AIS - The Canladian Champion, Tuesday, May 6, 2008 Itfs ail up to you is biard for us to unider- stand wb'5 sunie drivers and passer gers sîdll refuse to use ibeir scaîbelis espccially wheni its s 55 obviotis they save lires. But the siatîsties show there are stîme of us Woho just don't huckle up. Tbe annual provincial seathelt campaign, operat- cd hy police services across Ontario from Aprîl 16 to 27, revealed bot good news and had news. The OPP sîopped more thon i .24 million vehicles during this spring's cam- paîgo and laid 10,753 charges agaînst drivers, 4,481 charges againsi pas- sengers antI charged 274 dnivers for nos hax'îîg a prtîpcrly înstalled chilcl restraînt. Four petople wbo wcrcn 't wearing thecir seat- belts werc kîllcd on rîacls paîrolled hy the C)PP dur- ing the caînpaîgn. On the positive sicle, 92 per centi ol O.~ntario driver s werc founci to have bcun tîsing their scatbelîs. So far i 2008, 27 peo- ple who chose nol to Wear seathelts died ou OPP- patrolled roads -a 28.9 per cent decrease over the saine lime last year when 38 people were killcd. In Halton the goocI news is that 95 per cent of miotorists were buckled up -- slighîtly higher than the provincial average. A total of 23,900 vehicles were observed anti 1,350 people were found not to have heen Ing îlîcr scaîhlîcts. Seatbelts saxe bv\cs. Ibai is un) lunger opent lui debale. The stsui- aIl drixv- ers andI îasseivgers i-calize tItis, the betier. 555 tndtntral Dr. Milton, Ont. L9T 5E1 905-878-2341 Editonial Faxý 905-878-4943 Advertivunq Fax. 905-876-2364 t2tassified:905 875-3300 Circulationý 905-878-5947 vNww.rndltoncanaclianehamnpion, coint Publisher LJeil Oliveî General Manager Dwdiri llarVpy Editor in Chief 111i Davis Managing Editor KaienrMicei Advertising Director 'VI,s Vi MCiI ,11 Production Manager Circulation Manager Office Manager Readers',,- E-mail youi letters ton-isltonc @hafton.seýarcýcm. Group's behind-the-scenes work Great support truly valuable to Halton agencies for coaching clinic DEAR EDITOR: Receiitly i was reporîed that Community Developmeiii Halton would no longer he fuuded hy the Uniîted Way of Qakoîille. Otî- community depends on the aclîvîties of vîtlunîary agei- cies - tlicy contnibute gieally lt tsu qtiality ol flfe anid cii nosnic bealîli- and tis sitcua- tiocn excnipiiîes the utiisaile futiiilig rcaliîies thai Challenîge îthei not-fr-prssfhî secîtîr i liadtlhe prixilege ofsittîiiig su lic acixissiiv ctiiiiiiiiec oii Ciiiiiiti Desclispiiicit HaItîcsîîs i-CI cii tLtids'. 'Pusitg iie 1Iiîiis Chialleniges cil tlaltoi s NssîîPrîftîh anci 'Viltilar Secticr Laou Forttii tce. Thîe sicidv rex cals social ageîî cies are a dedicaîed, skîlled aîtd vital cttiiltctieit toI nol inly our local communîties. but alsts of our loical econorny The sec- tor conîrîhutes about $240 mnil- lion annually 10 Haltons ccin- omy Alarmingly, howevcr, the study also shed lîgbî on a seclor pusbed lu the limnits and lire- cariously balanccd hcîwcî sustainability aivd disaster. It identifies critit aI chiallenges tai ing tise secissii i t's tolis Si inte lu picixidt lis sri ibai nui icî peoiple n1 ou cin- oIuiiit. The sIvusi importaint is siaisle anid atlcquaie tunishiig. I icrî lis tin tise nom- p ilii soscialSe LCtor aiit ii st ils ci îîîcvl