Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Apr 2008, p. 46

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B10 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, April 25, 2008 The Milton Farm Datelb~~ MAY i :1 &4 * Clver 120 juried crafts people In the Great Gambrel Barn, The Aberfoyle Town Hall and Individual Exhibitor lents * Handmnade quality Saturday &Sna * Superior worknxanship W Snay * Great gift ideas for Mom am.4pn * Country decorating at il's best Adits $5.00 * [ive entertainmient Oide ne 2FE * Beautiful Spring location C aUdre ne FE * Food Available 4» PrigM COUNTRY HERITAGE PARK 8560 Tremaine Road, Milton, ON Cail 9054878o8151 Hwy 25 N to Milton, follow signs. 11,11 àie ,11i Il 1 M Foreign-trained but can't find a job in your ffield? If yoo're a foreito irained prefessionai or business person tookint for a jolb, improve your tntlish asd Canadian job searci skîils meuh.. Enhanced Language Training for Internationally Educated Professionais and Business People 8-week programs are FREE te qoatiffeul appticaois aod take place in Burtingion. Next course starts May 26th For more information, cati 905-333-3499, eot. 264 or oisii www.ihecenire.on.ca nh,,eno,,,,, nl,.adlr c.l5,A d, C Imsn. t, Cd TeContre CONSERVATION HALTON hereby gises notice that an applica- lion han been mode t0 the Mînîster ofi Transport, Infrastructure aod Communîties pursuant 10 the Navigable Waters Protection Acf for approvai of the work described Serein and uts sie and plans. Pursuant 10 section 9 of the said Act, Conservation Haiton has deposdted wîth the Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities and in the Land Registry District of HaIlon (No.201 ai 491 Steeies Avenue East, Milton L9T 1 Y7 uoder deposît num- ber G65 a description of the foiiowîng work, ilis site and pions: To replace the esisting aged Fabridam, which is a componeni within the emnergency spiltway of Scotch Block Dam, with a similar Obermayer Gate across the Middle Branch of 16 Mile Creek at Scotch Block Dam and Reservoir, east side osf Highway 25, north of No. 10 Sideroad at Lot 11, Concession 3 Esquesing. Comments regardîsg the effect of thîs work on marine navigation may be dîrected 10: Manager Navigable Waters Protection Program, Transport Canada, 100 Front Street South, Sarnia, ON N/T 2M4 However. comments wiii lie consîdered only if lhey are n wrîtîng and are received sot later than 30 days aller the date of tiîs notice, Aithough aul comments conformîsg 10 the above wiii Se consîdered, no indînîdoal response miii lie sent. Sîgned aI Tome of Milton thîs 17' day oflAprl 2008. Ms. Teresa Labuda, PEng Co-ordinalor, Coastal Program and Watershed Capital Prolecîs. Halton Region Conservation Authorîty 2596 Brîtannia Road WVest RR #2, Mltons Ontario L9T 2X6 905.336.1158 co n s e rva i os o .on Dateline is a frcc listing of comîng c'vcnîs only. Tise culs is aveuilable to leocal corusmuniiy groups les ctssist in po moîing theirfutere evenîs. Only chata- bIc tor non-profiî coeumuîtuty gîsueps niav use titis service. W)e can onlv gtuariuniic one issue tuf publict oif tise oîccurence 7U1AKE'S POOLSf r~>l'~'spciojijngjin~ taSutwtrPo ol ConversionsI g32ysofPool Building r;2~.~95-875-7665 (POOL)I csd by an orr , in u fyr =. 