30 - The Canadian Champion, Friday Aprîl 25, 2008 M n era Fei il GemteeI7 Hep eiiediicl e Office HeIp Office Het p Ofc e 5//n. /(3/ hetur Loca/ Oîs/ributor for Intrnatioral Marufacturer nnw enpand/ng in Sur/ing/or and Cakoille. Hane spenings /n Con/orner Relations Depar/meol. Ns eapenience required. Company o/fers: *Complete Training -Paid Vacation *Rap/d Advancement -Benefits AIl applicants musI be neat in appearance ard ready ton/tart /mmed/a/ely e//h on trarsportation. 905-634-0000 9am-5pm 5penicere at the Waterfronvt B5urIinigton Energetc, /on-apirited, hant-working emp/oyees for our Amazing nec Hamburger/ Ice Cream place. Alan staff requîred for oar lamons Spencers Restaarant Noatess e Dishwashers * Server.é CSol 9 Counter Staff e Bartendlers. S/adents welcome and encsuraged, ce w/Il train. ntephan@openceraatthewaterfront.com Drop in Job Fair: Saturday Apnil 268h, 10-12pm- Bring Resumne www.spencersatthtewaterfront.com Nom Seeking Fuli-Time Clubhouse Custadian Dutes inctude cleaning & building maintenance. Muai be ana/table some weekendn. Salary cammennurate m//h experience. A/no H/ring Part-Time Housekeepirtg Staff Please fax resumne ta: 905-878-0496 or ematî: lswitzer@clublink.ca Packaging Mechanic Packaging Mechanic required for tai/e/- ries m/g. You w/Il ho requ/red ta set up and troubloshoat rotary f/liera, pressure sons/tino labo/ors, au/nmatic capporn, csders e/c. Protorence g/non ta candi- dates w//h pron/oun onp. in ponoumat/c scato filors and p/n labo/ors. Sonne ahi/t mark and ertimo roquired Fax resumne ta 905-568-3664 No n/gb/s. No ceekends. No hniidayu. Residential -Cleaning Csmpebbnie pay Weekly paychedi Pa/d mileage Fom//y atmnan//ere Benefita anai/abie 905-847-2210 mery ma/de o/COake//le mmaids@be//net.c Red Leaf Student Prognam Neodu /amily in Mil/nn ats nlOOen/u rrom Spain /n Jo/o. An o/n/nnn/nity / w/n a free tripleo France or Spa/n weuh a suhoiansh/p ta hos/ /amiy. Wie pay $620.001mth for a li/e tlime experien lor ou and our rami/o. For mars information Ca/i Irneeta: 905-783-3888 Golf and CutyClub, *618Trafalgarl * Raad, Mil/on, No iigFT & PTCooks for the 2008 noanon. Send resames ta: wydéwood prosh/ao@ roeracom Apple Auto Glass Requires FuII-Ttme HeIp. Please apply art: 781 Main St. E., Units 1 & 2. Full Time Deliver flyers in Halton area. Experience necessary, transportation provided. Cali 905-203-0887 HENRY'S LAWN &GARDEN Maintenance Requires Full-time Maintenance Workers Exp. preferred but will train. Own transporta- tion to yard required. Wages based on Exp. Fax resume toi 905-878-1098 or email: hlgmspot@ L_ sympatico.ca Looking to gel into the general construc- tion or mechanical construction indusuyr Milton construction company seeKS ern- ployees with good work ethic willing to learn. No experience required. must have valid divers licence. Call 905-299-0126 or fax resume 905-690-0065 College/ Uni. Students Summer Work $15.05 base appt., FT/PT openings, Customer sales/ svc, conditions apply, no exp. nec., 905-528-3345 www.workfor students.com - . /',~, .m iNMY Fencing 4-6 days/week. Outdoar manual work. Must be roliable. /1 cnner page onlot Please email: ron.sims12 @sympatlco.a Experienced ntaglstaf wihnncar requined la dlean offices, restaurants & pubs in Oakoîtle, Burlinaton, Mil/on & Missiunauaa. Excellent oppnrtanity 10 work part/tull/lime. Cati: 416-877-1928 for an appt. Landscape company requires Fiower Planters, know/edge of plant mater/ai necenaary. Cali Suusana at: 647-407-5540 or 905-693-95/4 No rîghln. No weekendo. No ho/idays. Residential Cleaning Competîtive puy Week/y paycheck Paid mileag Family almoaphere Benefita anailable 905-847-2210 mer~ maids ofOakvle mmaids@lbe//net.ca Balroom Dance Instructors 5 ma/en & 5 tomna/en needed immodiatelyl *No eaperionce nec. 111ill train! - *MusI be prnanable ~Ho anlto Cin: ca/I 905858.2347 r Cas PaLNE Steand allrdn NDRSER MILTON Cali 905-878-1105 WE CAN HELP Cati JOB CONN ECI [uShda11 905-878-4956 (Oak) 905-845-9430 Ext 8160 rDRIVER WANTEDI for bu/Jk drops i Brig/on. Munt have