Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 2 May 2008, p. 6

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A6 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 2, 2008 QP!N.TflN Get on board with rail safety A5 hîrn, s 'cbtîrba dccl ssitb msessages îîîîeiticl lii hielp leep us sali'. Alsvays svear a hielmet ssbei i idîcîîg a bicsycle. Doi îalk 10 strailgers. Look hîîb ssass betore crossiîg tbu stilel Neyer gise otit pc soiral inforionîi oser ltite lîînii i someonie yoti dot knoll As adulis, sve soînetinies irecul ii bc reinncd tii dargis tIsai exisr if we'rc nuit careful. OZnc of ilsose rinindeîsmts i 51isti,5 îîg l leiiiiss tracls and deionstrai ing cotîninî seise sslii appt ii Il îng a raîlsvav c rti 55/hile oi nias seel a nra îîiirr tuait hi aîglg, Ili train lîgeîb î i ii t.iti a r ( -Is lis iici l roti t a s recilt fiii riagcrL1ý ,tatistiic Stlggesl iIIlitsl\ ( alia,îiiwi, aiicl i lieclng tbe vari nîg, A.icorcling to Tranîspotîr C aiada. tlicle sscc 209) raitls' crossing cotlisions in 2007, ss tI 27 latlitilîesad 21 sels injuries. Eiere weîe antuther 100 mieit instl ing îles- passers on railwav pntiperls; resîîlîng iii 57 deailis and 25 seriotîs injuries. "When you take into account the many ncai c.ollisionîs that take place each year at crossings or on rail tracks, as well, we clearly must remain focuseil on building public awareness." said Canadian Pacifie police Corist. Ron Morrisori. Tbis week (Apoil 28-May 4) is Railway Safety Week in Canada - a time to remind everyone of the serins risks that exist by crossiog the patbs of trains. In addition 10 the nisk of death or serions injury people who trcspass on raîlway properîy or fail to yield the rîghî- of-way to an approaching train at a crossiog are subjeet to heing charged federally under the Railway Safeîy Act. While railway officiais conducted safety blîtzes ai some Halton railway crossinga this week, îbey continue to appeal to the public to keep a watch out for aîîyoîîe wîio ina> hc puttiog tIr lives - and others - at risk. Anyone witoessing trespassers on railway propcrty or motonsis who ignore warning signaIs at. crossîngs is asked 10 report them immediately 10 local police or hy calling 1- 800-716-9132. -AND w1T-4 EVBRY FIIILJIUP YOU CAN PURCRASE A WOAF[ 0F WBEAD FOR JU$T 5 DUUAIRS.I TnI COLIMU$iON RACKET JUST Gar WORE. 1 Readers Wri'te E-mail your inters ru rltonedI@hakLon.-o-arch. om It's a malter of financial viability DEAR EDITOR: This letter is in response to the Aprîl 22 letter fromn K. Christie. Ail Milton pet owners would love to know they have access io a 24-horr emergency veterinarv Il in Milton. Unfortunately, no seterinarian has opened such a chinic yet. And is only veterinanians who are allowed te, open and have the control- ling interesi 10i veteninary chinics. This is flot an issue for the Towvn or Region. Contacting the Ontanio \'eiennaiy Medîcal Association or even local vet cinitrians is prohahly your heus way to start the hall rolling. Hlowever, iin this entrepreneurial econony, and if îî was viahle to have opened one, as they have in Burlingion and Mississauga, there would already he one in Milton. MARK WALLIS MOORELANDS CRESCENT W(-Iw Craîîabail ChIyiîioî 905-878-2341 Editorial Fax: 90b-878-49,13 Advertisinq Fax: 905-876 2364 Classifiecî 905 87!5-3300 Circulation: 905-878-b947 vww.miltoncanadiaochampîo)n, rom Publisher NIA :1uivel General Manager Editor in Chief Maoaging Editor Advertising Directoî Productioni Manager Circulation Manager ifie H il Office Manager Sariy Pare The Canadian Champion, pablished every Tuesday aid Friday, is a division af Meiroland Media Group Ltd. - Group Publisher Ian Oliver. Adetisnis et ni t he codti ha, i he ei of typggad5hicletai elth@ detiing sie ocpe d hîI CC-AB Audited Jli Onai oiiýi C A Cîtdacî Cotîynit s" ,,ýpr Not quite everyone's using uiheir GreenCart - s o why not? Are you usîog your GreenCart? While the Regioo reports that participa- tion rates in its rieur GreenCart program - whîch started about one month ago - are quitle high, I've noticed some homes on my travels through the region that don't have a GreenCart at the curb on collection dlay So to those households, 1 have one thing to ask - why flot? 1 know some people are concemred about the odours that may come from the GreenCari. And yes, 1 cao tell you fromn using my owo that GreenCarts do have a smell - they smell lîke the food waste that you've always tbrowo in your garbage caln. So now. înstead of thai smell coming from the garbage cari, its coming from your GreenCart. You're goîng to have the saine smells either way, but if you put the food scraps in the GreenCart your saving valu- able space in the landîtîl and helping the want to use the i3reenCart hecause thev envîronînent. already compost on ibeir own properiies. 1 My hushand and 1 also discoverecl, somne- comrnd these people foi talrîng the initia- what hy accident, a good way to Aive before the Gieen( art lxs rifinimize odours: lemon slices. We ed. just happened to be compostung But, 1 also want 10 point out some chunks of lemon and realized there are things that cari go in it made our Kitchen Catcher smell the GreeoCart thai can't he put fiee aod fresh. ein a home composter, such as For those who are worried that "Smeat and bories. Fven il you're the GreenCart will he messy to use, just putîng out a small amount *1 suggest invesîiog in the comn- of waste in the GreenCart every posiable hags that fit loto the ,, , week, it ivill add up and ulîi- Kîtchen Catcher or the GieenCart. mately help the enviroomeni. Persooally, 1 lilte the small bags that fit So 1 urge those who have yeî to use their into the Kitchen Catcher as you cari lie them GreenCart to give it a try Yotî'll he amazed at closcd and put them in the GreenCart every the reductioîî in waste you put in the garbage couple of days. This also helps keep down cari, plus youlIl feel gond knowtng youre any odours. doing somnething 'green' for future genbera- And then there are the people who don't tions. tR'lqi te,1li td UNITEDWAY OF MI LTON TV AUCTIOII MILTON SANTA osAUS PARADE IYMCA Shaca1e ulan .

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