18 - Apil 25. lProduc:Fdo LGTu 515. easene oen page12, the credi availabe wth3 ear planSbuti isacual y$100 bil cedi SKU 10095203 WAL.-MART CORRECTION NOTICE I )u to cr ui itanues lsc5uîîsc aiti control, the Parent's Choice Weaning Cup (-26022~78) aclx'ertisecl1 n luit clirrent flycr (cndilng April 25th) wiII nit be available. \Xc cupoiiiguze Jîîr airNîîîmrÙ,ci ths ma Ir caut ic Possibility grows fin the Greenbelt Possububty doesn't just grow un Ontaruo's Greenbelt, ut aboundo here. New ways of thinking, new approaches to oid challenges - the Greenbeit inspires us ail to look at our worid clifferenly. Wrap- ping around the Golden Horseshoe, the Greenbelt is 1.8 million acres of porenial to make Ontario, and the earth, a better place. Here's how: Food & Farrrting --The Greenbeit is important for fresh, local food and the cliversity food available reflects the diver- sity of Ontarians. Farmers work hard to protect the quaLty of source water, plant trees and reduce pesticide use. Buying locally, also helps reduce our carbon footprint. Clean Air & Warer --These are two top concernis for Ontarians according to a 2007 Environirs Poil. It's comforting to know our children and future genera- tions have dlean air and water thanks to the many lakes, wetlands, rivers and trees in the Greenheit. Active, Healthy Living -- Green space provides recreational activities for al Ontarians includling hiking trails on some of the most ecologically diverse landscapes in Canada. Prorectng Species & Habirats --The Greenheit aiso heips protect 65 or 50 endangered species. For many, the protection of the Greenbeit may very weil be theur last hope for survival. * Ail this adds up to a wodld-leading initiative. the largest and nsost diverse Greenheit on the planet. The Greenheit is where possibiliry grows and where our future grows. Everything we need to secure our health and ahundance is right here in our osvn hackyard, in Ontario's Greenheir. swv.OurGreenbelr.co REW altitougo meore insertionss cure possible if spore permiis. Notîices for Dcielune sliueld be c- nîcuiled 10 nuilioned@altiînseoîcls coin. Tise fia dccudine is îîuîuî Fridact foi- Fueitsdes s ecîtito cand 5 t' ni Tuaîsclayý foi- Friduys cdîtîîîî. Dcucliîic itenus ivirît bc cir clotî'ul bv telepiîîîc. Monday Apr. 28 The Salvatîcîn Arni> Khi Ccommuniiy 100 Nupissuîîg Rd., unie 3, lils ils Volunteer Night [romn 7 eus 9 p.m lu scuppcort tIse food haîîk anci oulier coniicuniîy services. Fcîr mcore information, caîl (905) 875-1022. Milton District Hcospital holds a ote- on-une breastfeedling clinic wîîh a cer- tuiidliactaticon cionsultant Iresis 1:30 ici 3 p.tn. For more infcormaticon oritlu ussake ail appointient, col Jill Hickts au (91)5) 878-2383, ext. 7610. [Flie Learning Disabilities Association (I DA) if' Halton prcscuuis NS 'ritiusg astc i tie Mîîtor (lui crcliti, nutn) Pi ohIitts ssuiî uicc upautiînai tIller aisu 'eul Chuitoun frotîi 7 tet 9 ri ,sr tise i-DA~ tesurce centîre, 560 Guelph 1ilen utslîctiuîgîîîî lui registet, cuii (90)j 3 3 3-1(77 ci ce-mail inluîliu)iclsal.l toilsa c toi ilote informttatin, ýsit ssssss' .[iahatutiice -lie fialton Hi bs Qoîlters Coud isseets ,uî the laicîi Huis Ccultcurai Centre, L) Churcs Sut. un CGeorgetoîwn at 7:15i p.