The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, May 6, 2008 - A3 Despite some initial glitches, GreenCart workung: By Melanie Hennessey sion rate could actually go up or CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF down, depending on residents' participation levels. While there've been some While many rural residents difficulties over the past few previously said they wouldn't bce weeks with Haltons new usîng the GreenCart ao they garbage collection program, the already compost on their own Region reports that ifs flot ail properties, Rivers said there are bad news - its waste diversion actually lots of citizens taking rate lias increased by more than part in the program in the rural 20 per cent so far. area. At its meeting Wednesday, A representative [rom Miller the Region's planning and pub- Waste Systems, the Regions lic works committee learned garbage contractor, also attested that in the first three weeks of to, the higli participation rates. the new program, the amount of Miller saw a 77 per cent garbage diverted from the land- increase in the volume of Blue fili lias risen from 43 per cent to Box/GreenCart materials put 64 per cent. This figure goes out last month compared to above and beyond the Regions April 2007, said Miller senior target to have a 60 per cent vice president Blair McArthur. diversion rate resulting from the There've also been other sub- new GreenCart program, week- stantial increases, including a ly Blue Box collection and hi- 257 per cent jump in the weekly garbage pick-up. Halton Director of Waste Management Robi Rivers acknowledged that residents have been frustrated with the delays in garbage collection. "But at the same time, this is small pain for a large gain," lie noted. "The way the general public lias participated is plie- nomenal." Rivers explained as the pro- gram moves forward, the diver- amount of yard waste collected (due largely to the nice weather in April) and a 30 per cent increase in the overaîl amount of waste being put out by Halton residents. The latter î.s partly attriliuted to, population growth. McArthur went on to detail what Miller lias done toi rectify the collection delays that've been experienced since the new program started early last month. Region The measures include adding trucks to its fleet, bninging in more supervisors, holding weekly job fairs, hiring 15 new drivers last week, bninging in drivers [rom other locations and using sub-contractors. The cost of the additional resources will be alisorbed by Miller as the Region pays for waste collection on a per tonne liasis. McArthur said Miller recog- nizes it still lias to do more to improve service, so this week its adding a furtlier nine recy- cling/GreenCart collection velu- dles and btinging on an addi- tional temporary route supervi- sor and two summer employees, among other things. "Our commitment to thîs contract lias not wavered," lie said. "We understand the seri- ousness of this matter and are committed to resolving it and restoring your (regional coun- cil), staffs and the resîdents' faiBli in our company He noted that Miller expects toi bave the matter resolved within two weeks. For more information visit Melanie Hennessey can be reached at mhennessey@lmilIton- With customized mortgage solutions, Cash Back and great rates, it makes sense ta transfer ta a CIBC Mortgage today. 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