Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Apr 2008, p. 6

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A6 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, April 25, 2008 Decision on pesticide use Iikely reversed Town council's controversiai decîsion lasI year mot tir banr pesticides may ail Ire for naugli now tîrat tire Ontario gos- leruiment bas introduced a province-wnde Iran on tire sale and cosmetie use of pesticides. .On Monday Premier Dalton MeGuintys Liberal party announced it would keep an election protmise to introdîîce legislation making Ontarios pesticide cules aînnng tbe tougbes in Nortb America. A proviuce-wide ban - wbîcb isn't expected 10 conne inîu effeet until tbe spriug orf 2009 wîîuld siiperiedn' ail exnst- ing municipal bylaws, nrakiug tbe rules tbe saine tirrougirout Ontanio. TIre pesticide ban wouldu't affect tbe farîning or forestry inrdustries and golf counrses wouid stili be able to apply pesticides witb somne limntations to inininnize envtronr mental impact. Pesticides would aiso, stili be used for bealtb and safety, sudh as coîrtrolling nnosquiîoes, wbicb eau carry dîseases like West Nile virus. 'Mauy municipalities bave already sbown leadersbtp ti banîning or resîmncring cosmetie-use pesticides. We're exteird- nng tbat protection 10 ail] famnînes wberever îirey lise,' sand Ontario's Enviroument Minister lobu Gerretsen. Quebec is currentiy the oniy Canadian province wiîfr a pesticide ban in place. According to tbe provincial gîrverîrmeut, studies by pub- lic bealtb experts are sbîrwing growing levîdience tfi tire poteutial beaiîb risk of pesticides, parinculariy for ciden Botb tbe Ontario College of Famiiy Pby'sicnans and tbe Canadian Canrcer Society bave been calliug for a ban inn tbe cosmetie use of pesticndes as a prudent ineasînre t0 proteet family bealtb. According to tire Province, more tinan 44 per cent orf Outarians already inve in a munncnpaiîy wbere tire cosinetic use of pesticides is banned. Despite Ward 4 Councillor Wendy Scbaus repeated attempts for a municipal ban on pestncndes tbat started in 2006, many of ber colleagues fil sucb a decîsin was up to a bigler level of govemrmeut. Scbau wasn't willnng 10 wat but had n eboice wben sbe wasn't supported. Hopefully, the tbree-year gap wou't mean life or deatîr. ~N A UELLINA ~ij~ ~anabi~îî cMampion Readers Wr&FAit E-mari your lettfers bo rrrltonedl@haltornsearch.Soem Namne change bill just a tax grab DEAR EDITOR: i had the pleasure recentiy nf pur- cbasing my second new homne in Milton, Subsequently, 1 ren.eie a tax bill f rom tbe Town for a'name changc from the developers titie t0 my full naine, wich is 18 characters. The [ee for this was $30. That means l'i being cbarged $1.66 per key stroke te, update records at Town Hall. 1 would expect that my reg- ular tax bill wnuid cover such expents- es. Tbis is a blatant tax grab. \Vnuld tire counicilior ni counfcillors wbn vnîed feir tbis please stand ul and be acconned for. 1 would like to kinow bnw he or she ns i nokiug oui for theti constituents in this regard. 1 know the Townr bas costs, but tbîs ns absurd. JOHN PANNOZZO MILTON Iod -AM Editor'sdesk Are you a toen and have something important to say? Calling ail Milton teenagers. We kuow you bave a lot of important things 10 say We know you form intelligent tbougbts and ideas and can make a gond argument for a cause you believe ti. We know you are artistic, creative and ail tbis sbouid bc sbared Avithr others. But wbat you need is a piatinrin wbere you con do just that. The Canradian Chamnrpion is prepared t0 give you that forum on 'My Page' -a new addition to your community newspaper tirat will feature space dedicated just to you. \Ve feel we don't bear enrougb froin orr youîlr and frankly its abouît tine tbat changed. Wbheu will this begin? It will starî as seonî as you contact us. Please vend direcl t me your thouglits and coinmeuts on issues that concern you as wait t0 see wbat you send in and tben start well as artistne ceations sul as poeul draw- sbaring it witb others. ings and pliritogtapbst [ins is y irtr space icîr virtcîallv anytlrîîg yntt tbitri needs tir be saîd, and lirard. You couid wîite aborut sonteting 'iou treci Ir gel off youi cliest, ori sitiri cSpes sirur tirouglis Oi tirc latesitnn tei. siden gaître or fl \Ve oinl ask tirat yirt bc respecîful of otirers, avoiding offensive laîrguage and personal attacks. .1 r t So wirat sbortld yîru doi? Firsî, pareirts, please pass tis on 10 yotîr neeîr. And teens, siart getîîrg on vour cnmpcîners aird stîbînît y otr stufil Si'nd Word docutmîents oi nil andjPLGs of drawings anrd pîrotos to editrtal4linitoircania- diatrclaipinr.com. You can also drop off stuff at our office, 555 lîrdustrial Dr., second floor. Be sure 10 include ynctr naine And cir tinte 'My Page' is puhlîsied, we and age, whtclr wili be puinlisbed witb ynur will ask you toi respond tir a specifît questionr submissions. if you bave any questions, and publisb vour answers. please don't besitate to contact me. l'mn personali y excited about Ibis nrew Kareun Micei tan be reathed a( adiiont to tIhe Champion pages. And i can't KMiceli@nniltoncanadiauchampion.com. TV AUCToON frl J~* 555 tndustnia Dr., Milton, Ont. L9T 5El 905-878-2341 Editonial Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertising Fax. 905-876-2364 Classified:905 875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 vwww.rnittoncanadianchampion.conr Publisher Neri Oliver General Manager Davrîl Harvey Editor in Chief Jll Davis Managing Editor Karen Miceli Advertiaing Director Wencly McNab Production Manager T tri Coles Circulation Manager CharIleii Hall Office Manager Sancly Pars The Canadian Champion, published ever Tuesday and Fridy isna division of Metrotand Media Group Ltd. - Group Publinher tan Oliver SAdie i epn ir thre crt.i i ,thte eem of typogjaphtcaec ttbalpettrer ýf 5h li ,q Se occ5 ed 7 0 the enneoistem tgeherth , treasonale allai for sn te padfor oethteappiable rte Th publsh eeeeet he rght t cagae vr tirre fs ' 'declte CCAB Audited ocn Onari Commrtty A9cn Newspapeer Asîciaion C *NA Canadian Communt MITON PARADE 1Y N1 1 Ç t/lleNt Srweseiliciw s Mil A. a im Il Y1 le M UNITED WAY OF MILTON

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