The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 2, 2008 - All Church Iookiiny to open The Christian Coptic Orthodox Church is looking to set up shop on Nipissing Road. The Town~s administration and plan- ning committee held a public meeting last week on the proposai to rezone an existing building front its current ware- house and office use to accommodate the church. Two Childs Drive residents spoke, with one raising concernis about the proximity of thbe churcb parking lot to bier backyard fence. The other citizen asked for 'quiet" development in the area, since noise is already a problem fromt tbe industrial businesses on Nipissing Road. Currently local residents who wor- sbip at tbe Chrtstian Coptic Orthodox Cburcb bave to, travel to Mississauga or Kitchener. The committee receaved a report on the topic for information purposes. Staff will now prepare a tecbnical report wtb recommendations on wbetber to approve or deny tbe cburcb proposaI and bning it forward to a future council meeting. Bu Iu Hoe o WAL.-MART CORRECTION NOTICE DNc tu ..ircunisttnccs bcyond our Lîtntrol, the Cayman Island (=16-18896), Colonnade (=1628649) and Ridgewater (;;1628826) Patio sets aJý crrhced in ()ir current tlyer (ending May 22nd) DO NOT INCLUDE a rnatching uirella base. W'e apolo(giZe for aiîy ititaflivcflfct this mas' hotte ca.ooed. Censorship flot a bad thing, says reverend showed that 72 per cent of Canadians support legislation usaking it a separate crime to, injure or kili a fetus duning an attack on the mother, while 22 per cent were opposed. The saine poli revealed that 30 per cent satd protection should begin front conception onward while 21 per cent satd it should begin after three months of pregnancy and il pet cent said after six months. Bill C-10 received approval in the House of Commons and is now being reviewed in the senate. Whiîe St. Simons Anglican Church's Rev. Lazerte said the governiment has no role in guiding morality Pastor Muiter of Trinity Baptist Church in Burlington spoke in favour of censorship. "Why is censorship a bad word," hie askcd. 'Government does it in ail kinds of ways. We ail do and rightly so." The Baha'is Eriksson said unless social decay is stemmed, values are bound to decay "Put a frog in boil- ing water and it will jump out of the beaker but if the heat HALTON COUNTRY INN & 9 NOIE GOLF COURSE M $16.00 Per Person Senior & Junior Rates Available Tournamnents & Banquets Avail. ýC 905m876m301 8 9196 6th LUne Nassagaweya Milton GET DEFENSIVE Protect yourself when biking this season: wear a helmet every limne you ride, don't weave in and out of traffic, and follow local laws and guidelines for riding. If you're driving, watch for bicyclists riding in the road. Wo can ail share the road Ihis suminer. Fhese arc contradictory times," 'sad Turner at the con- clusion of tbe meeting. "We don't have funding for youtb centres but we do have $150,000 for every shell bought for the sole purpose of destroying a village in Afghanistan. We could buy each Afghan a condominium wtth that money," hie added. ____ ~ M~AJ'w' AIRONLY MoyenProm casieadmusic Amsterdaml Moyen ruom . Casie n Taxes $349 Taxes $ 297 $258 *irMlngham 1 week - ail inclusive 8 days - tourMy1,6-sgay2 Jn4,1-at $179 Taxes $327 - att clasgow f'V~lOFi-A$ A6Tl $199 Taxes $323 at Holiday Village Vienne & Prague Two City Paris $CI1 axs Q7Taxes $329 Taxes $262 -ath $338 61 G V $2 59 Rome iweek - ail inclusive 8 days*tu May 23 -sig Sg, 10 $49Tae Newcastle JrJA CIA EI>Ro?SA> CAVALCADE $149 Taxas $331 att Ocean Sande G.lft Uach Rsa SrltaIn & CoaCh Totir Manchester a 74 ;T-xe.s 3_ T32es. $ 199 Taxes $327. att 1 week-al inclusive 20 days coch tour Bo fl< May 24 -sig July; 27 att $199 Taxas $330~ att Milton e 905.878.2886 Mon-Fri 8am-Midnight - Sac & Sun; 9am-Bpm -Toil Free: i 877-SeIIOff Reducing 2 sizes in 5 weeks has neyer been this easy... WEIGHT MANAGEMENT " Registered Nutritional Consultant on staff " Lose weight eating real food * Lose 3-7Ibs a week " Focusing on a lif estyle change ELECTRO-MUSCLE TONING TREATMENTS " Compliments any cardiovascular program "Reduce 12 to 30 inches in 5 weeks " Condense 9 hours of exercise into 40 minutes " Targets hard to tone areas 55 AIO. T S. UNI 18 90-85-88 ww.ore eryis. adwrtising is fike Wù*ù)£ You kno1v ii-11(il bul nobod) f1of,ý!