ARTS_ _ The Canadian Champion, Frîday, May 2, 2008 - Bi KEEHANZ,2m tCOowITACTinerT 905-878-7777 Singing group brings taste of Ireland to town Women of Note to launcha new CD on.Mot her Day By Stephanie Hounsel CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF I doesn't take much to imagine yourself traipsmng through the rollmng huis ni lreland - not when you're listeming to the sweet voices of the Women ni Note vocal ensemble. It's a Tuesday morning and members nf the eight-voice group are rtînning through a collection ni toe-tapping, head- nodding, feel-good Irish tunes in preparation of their upcom- ing concert and CD launch. Accompaniment by pennywhistles and a hiddle create an authentie sound, and some ni the singers tan't help but do a cheery little jig. Founder and director Laura Jeffrey is conducting wih ease, and whats emerging is an effortless sound thats any- thing but. With the majority ni the women singing together for 11i years, its no wonder their voltes blend like thes were niade for each other. The stunniîîg atoustits oiI Kntox Preshyteriau lYhtrth don't hurt, either. Oit Sunday Mvav il - Mîitler's Day t liTe \\ tîntn oft Note w'îll îîeriorm ai 2 'om ns,î Si. Patîts Unittetd Chtîrch, 123 Matît St. E. "'ni exctcdI like a id heltîte Chnistmas, Jetfrts- sai toI the îipitoring concert. lIn tIse tîrst hall o tihile show the wîîîîen wîll perftîrm stltctiois trîîm their retentIs- receased selftîtleui CD. tic CD heatures 16 pîet'es that hase bettire tas'tintes ot' tIse o iiei and ihcît autdiences ovci tht past detacte. t. îîîtert-giiers wtll have an îiîporttinity t.i îîurt hast t CD) for $20 ai intermissionî os heîi lîglîit rctrestîîîîttts osvitlIe t sc ý,cti Iu tht sectond tuaIt of ttîe tconcrt, tht grîoupî oill îîtrtii n a chotral suite ettletl I etters trotî Irclatît,' tnîitged hs Mark Brymner, feaîurîîg îr,îdîtitîîat Inish sîoîgs sîîtt as 'MitsI Mahie' antI'Tht Wild Rover' to treate a clîanîîiîg îîîcîîre ofi thîe Eîncralti Il ofi tas gone hy In bctween these sîîngs, readers witt rtrîîe acuîat Itîttîs abtout fle in i8th atîd i9îh teîîuury Irelatît tiser tradîiiîsal Irnsh foib neltidits pertormed ho featured miusîttaîts jetfrey explaîneci ibis portioîn tif the îîîglst wîll he partitti- larly spetial, site the icatlers will intiude a ftormîer meiîît oft Vornen of Ntote woî tonte talleul Irelancl htîîîîe .Musical attonîpaniss Mil include Dawn Brîîdîe oit pianto, Rosanne Warren on pennywhîstles and Sue Anîderson ton fid- dle, plus several otliers. There'l also be anItrish danter. Concert titkets cosi $15 eath, with a portion ni the pro- ureeds going to St. Pauls. With the concert being on Mothers DayJeftrey ts encour- P SET FOR LAUNCH: WVomen of Note members (tram leh) Karen Magee, Milree Latimer and Barbara Fut arn rehearse in preparatiot foi their MütheCs Day CD ciatncts coixert at Stý PaLJi'S Ut ted Ch ti h, : iC i agiiîg laîtilîts toi toale it pait ot tuii celthiaitioti -Miitltts briiîg sont ttîîttiîtîî ci ltîtttî hing \oor toîottn ers," she said. Lt was Il o tais agît tat _Jttrtiiic nîttid [-lit \\îoîîîtî tît Note Irni .îîîoîg înaîtîre vocal sttutîts ot titis. Altetr the fîrsit tîtriarsal, stit ne Ii the\ bilts lît siithtiig ,upttial sîoîîeîlîîîg ttîcy îîtedttt to shaît os iti the sit tof Mlton. bath îîîieîîh is aî tiatinet chotiral sîîîgtî wvîo Isiuoxs hows iii itilluo\N, tioso' ii lîsîcît itîd tiîts to reatt mic.î Andit, stîid jettins, ihts ail liave ta stîst toi humîoutr, ,\,hicit is imipoirtant. Dawnî Broîtît lias ttithtults lîtei t tht ktss toI tht pîiano sîîîtt day îîîîe rihe's exiîatiidiiîarily goîîd,- Jeftrey saîd. Of course, tte u.tinmon thread ihai n'oîis'ates each nuetit- her is her love oh music. "is', a passion and a git fuir ail tif us,' saîd Milree Latimer said. "h broughî us together 12 years agit anîd here we are." Fdel Khickermannr echoed thîe sentiments ut the other ' micmnhts that crne of tht higget kes s n tht chiorus's sucttss is ]tthto1 aut a is d'oic tii put tlilltt it voiLtts togethecr sos th) such ttls, -o' ,aid, aitdting, i lon itger ývct ,tr, tiii.ttlttt tht sa\ theltts l it O tou i tîtita i c \ t iOOt dil 'i t 1111 \lit' ouï l oti l 0iit tii bc mîake aî ii ('Lt said Iattîni "It sois alinosi likt' a tIi ans standing iii front tof thiose nmicrophitones. Diane Yîun sattl linc airc likctis mati people \01loi droitt kniio' ahot-flic \\ oit n of Note, gio'tn Mltions gi ovthu Shes hoping to sec sorte nts faces in the cross t at thtc is nitusit tir t\,iti. itls liglit, htautitil ntusît andI t i etters h tom Irclandt' is tiitnt' sht saîtl ttther iîiemics of tite gi ortp aiet Barbaria 1-ilIItîtît Nitolbtt lPatant, Kattit Magtt antd Shirley Chtsiter Conctrt tickets aie as ailahît ai the tioti tir i advante hy calhîîg (905) 878-8895, ext. 38, orjatk \Volte ai (905) 878- 6807. Stephoîtic Hoîîîsttt toit bci tutti îd ai sîIissti@tnuilttnciiiia- dianchanipî your way UN to buy il locallikAïf. Y LocalBidBuco Millions of dollars in ( > Coming soonf o,,,--... AUCTIN Te - Set o to,s , Ma 10 1 2