Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 6 May 2008, p. 16

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A16 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, May 6, 2008 c DRPZ., dm*tedmUNd SPORTS EDITOR: STEVE LeBLANC e-mail sleblanc@haltonaearch.com Power tumbler rises to the occasion Heffoïd pulls off back-to-back golcl-înedcil peifoiînances By Steve LeBlanc CANJAD1AN CHAMPION aFU/\-F PHOTO COURTESY OF ACTIONPIX CA LEAP 0F FAITH: Meghan Hefford campetes at the provincial champi- oshîps in Toronto. ( aIl tl lier t icat i lt i l . i'll iegla io Iclîu tIt qîr ti (lin cinia f liin îant iiijo tttiet tiist wceluens flie last ititiii ig ning x ilti Fllte (Canatda ii KamlotoipslIC. - ibeîc she turid e atk ail titil- lengers ii te i 3 tii i7 Yotttt Vitimen tiîvisin wîib a igbi -elleirg îecbnicallx rictiiient sbttxiîîg ibat put ber a ttîmittnabie 5.8 ptoints abead tif tbe ruinner-up. [bhais attualis a lot forthiis sport," said tbe Bisbitp Retlîng Sectindary Scbiutl lOîb gracier, wbtî descrîbes power tunîbling as gym- nasts flotir rotutine wiîbouî tbe nailai illcc andl stîîî liii iaÏ-t tt~\tlîît I lle \l,,lt'lctait\sc tttlilitt itli plit t't cthîii itît o 38 tiiitii us ai tsit ail s Vs trît *\ge (,loup ('s \î It îaîîpttisi i Qtîthet Ctv Is isstng tue fils hs ilsi a ititi of a pint.i be aissa\s bat tbe ptetîai andti iis was jusi bei breakîtut tile. A inttel of clnsitints otît siest, I lelitîrd bested tbe tenipetitittî in ail ftiut roîunds anti saved ber besi for lasi, witb 29.90 anti 3i-peint effots in tbe finals ti cernent ber place atîp tbe podium. Building on îbaî vitotry tbe foi- ial loit, le 'cilit ( ollcge- Alit t îtt Icr iith liit tiali s tilts tll x tîtllt' liii ttIc li a ii lit lle tcio sel ai nt pcrsonl iecorit e! 123 tiifl titte apain se ti the gii le hai bati llgeiber tilliei tii scattli -Nt t'scttiti' and speeti \x erc ahtas guttîc as t'sv se veî been., ati 1 eauy stoctk tbat lasi iantling i tht finai, she saiti. "I was tiefitîte ly mx beti met. iieiftîrd wiii now ltoek te keep ber miomcnttmiii going ai next mninh's national cbamponships îu Calgary, aiîbougb like always - shes nul seîting any specîfic goals Itîr herseif. "ilm just going to keep wîirking biaid and go in and do my best. Reding duo in tough at OFSÀAA Ob, so close. scvcnîb straigbî OFSAA bertb in as many years and pro- Hopes of ending tbe O1-SAA badminton cbampi- x'ded a fitiing swan seing for bead coacb jodic Rîdeout. îînsbîps on a winning nte fell bcaribreakingly sbhort [tor -TI ey (Harîwick anti Tut) inîproved continuousiy ai Bîsbîîp Redings Brooke l-lartick and Fiona lui seascîn and wcre able to get to OFSA-A and play in Frnday trne awcsome matcb-ups,' saîd Ridcouî, Neck aitu neck îbrîîugbîîî tieir 'C' liglit wbtt'll be iaking tiser as bead of pbys-cd ai clasb xvîtb minrca Kîtîkars and Emima Farago Georgeiiiwns Cbrist tbe King in tbe [all 'To go tif Algîîmas Mîcbîpttn Hligb -Scbiîl, BRs tii OFSAA une lasi lime and be able to sbarc îî ladies doutbles icani ter etcn iituaiiv cdge in wusitb îwîî gîcat kicis lîke Brtîske anti Fumna w'as sîraîgbî 22-20 sets at Si. Catbarines' Broui t<errîiti. University A raîber uni aviturable draw ni tbe fîîsî round 'We werc even rîgbî up uniil tbe end,- saiti saw tbe BR duot face tird sccd Rence Yip anti Harîwick, wbo rcacbcd C)FSAA iii ber fiuai year Jessîca aît tif Markbarns Pierre Ellitt Trudeau Higb at Rcding wîîb a secotnd-place finish ai GHA icol h knîîckcd tbcm tiff 21-8, 21 -10. laie lasi mînîb. "fIl was pîretiy tltsappiting iii ' Saitl Hariwitk, "Tbaî 'vas a îîîugb dîaw, ail rîgbt. come ibai close and nt gcî a win at OFSA-A 1Its a bt we werc bappy' wîîb bow wc dîd againsi ibem." wboic dîffercît le-ci tif cotiicition, but wc xvcn'i Frtim tbcîc, Rctings latesi OFSAA qualifiers îîf[ered quîîc ai our besi. fItîwcvcr, îî was a gîttîc expenenice, a suiffer challenge iii 'B' figbît plax îo sîsiers Yumna anti cspcciallv for Fiona xvbtil bc back nexi ycar." Nîda Abmcd tif hosi A.N. Myer Settitdary Scbrîtl tif Jusi rcacbing ilie badminîton proviîncials was an Niagara [ails - tttmtng up tithie shorît endi tifa 21-19, impressive feat ftir tbe pariners, wbtî gave Rcding uts 21-f5 ticcisiin. - Wir1 mme Éi u 1[.Uk mliIw! ý t[Clairke's Golf ww.clarkesgolf.com Mon - Fri10am - 6pmn, Sat 9am - 4pmn, Sun - Closed Golf Bag B BOY SELECTEDI LADIES Forla 3 Wheel Cart Skorts & Skirts I Tax ncluded '25 OFF 500IoOFF y -~ 905-878-8877J N~ 1 Demo Day a Thurs. May 22nd 3pm-lpm at Up To Par Driving Range 18 Tbompson Bd, Unit 7&14 (M40là & Thompson) Mllten 905 ce ýinf- OWOMW FOOTJOY

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