cash pool) te blowiîg in the piocess? Sa. bif teempted to start ask yourseilt "WhaI's the point?" Tis message C harroil eppmqqr ý