Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Apr 2008, p. 29

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The Canadian Champion, Friday April 25, 2008 - 29 Uiiduc L c - thie îeadIng tliai)UidCIJi ed ci ,av ostîn . vitann I V E R S I i iand retaining walls, has 3 positions oe sarti mmed al o Sm U N 1 V E 1ý_ S 1 -F Y mer Students in the Shipping Office and the Repair / Yard Ores atTm or , .efc fo Reire and Honi.nenyniienr Advantare Camp'. Teachers interasted in pansaing Quafifications ta Teaching 00sf and Hard of Heaning Chifdren in Ontania mil be attending the camp. The emptaymesf period ruas tram Jaty 11, 2008 -Jufy 25, 2008 atilizing the Ernest C. Orury Campas tacîfîties sn Miltas, Ontario. Accommodations wtt f be pravîded for ait sacceastul appt icant s. If you are fooking fnr an eaciting and unique oppartsnity ta wark in an academic and rocreationa setttng, came and participate at aur camp adounfurel Bning pour skiff s and esperience, creativty, teadership skiffs and participate in this adventare. We are aeoking dedicated individuats for the toIlowing positions beginntng Friday Juty 11, 2008 (exact days of work and hours cary depending on the position). Ail interviews witl take place sn Milton, Ontario. Camp Thrector (Il poaition) - Reporting ta the Pragram Manager, the Camp Dîrectar wtt t oversue the camp operatian and programming seeda incfuding guesf speakers, ASL classes, fripa and evening activities. The Camp Dîrectar wml ai sa mark cf osai y with the ASL Curriculum Coordinator and somne evening mark may bu required. The chasen canididate must hase proticîency in ASL and demonstrafed esperiesce markisg in a residentiaf aetting. Operationa Coordinator (Il position) - Reparfing tai the Camp Directon, the Operafians Coordiniator miii manage the camp residentiaf facifities and aversue the generaf apura- fions osf the camp inciuding kitchen, cieaning staff as mail as ail tîsancia roqairements. Somne evening mark miti be required. The choses candidate must have knomfedge of ASL and demasstrafed espenience markisg in a residentiaf settîng. ASL Instructors (5 poaitons) m iii pravide instruction and certification of the Signing Naturafy Curricutum. You must bu a satine or sean native signer and hase esperrence as an ASL instructor asd course coordisator. Classes miii ras on average ton 6 hours pur day and miii include classroom instruction; assesament and evaluation and activity basod learnisg. The choses candidates mess pooseas previaus esperience teaching ASL to hearing individuais. Interpretrs..-..ASLLEngish0 (2 posititrni Bath are part tîme positions mrth hours ot service bu ng tram 6-gpm each Mandsy ta Friday and for field trip nafingo. The ouccesa- fui applîcants miii provîde isterpreting services for academic asd rocroationai actîvities. Ybu must have mel deveiapod roceptîve asd expreosive sign language skiffs (ASL asd ather forms of massai communication) combined mîth osperience mît h doaf individuals. CAote (Il position) m iii plan and overseo the preparation of breakfast, lunch and dînsor, propane menas and order supplies. You mii i have practicai cookîng soperresce for a large group; tamifiarity mith kitchen aqalymont and provido group leadership fa kitchos staff. Esperience monking in a large volume food services onvirosmont asd ksamiedge oi food hasdfing/preparsfîon techniques and sanîtatios standards. The choses candidate must ai sa bu able fa modify ail menus for diefary restrictions (î.e. food allergies. vegetarias, etc.). KitcIsan.fllper (2 positions) -Reportisg to, the cook, the Kîtchen Houpera miii assisti n the preparation and service of muais. They miii maînfain cleanfînosa of food service ares, oquipment and ufonsifs. Esperionce morking in a largo volume food services envirosment and knomfudge of food hasdiingi-preparafion techniques and sasitation standards. Camp .Cleansr (2 positions) - perform cfoanisg fanictions sn rasidentîi and schoof aras. Must have demonsfrsted experiance mifh cfeanisg techniques and mothods, goof ksomtedga ai cfeasing maferiaf s and knomledgeo cf WHMIS, Occapafional Health and Satety Acf and certification in Firsf Aid and CPRI. The choses candidates miii receive the FOLLOWI NO; Positions (Honorarium) -Camp Directar ($7,000) -Operations Coordinafor ($6,000) -ASL tnsfrucfors ($4,000) -Isterprefers ASL/Engiish ($2,500) *Cook ($3,500) -Kitchen Heiper ($2,500) -Camp Classer ($2,500) *Ptease nota att salaries are tiated before mandatai-y payrotl deductions. Pi esse submit pour rosume îndîcsfîng the position (s) you areasppfyîsg for, by April 20, 