îîî (gotici lubrars au 7 p tut ) Ica- turing (lie ]asle Burke trunk Shoiss Ncss, isseiners are ss dcouîiec fic Mitoni Sctiulrs* Acists Censtre, 500) C stick tr. iîlils duplîcate bridge au 9ý 15 itin, ,, tC.yber Cafe trons 1 îo 3 p-tim andc clans and hilliards fion c11 a.m un luq p uts. Ficfi crsi icor eaclh acîls i- us is 5,.2 fuot ieusîers andc $4 [foi lion- uneroihers. Bid cuebre us fiseld ai i 30) p.ius. ut a cos of5 $2. f2 or luit îeuheî s ands $4.50 fuot fiî-scth or mssore ifinirîaîuîî ciii (c)1)5 87 s loti luesday Apr. 29 iFlie Milton Toastnîiasters isteets au T 30 p.ns. a91 tue Rl C 1. ,aiats t egîcîn. 21 Chrles i., ii tue cipper l'al]i Ls eusoties W ,eic 1110e. lui morcie insfoîrmation,î visit liîîp //îîsultiîuî.ireec iuîastlicst iiicl)/itsile\.iitusi. tFie Salsaticit Aris Ki C citiiininty, 100 Nupissting Rd.. unit 3, hoids uts Busy Hands, Creative Minds prcîgraîîs fcin 9:30 Ici Il a.îîî. for pre- sclîcîcî icids andl brie careguvers. h unciodes crafts, songs and steiries. For muore infcîrmations, eau (905) 875-1022. Help for Parents, a Haiton parent support group, mecets un the evening in the boasetment cof St. Elizaheths Churcb, 5324 Binley Rd.,uts l3uriingtonî. Thus niscîsdencîînaîurna seli-suppcîrt gtotp heiss parents oîf chtidreîî wlso are uitsrcouble .st icutîe, at schlîcs or svtl the iaw uot wlîc are abusive or t.akung drugs. Tise group us a inember of the Assoiation cul Parenit Suppoîrt Groups i COntario. For incie infosrnation, cail i 800-488-5666 ori visit www.apsgo.ca. Calling New Parents, a iree drop-in psrugram fuîr parents anîc babies aged 6 îîîcîîîhs aîîd suutger, incets wiîh a pub- lic lîcaluis nui-se tci duscuss pareing anc aliant care. Tise grcîup inects at tIse Onitarioî [ans Years Censtre au 410 Brîîuîe Su. fruitu i:30 ici 3:30 pi. Fcir moîure inîformaticsn, cali (905) 825-6000)0 ext- 7299. Milo Diuîîistrici Ioituîual hosics a cîte- ciii hu breasîfeeding clinic Mith a cet- ciucd lactatioîn cconsultat frcuus c):30 ici Ili 30 a.tîs Fir imcie infocrmsaticsos lt Ic uiake aîîî asîssuînîtîseîî, cciii Jîii Hicks si (9051 878-2383, c\i. 7bO. thtlicis c uit Actis îts Cetntre, 500 C iuics Dr., itulcîn bingo ati 131) s itis Dossîssuzers Weight Loss Club au 1O a. ti.i aid darts and billiards frcont 9 a.iti. ici 9 p.il. Tue ccosî ficeach activuit us $2 for unlenîfers aiîd $4 foîr oî- ieuisbers. .Atd Evening Bid Luchre takes place ai 7:31) pîin Tle costius S2.50. F r tîocre infcormsaticon, caii (905) 875-1Ô81. Wedniesday Apr. 30 Ac cliut Hcauis Alzhseismer Ser-vices continîuues uts Dementia Information Sertes. ait educatcît ptclgtat fcor lain lx careguvers. I lîs troto 7 tus 9 p un. at Acciatisi Heaithin t Sheridan Ccuiiege, 1430) Irsaiagai Rd.. uts O.akic'lic Tcî reg- isuer, caii (905) 84740559. I aiso hoids a tree discussion series for civet- vdiueiinued caiegîsers fronts 1:30 tri 3:30 p.îss. iii CGeorgetcown au Mounîaunview Resudeîîcc. 222 Mountaunssew Dr. To tegiscu, caii (905) 691-0367. l'lie Deek youth cenatre, 20)0 Main Si. (reai eustîaîce), inivites litgh scsousi sîucleîît.s tcî di-op hv heîween 2:30 and 6 pin. ui play a gausse cuf posol cor just bang out. Milton District Hospital lioids a one- -see more DATELINE on page 813 Ili 1 Il

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