Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Apr 2008, p. 7

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Councils aren't representing rural Miltonians aciaquateiy DEAR EDITOR: At the lime Nassagaweya was forcefully and undemocraticalb incorporaied into the Towti ni Milton in the mid-1970s, many rural residents aritîcipaîed tbat ibis would lead to a lack ni interest in and mucb bigber taxes for the rural area by the new urban gnvernmenl. CertainLy this lack nI mieresl bas been borne nul, as we have seen our councillors wage a five- year sîruggle to obtain high- speed Intemet for the rural lax- payers. Also, taxes have risen frnm the $300 to $400 range 10 tIse $3000 to $4000 range, above the rate of inflation. But we didn't anticipate the incompetence and extravagance of urban administration, cou- pIed with the exceptional remu- neration of the adminîstrators. We were most concerued to read in the April 8 Champiumn tbat Halton Regional Chair Gary Cati anticipates that 50 many staff will soon receive more tban $ 100,000 per annum ibat tIse reporting limit should be raîsed. On tIse conîrary, we believe that more information sbould Ise prnvided to the raxpa~ crs - and customers - including public sector pensions and aux special severance provisions. We see the extravagance every tinse we pass ibi ougb Brookville. Before n Isad two simple signs annouucing ils presence These bave been replaced b> îwo buge coucrele plaîforms anuouncing arrivai in ibis veîy small village. These mmxl have cosî aI icasî nue order of magni tude, if flot two, above the pre- vinus sîandard sigus WIsy were îhey erected? TIse incompetence bas been ~înphasized recenîly by the înability of Ibe administration tIi organize something as simple as a garbage pick up. By tIse way, this ix a service îhat wasnt wanî- cd by many rural residents wbo took Iheir garbage to the dump at un cosi to laxpayers. This new service was anuounced in 2007 wbeu we were iuiormed tbat tbere wouici be a new garbage system and we were in receive ucw grecu garbage containers bs' tise cuci ni Match. Ou No. 20 Sidcroad, wesî ni tIse fouiîb Lîne, tic have reccîveci noue. lIn Aprit 7 tic calleci aud tiere toici tises woîiid be coustisg We calîcci again xci as of Weduesdav tise cîsuîaîîsers and iustrticîious/caicudars or garbage pick-up stili Isavets i amved. Ibese containers are Support for school DEAR EDITOR: Last monîb the students aI my scbool, W.l Dick, were chalienged to bring în at least nue cdu- catînnai kit for the chiidren in Airica. Eacb kit was 10 be in a cloîb bag and contaîn two or three spiral noîebooks, lour 10 six peucils wiîh erasers, a peucil sharpener, a ruler, a dozen pencil crayons, a pair of safeîy scissors, 12 shecîs of coloured paper and a small bail. We were told that famîly members, îeachers and busînesses could contribule ton. So I got busv phonîng companies and goîng around to stores here in lown, asking for dona lions. A number of indîviduais also gave money or scbool supplies. I was happy wîîh the many posi- tive responses I receîved. Because ol the generosi- îy of so many, I tias able to assemble 105 kils. Id like b îbauk tIse followîug companies - rec1uired loi tise uew sc iicduled garbage pick Up, wbii.b began April 10. i lic pick up nI oui BIne Boxes only liually took place on April 13. ~lbis i beirig donc by a new conîractor. What practîces were used in tbc procuremeni of tIse cofitractor? Is there a communi caîton plan beîween tIse Region and cofliractor? Lt would appear flot Why w tIse contractor flot using any of the basic principles of projecî planning readily accessible on the web? If this crîticisîn of ibe Region artd Towu staff seems unfair and concerfis only a few items, then where are tIse Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) by whicb they can be better judged? lu other public sector segosents, for instance coinmunitv colleges. KPIs arc avaîlabie iii tIse cas toiners and taxpayers. KPIs sbocild Ise set ocît b> ciepartniencs o tIsai instead ni aîitoiuatic raises for stali there couic1 Ise tuera raises Isaseci oit actual iuetsurecl ,incL ectluaiccl perlot inances visible ns tue cci- tomers ancl taxpavets HENRY GARWOOD, DONNA AND FRED DUIMSTRA MILTON project was great Sanford, Hîlrîsy, Staples. Wai Mari, Lobiati Superstore, Harrîs Office Pro, Shoppers Drug Mart, Scisolars Choice, Zeilers, tIse Salvation Army Thrift Store, Absolute