Challenges, sWC uceci ( iiuityii Dcx loiciu ii IlaIton's rescaich ansi tIcselisîs rnent aclivilies. -Flic research and infosrma- ltmon they'îe able tcs provide isi> organizatiui - the C entre for Skilîs Develcilmenl and Trainiîng - bas prîsten lto It invaluable t the design and iinpleitctationi ofi iscr ciplty- tuent ancl training prisgiaiis. Aucd tbcîî assistanîce witiî îccruîîîîîg and traîiing xîiliî Icers bas lîccit its siiable iii iclpsîsg Lis cxpanditc , sh cpacixy osf iiur pi ugraits 'l'lie ssiirk iii Coisîîsîciti I l (,Iliiiitittiii-, issu , lis c suiato liii lt'lîîisin c,5r sin iii so, iiiis clteiieiice sîvrîsugli lcîîsdîîîg CtiiS ll uîîdcîiin thîîe e caltaciiy ofis îî s îsiiisteei scli5i KATHY MILLS, CAO CENTRE FOR SKILLS DEVELOPMENT AND TRAINING Too many owners are flot picking up after dogs DEAR EDITOR: Tbeîe are so îîîaîy dîtg vaîkers, xvhîcl ix great, but the probcîti is ihat sonme people are îct pîckîing tilt afîer iheir dttg uor clcgs. Vs Iien I goî otl Icr a \valk. hîke ride ssr îc take i clvgs fii a xxaIE, i alwxax's secîi ii -sec clîîg îîîîvp artîtîîd. hi lottks terrible, siîclls. rcîîîeî nîîd wbeîî vit sîep iii il, ils sîîsîîaclîîumîng. We boxe înied for years t lix tbis problem, but to no avaîl. We need to start a lobby group. We tan make tsur cinniîy awaîe ofi the prcîblein, gel fivers ot 10, the schcsols, oîffîces aîîd any-wbeie iiai con belp and gel the laws fotr ibis prohleîîî cîforccd. l'mn a concemred citizenî, but l'iin nol a perscîî who could start ttr leacl îlîs grvîup. Il voi oîr anx'cnc o u iuay knisxs wssclc be îîîîcresîed vii startiig thîs lotbby gi tciî, ibis would be great. I would be more than happy lte belp oii tItis tîsît. RICK RUSSELL COMMERCIAL STREET DEAR EDITOR: On April 19 and 20, the Coachev Association of Ontario (CAO) and the Town of Milton îeomed up te, provide the National Coaching Certification Program Introdutiton io Conîpetitiont Multi-Sport Part A ai no cool 10 12 young coaches and thrce noi-so-young coachies in our commnunily as pari of C oaches Weck 2008. Vsiib more teenagers lookiîîg lto cs.acbvng spuorts as a wav oh gaîning their ctiimunity sci-sic e stîluntees credit, tbis course pruvided he îiar- tichpants wa îh surnc useful tîsols tbai ibey tan tise iin tieu journex towai c life-long partipatinin sports 1 wtîîld lkec to thank the ftsllîs'a îng people who helped to niake ihis eveni the success i 'sas, includhng j eremy Cross and Jenna Falls of' the CAO, Jennifer Reynolds, Jeîy Anderson, Patrick D'Almada, Lisa BrowýÀn, Janis Young, Mike Bigelli and the wonderful staff at the Milton Leisure Centre, Milton Sports Centre and Milton Seniors' Attivity Centre. I'd also like to thank the Champion for helphng to promote this event, John Challinor for the encourage- ment and direction he gave me in helping to get this project rolling and 10 Solly, Matt and Erin for their love and support. MIKE MILLER, ONTARIO LEARNING FACILITATOR l1 The Canadian Champion, published eveiy Tuesday and Friday, iv a division of Metîolaod Media Groap td. Group Publîsher ian Oliver ategoriv advertiifis Dii dein CCAB Audîled Oi e.Ls5 papvti Asiato CC-NA N s[ap' S iibiwrbs SK*< o UNITED WAY I OF MIL.TON nV AUCnION Shýowcase iiti ~ î -1_ __ AA,.'- --- Z ~ j BD MILTON SA NTA PARADE JII)LII(ý Bell Fýind