vn. 416-903-1700 ATTENTION Sommer Students We/come Av $204./hr Week/y piecework cnmpensa/ion Enomeration type work NO EXP NEEOED Train/ng for accepted app/icants Paid training baoed on Performance Student schoarhips prngrams Avuablei To schedule an interview 1-866-421-2727 M iSln &Spa Hep The Cutting Edge /0 /ooking for a Full or Part-T/me S/y/lt. Picase dmop eff renome to: 15/Marin Si., Carnage Square, Mion. Phono: 905-875-2356 Emal: thecuttingedae milton@bellnet.ca E j echica Hep I Clipsham Limiteci ctipaam.com Canna//mng Erginoors . Surveors I LAN SUVYEHNCA Wo bave a pos/tion aoam/ab/e for an Ins/rament Per- son ntartisg îmmedîa/ey. You ci/I be responn/ble for opero/mng Tota/ Station, GPS norney eqoîpmes/ and asnîstîng t//e Sunaey Crea Chief. You mont bave matbemna//ca/ and /echn/ca up//ioude and be pbysico//y f/t as eqampment must be carrmed /0 ard frvm t//e ai/e. Ynu m/Il be requinea /0 cork o/doorn in al/ ceather. Training wI/lbe provîded, Pleane nubmmt yoan resumne /0: mfo@cipnham.com or fax/to: 905-877-1321 I Requîred for buny import deaesmp. Import expe- rience an annet, greot cork/ng ennîrorment, top woges for the rîght candidate. Georgetown KIA Fao renumne Iv. 1-905-877-3051 A/tes/mon: Gary D. Couison Semvice and Parts Manager LICENEDTECNICI I Growingrnann/aciurei (À groundusatet monitoring instirmentation requires o uorker for /îght mechanical and electronic assemb/y. Applicants ShOîîld ho mechanica//y adept, accustorned îo working w//h sm/Il parts, have some electronics assemb/y and so/viorin oopenience. Appty on wrifirg to: Solinst Fax, /905) 873-1992 MILTON Hwy. 401 & James Snow Parkway la coarrently looking for: -LICENCED AUTOMOTIVE TECHNICIANS Fult T/me & Part T/me positions anai/able. -ASSISTANT SERVICE MANAGER & - F-T WAREHOUSE PERSON Apply In person or Fax: 905-878-0180 Attn: Mr. David Steeves AUTOCAD OPERATOR Wel ostablished North Mis/osauga bei/ding cossu/tant /irm seeks intermediate AutoCad operator w//h architectural, building science and roofing backeground. Preferably a ca/toge or uninersîty gradua/e. Potential for advancement for su/table candidate. Please fax resume to: 905-878-2147 IIODOKN *HO in.ergtw BOOKKEEPER / M tro ld Th/e pr/mary responsblfy of fb/a posifion, C anet repertng fai the Accounfîng Supervîsor, MNedia (iroup Led. is o ma/n/a/n/bhe financiat accounfing recorda for as/gned divisiona. Dolins & Rnoponsibi/î/îes: The specific oulinn ard reoponnîb/î/ieso0f the position no/ode. rnvînwîng and ano/yzing mon/h/y fînancial n/alemn/ for nenerul s- s/gond divisions, variance unu/yoîs /0 P & Lpnnparo/îoo of morrb/y uccouni analyses. prnparîsg ard yos/îng mon/h/y jourralo, prnporîng mon/h/y lînuge und dis/ribu//on reports, processîng of mor/h/y pre/îm/nory and fina/s reports for u// divisions, ss/s in mee//ng mon/b-end and yeur-end dead/înes, asosls I//e Ac- coun/îng Superoîsors ard Ans/o/ant Con/ro//or in specîa oss/gnmnnts or/re- questo ns bhey arise. Compe/encienîSki//s and Enperîencn: Minimum 2nd /eoe/ CGA/CMA, Min. 3-5 yeurn accoun//ng enpen/ence, excel/ent command of Ihe Erg//nb language a munI, advanced usay//cal ana computer ski//s, s/rong înterpersonu/ and com- municatin sk///s, know/edge of Lawuon accoun/îng no//wure un annel, P/ease ema// resome, cooer/le/er, and oa/ary expec/atons la reoumes /0: finance@mefro/and.com byfdy /5ty, 2008. We cou/d l/be/ /ohank ail app/îcan/o for/theîîn/teteot in0/bis position. P/nase no/e/tha/ due/o/bhe olume of applications receved, on/y /booe candida/es wbo are se/ected la advance /0 tbe app//catbon proceso w/// be con/acied. Abso/u/ey no pbones ca/a pîoase HR Consultant /ookîsg ton indepen- dent sel/ starter an nopportine assistant. Knowledgeabe k/ills in Word, Exce, and Power Point are requîred. Moderate accoun/îing nkî//s and prolessonaîsm a must. Position requiren 24 day/ime houns per week, P/euse sond reoume te nutushaeha @np/ornet. com 1 Muthavn gvvd telep//onn maniner hourly wage +Senefio Eri nMi s&OEW No Studer s Cal for itrew 905- 855-0856 Required Immediately 3+ years of experience Oua/i//ca/iosu WeId/ng Ticket, able to ead blue- aUTM EVC pr/r/s. Gond cages / berefits, nome ceekend ok kEETO Ema/. info@damec//an cal.ca requîred by exporf - Or drop off renume /0: D & A Mechanical fimport compuny. 