Dollar, Fiiîb WIscei and TIse Q Store for tîscîr donations. i'm also grateful for tIse coutribuîîcsus froîn the customers and staff ai lvy Arms, Flour Gins, Murray McPhaifs Chîropractic, Farab Fonds and 10 Below. Lt was great 10 be part of thîs effort, aud I couldut have donc it wtthîsut ihe bclp of so înauy peopie. \VitIs the other siudeuts friuiss îssy scbool, nînre than 250 kits wîii be sent tisrougb Erce ibe Cbildren to cbildrcu us Airîca CHANTAI HAlTON, GRADE 8 STUDENT Wl. DICK MIDDLE SCHOOL The Canadian Champion, Friday, April 18, 21t08-A7 Man fined for indecent exposure duel UdùlIHy III ~ im~ ùdyLmiIk 'Tinte Capsules' aie gerns tsf infor motion extractcd Jrom past issues of the Champion and otiser publications iii ordeî 10 providc a wîndow mb Miltoni paai. Explanaioty comment n somctimes providcd ns place the situa- Lion in context. July 1911 Magistrates' Court. On the charge of indecent exposure, bathing in the creek in the daytime in rear of the carpet facîory (south of Main Street) without a bathing suit, AF. plcaded guilîy and was fined $10 and costs or 30 days in jail. At a special meeting of the town council on Tuesday evening a bylaw 10 raise $12000 by debentures for additional water for the towns sys- tem was read a first and second time. Ibe freeholders of the town will vote on it when it will be carried as a mat- 1er of course. Lt wsLl be remembered that previous councils declared that no sufficient supply of wa~er could be got from the mountain, tIsai a fil- tration scheme was proposed and when il was found to be unpopular, money was cxpended in drîlling for waîer in rear of the Town Hall with ihe idea ol forcing o up to tIse reser- voir and ibat aIl ihat came of this was a hole filled wîth undnnkabLc water. The preseni council is more practi- cal Lt engaged an engineer. who located springs with a total daily capacity of 200,000 gallons, the water from which can be conducted to the reservoir at an expense within the amnunt of the debentures and options bave been secured on them. The Town is 10 be conigraîulated on its present progressive council and on the facî that its daim that h has an ample supply of pure spring water can be made good at aIl times alter tIse addition of that on which the options are heLd. The first day was ground ai tIse works of Brandons Pressed Brick & hIe Co. lasî week. The siding from the C.PR. is being laid. Friday night's ram caused the postponement of the moving picture show ai Victoria Park to Saturday Milton Time Capsules evening, when, as it was wet agarn, it carne off at the Town Hall, where there was a large, but flot very lîberal crowd, the proceeds being about $10 lesa than the expenses. Lt is likely that the attempt to raise money for seats for Victoria Park by the shows will be abandoned and that they may be con- tinued at the fair grounds under the auspices of the band, if arrangements can be made with the lessees of the grounda. A lot of the wire-drawing machin- ery arrived at the P.L. Robertson Cos. factory. Some of il is very heavy. Men are busy on the foundations of the wire-drawing building The sale of the Willmott buildings to the Edwards Electric Co. of Toronto bas been compleîed and deecl given. Mr. Butterfield of Toronto is in town todax' Hîs business is 10 sell certain plant left in the building, patterus etc. for the benefît ni the Willmotî estate. We hope to be able to report soon that the Edwards Co. bas moved to Milton. There was a large gatbering ol Halton Liberals in Milton Saturday to select a candidate for the coming Dominion elections. Walter Harland Smith was chosen. He bas a 150-acre farm to the norîh of Oakville. The boys of the lire brigade are pracîicing every evening for ibe team races at the meeting of the Provincial Volunteer Firemens Association at Brampton. Tbey have also bougbî a natty new uniform, whiîe duck jack- ets and white yachting paîîern caps, which îhey will sport at Brampton for the firat lime. This maierial is a.ssembled on bchalf of the Milton Historîcal Socieîy by Jim Dills, who can be rcacbcd through the socicîy ai (905) 875-4156. www.wcdental.ca nston churchili DENTAL I Dr. Kate Bazydlo 75 J & Associates 499 Emefgencies seen promptly Electfonic Insurance bîliing Saturday & Evening appointments ~7zg~ * 0% In-house financing ( 905.858.2345 2955 Argentia Rd., Unit Dl, Mississauga sO g w~,,, Rd

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