Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Apr 2008, p. 44

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B8 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, April 25, 2008 It stili takes a community to raise a family, dear aunt W5lien 1t bld au eLcit bý aunit ofie itti tai 1 was a parentîng educatot, sbe guffawed, "We didn't need parenting experts in mv dlay" sbe laugbed. -We jusi dîd wbaî carne naturally and inade tbe best of ol and some- bîîw we were able to raise litige famnilles witbouî any belp.- 1 ean certainly uniderstand wbere sbe was coming fromn, but I bad t0 drive borne a cou- ple of points: h certainly don't consîder tîtyscîl an ,expert' (Just ask iny kids). Butt as parentîng educators we bave access Ici a staggering array of resources. Fromn books to videos, kits to pampblets, referrals to worksbîîps and of course tbe privilege of bearîng wbat bas worked for many different parents. - t tic \\t'tl d ,t aet ,c[\Ltlletclîi Ilýic ittîl Paretits usecl o be stirrounclet) by exiended famnily in sialler coiinrunity xetiîîgs. Matit, if noi itiosi, parents of younig cbîldîeîî today lise away fiotm tbeîr oxvn faitîtîes. 'toitue alsît dcînt ktittx inany pteople iii ibeit ditesý or îîeîgbbîîuî bocs. *Manv fainîtîes bave twcî aclults wtîrlong outside tbe bonte witb inany of tbieii friends and îîeers i flie workplace. lIptît becoining parents, tf is easy tii become isolaied front social groups, especially if miost tif tbe olcI gang doesn't bave kids, Weire so lucky to bave places ike ibe Milton Cominunity and Resource Centre wbere parents eau go and ineet tbeir peers i tbe coinmunity. i-be simple aci tif gaîlîerîîîg to talk about tlic joys andI cballenges of pareîîîîîîg ttîday is a welctîîi tespite tir arrx c. Sorie îlîîngs have ciangedl Jusi tlîîuk about bow careful we bave iii be wlîeî packing our cbildi-ens- luches seats. But soute tbings siaN i be satine if stili taltes a coîrniiunit lo i iaise a flti lyý Danielle ancl Sue aie nmoss actcpting ques- tions fi ot tnuli public ai Dauiiellel@incrc.oiuca. Danîielle f tîlonde, L .1.- ,fB A , s Ille itittîhi er (4 twti tand al liacinttig ethtîcaitlivill i flic tOntaio Eto b' i',ar C cnt t, Nori ht hltn (wwt.ntrc nt i).Suc., ith lici t tleagîîc Sit Bi aliivvaite, provîdt' supptit and icstiîîîtcs 10 tîssist pîîreîits and t îirt'git eus in licuî rilcs. Thec (efle alsît prtides eut ly lcaiitig t'xpiretîces fut cliildrcii Up to sx ycuris tif tige. îSîýor'e ~e4? 1 if you are sufferinq from any of the following, we can help you. " Dry Cracked i4..Is " Sugry " Cro$ed Toes "Csto rhkis "Diabetic Foot Càre Design new Arts Milton logo and win Miltons, young artists will want to stant flexing tbeir cre- atîve muitscles. Tbat's because Arts Milton is invîtîng atytîne ILc) 'cars andc uncet tii contte lpii it a design foîr its new loigt. Tlie clîntesi ntît only caricte a $750 bttrsarv, but fie cbanice to work witb Mîlton-based Clarion Sigit, Display and Advertisng - Itarîners in tbe prtîîect -to fine icune and pmoduce tlie loîgo. "Tlis is a gi eai tipptrtuiiity lior %i cing artists \e' ready to îîpgracîe tîcr logto Ioi octiats moître reflective tif tîte ltocal arts scenitenotviîîg fîîrward, said Arts Miltott president Nancy Cuttie. Subutissions caîti be tîtade in JPEYG formiat ta logodestn(darisiiiil ton.(ccli. Tbe deadîtue foi eiîiry is Wednesday, Apr. 30, wiîb fie svinner annouuced ai Arts Milîttu s, street party on -lune 7 Hibrt&Asoiae FOOT CLINIC NO REFERRALS NECESSARY tL5îmi-T aBEM S SATURDAY APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE tîtio«i 3006 Derry Road West, Milton 905.876.1132 www.miltonfootclinlc.ca For local arts events astfo&o tpo I * Human Resources and Ressources humaines et Social Development Canada Developpiement social Canada M " v4frts " cmous " lnçîro" Naft " Ficit fflt " CM

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