2008 fai: Nipiaaing Univeraity c/o Human Resourcea Unit Provinciat Schoola Branch 255 Ontario Street South Milton, ON L9T 2M5 The sefectian commiffue mouif like tai fhssk ail applicants mhoaspplp, homever, osly those seiucfad for interviems miii bu canfacted. Nipissing University is as laquai opportunify employer. mutoncanadianchamplofçm The Shippîng Office incombent wiii bu respsnsble in assîstîng wîth answening phones, computer estry schedafîng tracks; amai deliveries in Company pick-sp truck, and assîstîng in the yard. Compater skîlis and pleasant phase manner as selas a osid Ontario dnrivers licence are reqaîred tor this posirion. The Repair Crew incambents miii bu responsîble in assîatîng sith bard land- scaping repaira (lntenlockîng pavîng atones), packaging of atone samplea and liferatare, defîsery of samples and asaîating in the yard. A oalîd Ontario dniser's liccers lareqaired. f nterested applicanits can fax a resame f0. 905-873-6883 Or emaif ta; daee.forrester@unilock.coni _9111111W J/I Are you between the ages of 15 & 30?) The Youth Employment Preparation Programi (YEIPP) cas hulp you to, fid a job and keep a job. You'11 getf rue trasportation and get PAID to, attend' ,,ï4 Halton Canadi Contact Margaret Springle at: Haiton Region 905-825-6000 Tait trou: 1-866-442-5866 TTY: 905-827-9833 Emaif: margaret.spningle@haltos.ca www.halton.ca Need HeIp Finding Work? i s your FIRST STEP ta Find~~ euLhtsrie aeaatbet o u u EMPLOYMENT ne reaiere please ceetac Miton: (9051 693-0034 Oakvile: (95) 330-21 Burlieaeen fassi 637- COST f0 6et you bace ta morel !iatP, aveu6 BURLINGTON! WHAT WOULD YOU DO WITH AN EXTRA $800 EACH MONTH? Get plenty of exercise with early morning door-to-door delivery of The Hamilton Spectator and the Toronto Star! Proft Posantiais may cary, dapanding on tha Size of the i-auta. Musc hava ratiabta vahicie. 7 Osys a week. For comptate dataits on the rouie noaresi you, please cal 905-S26-3377 or simply fil! out the anine application foi-m ait www.thespec.c.on and a Hamilton Spectator representaive will contact you. ADDITIONAL INCOME OPPORTUNITY Typeofj&ork Door-fo--Door nemopapen deiiveny, For Milron -Tiiosdays aod Fridays Srror'g seirse of coarmitrmont and responsiblity. Wpe off er As many noutes au pou cao nandlie Training yod on-goîng communications and supporr. To expore conac JakMl Merchandisers îPart-Tine) To service greel nq crd departmonio in Dandae, Waterdsmn & Banlington. Ap- pion, f0-lobs înek, Dostinro i-ours Miior havi- oornommrd of Enghsh S nr. C11 Sllvtd Fhursray 9am-4 0hpm ,,.iy 1-800-387-5614 est. 4491 Ntf all colis wifi receivo a response. Full time Position avaiuable. Miltos steel campasy fooking for a dedicated and reiabie marehouse person Dufies wii f include shippinglreceieing .and bandsaw operation. Crane experience an asset. Training wii f bu provided. Please fax reueta Shawn ait 905-864-9060 or drop off/mal ta 360 Market Dr., Milton. IRoqured immedaey$15-16/hr tol star + bnefts. lea driingrecord ~requredTramîngigprovîdod. Fax resume to: 905-864-6569 or Ealta: infoOkiearviewca 'a ISeeks Labourer for ISUMMER EMPLOYMENTI $1.0prhu.Job reqores heavy lfrong. CaiTom: 647-393-7043 LADCAPING MAINENANC ERSO1 I Reguired for Wedrieodapo I Cali 416-704-4664 ILooking for work? SRG Staffing Ca 90I 7878 MIMISH HAMILTON MITSUBISHI We are iosking for the foiiowisg positions *Financial Services Manager (Business Office) a Salespeople - New & Preowned Onfy fhose wit h experrence & OMVI C license need apply. These are salary + commission poairions. Company vehicle and company benetita are asailable. We are lnoking for dyoamic people who wsnt to grnw wit h nar company. Emait reaumne ta: chris@hamittonmitsubishi.com Fax 905-389-5525 Phone 905-389-5557 $Caeh $ Comnmibbionb$ INDEPENDENT, CONTRACTOR CREW SALES, MANAGER DOOR TO DOOR 7 SUBSCRIPTION SALES Flexible schedufing, Excelleor commissions, pard in cash, Monrthfy bonus plan, Entfnosiastîr and mn- roarod, Able to train, and mnage salen crus, Trairing availabîn, Reliable oehicie reqoîred Please contact Jordana ait 905-526-3508 provide your namne and phone flamber or ematilto jmatos@thespec.com Thaok pas roi ail candidates who apply. Oolp rhose snder consîderarîoo wîll be cootacried. Sjiffy1ube Join North Americas Largest Qi! Change Facilitators! WVe currentif have opporfonîties asaîlable on a FIT & PT basin. Wn are alse cornriy recruting Aosistant Managers for our Bilîngton locations Please fax resume t0 905-335-3454, emnati Fernando.Franctsco@shelI.com www.jiffyliibe.com Ass aae ONTARIO

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