25 Armstrong Avenue, Georgetown, ON French un usset, Greut opportun ty for Luma utomoiveudancement, Looking for Licenced Mechanic 4162537x 56umeto Pleuve app/y sr pemson ci/h resume4125076 Luma Automotive George/on, On/arnio Or Call:905-873-1632 : abinetmaker's IBonch Ansmbly Custom M i/mark. Iw I GnrlDu/ien Fax: 905-702-1854 Small domntnmn Mi/ton Eng/neering hased campany requires a Part-T/me Adminisftrative Assistant /0 per/nrm genenal n/f/ice du/ien, sales propoais, engineering suhm///aio and manuao. Hauns are fies/h/o aI apprno/matey 20 boums per mook. Rosumes toi be submitted via omail to: info@b/osecenviroca or fax toi: 905 884-8668. BOOKKEEPER We are a grocîng monufac/aring cnmpany /ocated in Oakn///e reqoîrîng an eeperîenced Bnokkeeper 2-3 doys per week. Responsbi/it/en /nciude. ac- couns payable, accoants receînab/e, payro/ ad- m/nstn/a//on, banik reconcî/îa//onn and f/nanc/ol ne- por/îrg. App/îcan/o munI bave eaperîerce and a god okîng know/edge of Oauickbonkn Premier' a/org ci/b computer floency in Microsoft Off/ce (Word, Exce/, e/c.), and; tbe Obiily /0 comman/cate bn/h ne/ha//y and rn crtîng. Please nend nenumne and coner latter tnt//e ottes/inn o/ Tom Taylor: Fao 905-339-017/ E-mai/ tnmtay/or@den/gnpîastermoudngo.cnm -...... callw ý'r2s 05.905.878.23,41Il 53OEM, MM Agns Agent LUBETECHNICIAN I SHOP HAND Au/vmo/îne knocledge, basic Ion/n. nalîd dnrar i cence and a grear atti/ude are a must, Forcard renume /0: David Ho/des Service and Par/n Manager Phone: 905-873-1626 Fan: 905-873-3309 Emai: dbo/den@ccefnda @,Georgetown Volkswagen SALES PROFESSIONALS REOUIRED Addî/îonai na/en pnrsonn /0i assnt c//b our grocîng produc/ lie-up. Eace/lent paymer/ plan and benetn. Pleane fan renume: 905-873-1914 Attentin Mark Hughes Or nma/: ma@enrgeownnm.ýom Sales and Logistics Ca-Ordinafar Loca/ed in Oalmil/e, ACH Food Companis/en c. ns carrer//y seekîng a f/en/b/e, self mn/însted person /0 aois t//e ACH /eam. This prorn wî// bave the rep -ih// 0/ pporing in tbe arean of logisic, trode and na/en p/ann/ng repontîng and onayn/n. This person w/i/ also be the genena /îuîne ton Canadian cus/nmer semîice issues. The îdeo/ candidate mus/ bave n/rang wnrk/nig know/edge in Exce (must be ah/e /0 create formulas, /ink f//es, creote p/vol tables), Ideu//y, t/m pernon cî// bave 5-7 yeann expenience in the consumer package goodn indusny, rn nuch pos/t/ons as Con/amen Finance, Castnmen Service, Trade Ana/ys/ or Cun/omer Marketing. An andenn/and/rg of the Food Brokenage env/rnment wou/d a/av he an annet. Educa/ion reqn/nemen/s- Co//ege Degree, c//b fînanca focun preferred. If t/00 /ee you coald be qun/îfîed and ap for /he challenge, p/easy forward your resamne in confidence /0. ACH Fond Cempanies, /nc. c/o Bur/ington Pont, 5040 Mainway, Unit #1 Bur/ington, Ontario, L7L 7G5, Bos #7501 NaaaT//n Week, a divis of Metna/asd Media Grnup Ltd., han an immedîa/e npenîsg for a NATIONAL INSERT ACCOUNT SALES REPRESENTATIVE The quai/led candidate m/ill ho a mot/notod, indopendoent, sel/-starter drives by achionement. Ynu m/Il pannons once//ont mn/t/os and verhal commun/ca/ion 0k/ills and ho familier m//h Microsoft applications, pr/mari/y PnorPoint. Proniaun na/os osporionce ns requirod. In lb/s raIe, you m/il ho con/amen /ocused and miii baud slrosg reiatonsh/ps m//h National S/are locations. You miii ho ga-or/ontod and capahle of meeting rogu/ar mnnthiy budgets and spocial nec/ion largo/s. A roiah/o nehîc/o is noqu/rod. If you mould i/ko ta mark for a leader in the media îsdustry this appartonty may bo t//e rîght ose fan ynu. If interested please forward your resume by Apnil 300h, 2008: abeech@niagarathisweek-com fax: (905)688-9272 We appreciate t//e în/oros/ ofail app/ican/s however an/y those soiec/ed foroan /nterview m//t ho con/acod. No phono ca//s or agena/es p/ease. I 1