Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Apr 2008, p. 27

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The Canadian Champion, Friday Aprl 25, 2008 - 27 1amLealNotce Notces asfor Sale Eoca Y Hoffmen ~~mngEven~~~" M'ilmoia 9 ujmoeMo Series of Five 1-Ilour Lsoi Nloitday - Wedriesdav & Srturday miorniings Learj hiow tii swiiig properlvý assd have tissu' Storts- wei of \pnil 28tIo To register cati: 905-878- 1818 or 905-876-7982 Dets ma= - SHAW, Beverley Laudor (ne0 Smmth) Paaaed away tollawing a brief ilînesa. aur- rounded by her family, on April 21, 2008 ai the Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hoapital, iu her 82nd year. Beloaed wife of George for 59 yearu. Loving moîher tu Aileen (Michael> Allure of Milton and John (Krila of Calgary. Duvoled graudmoîher t0 Georgina, Jennîfer, Aune and Ia. Paul Preaideul rîf the Maycourl Club of Oakvi île, Beverley wan an accompliahed golter and bridge player. She will bu miaaed by ail who knew ber. A Memorial Service a held on Friday, April 25, 2008 ut llum ai Knox Preabyferian Cburch, 170 Main Stuaet East, Milton. Au expressions of aympalhy, donations lu a dharily of choice would bu apprecialed by the famîly. In emiamj IM1E Iemoram Ili rememhancruofa lurîng Husand ind Father, Gary W Zuest Januay 38,1963-Aprîl 22, 20107 Should yungo firtaudl1ienant, Eu malk he hr nad alune, lIlI lire iu memurpis gaîden, deai, Wîîh happy dapisru hîîumknon. lu Spting lII mat fui rss ted, When fades the lîlat hîne, lu eaîly Fal when hîumu le avts cal lIlI catch a glînîpse of yeur Shunld yuýý guftettacdernaiii, Fui batie lu r fuught, ivacli riiig yuu'etuched alung tire mat Wîll ht a hallumed spot. lIlI heur pounicie, FIi e rutode Thuughhbliidl1Il ay gîîpe, The meniuiy of youn helpîng hanîl Wîll hîuy nie uni utîi hupe. Should u gî firt aiîd 1 mraîiî. In Fnish mitli(lietsctall, Nu ltiîgtleictitg rhadorvî rîtaîl creeli i lîci makc ihis lire steiî drullI Wt'vrkutît s ii îch hof lîapi We'vel,îdtout cupîîfîîîoy, liai deaii catiîont deîîî,,t tliotlel vit go ilit aîîd 11îîîîî Oîte iîlong I'd have y au dii Iakso l tiow t.iht lonun alite , Fr it I ol i l'a tî Il to t t a Ii Away and i-ece, Jan Miss you hugi Dad, Luiet he Gippie ROBErRT GARNIT HOWDEN April 28, 1998 Hushaed of the tli Fiva Nueine lhaîemlîîîîîî e loegoottftilt Il ci are clîeîîîlîed lit i i ca L ii n tiii ail Il iit 'il, i Bitýl n i c ie lt 'iii , Rands, Sue, Feitîn, Doueîs, fautes, Olista, Giahai Ili n i c i or u t l DaTià Downs Sirîl to e Soltr it, letlfle.ltle r, til litr & 1 i ti o il 8h 0 lak nýe ui reneird Vue atti 1(c/t JONATHAN GEORGE WOOD July 16, 1962 -April 25, 2006 WC took ur vows tgther Said, 'll death dit us pari", But when God camne and took vaur iaîrd My whole marld tell apart. No one kiairs tlic Ieartaclic 1iryrso liard tai hide, Only kod kitami how mnany tintes I've broketi domn aîîd crird. Wheu 1 look lîack upon our huver One af the thiîtgs ihat miakes me glad, Thar you chose me iii share mîitî you The prectous years We had. Loving you forever j essie Wr litile knem tuai nitrning Cod mas goin' ta -al yaur nitît' lu Lit fe c d vtu dearin Ili deaîh me dît the saute. It brîthe itur hearîs ru litre yîîu Yîîu did nut gît aligne, For part of nsivment miîh pîtu Tht daK lrod callrd ou home. Yeu lef us heautiful mem unes Your luvt jr stîll itur guide, Aîîd alîhîîugh me caîtuht rec pou You are almavs ai orur ride. Oui famîly chaîn rs brukeit Aîîd noîhîng stctli te raite, But as Gud calîr us tue bp tue Thar chaut, mdl lith agan. We miss yeu Daddy Love Greg & Georgine "Safe ta the arms ofJesus Lynch, Karol Mayl1, 1942 -April 26, 2003 In luring »îeîeuny uf a dear huîband andfaeher "Whtn the iii ht isrsietnandîîii utufie anî thelazypinîtîn, rrlenîtlicsun braksfirceaiidkirseî iyface mitît îîîuîîîîîg lglis, mlîtnl1ha afavurie SIî, lagh ai senitieiintg s impîle ai teain sonmtthitîg ei I privately tare tht mottsttl uîiiill1can rlîatîeîîtagaîîmîiituiio. Ytîî aie teeri fîînîi amav îlî.îîîîîî lîrarîheai But 1 llmissryîrî Till vie ii again ilaelieg, Foeer cin ntyhiart, Sue Ronî~ieihtt lut îvîîiiiiie ltda Y, He tsar tnti lit fo rît Rilcct intîarlo iiiins tif itiatî hîappyttat Recaîl tr ni [t l ie îs. lit rît,îr ODf ail tite tti ngs tie îaidl is treîtugli, hi, uthet flic rar lit lauîglîed Rcnieiblertlteic nte.i p AI aysîîinouehlcarîî, Julia and initie n Mumariomu in the formi of donations ta The li Cunadion Cancer Society are, deopiy apprecîaiud- Caro o haks IPî$.olTd f haks McKinnen (William) Archie lie faîtîît tif fict laie W Arcîie Nicl. tîîtîtî miitld lre tu erîetritît t hm,î iîd applectatitti fot tu Ii ppoiiltî.it', fîtiteti lii tit o r vutil f.îîîîlî fiearli andî atinli bra tit st~pitl îi~lk to for rite ,ttttttr, lii torc i il carlin îrîîded bi Dr. Kritiîtei titI lIte Stuif iii tIti (tttthttte\lvtclita [rt latît DSt k .tltttg iîtiliri 1 ": Io ard Si lutiii .\ îl'- l S uI IT tit r itiieiii Cri AIc-, ( t iti ît li ii ci Wttra al,o ti ld i k Io i.ik Profsçio al c pro idu t it tu taiti1 t atit GudBIeio1rIcujYati BEEN STARTED AGAINST YOU IN the Ontario Court of Justice, ait 491 Steelun Avenue East, Milton, Ontaria. The neul Court date un May 1, 2008, aI 10:00 a.m., or as Soon an possible aller 1h01 lime. The Court may make an Ordur un this case tha1 may aiffect pour rîghlo. You con gel more informatian about Ihîn cuse from Mugan J. PaîllI, Lugal Services, 5045 SautS Service Raad, Burfînglan, Ontario; Tuluphonu No. (905) 333-4441, eut. 0757. If yau do val camte 10 Court, an Ordur may bu mode mulhonl yon and bu unforcud agaînul pan. Publc Notices .e cNotices Royal Canadian Legion Branch 136 Milton 121 Charles St. An elecîton of Branch Off icers will ltake place Sunday May 4th, 2008 at lpm, ln the clubrooa, canleeni closed unlîl following in- slallation. Memburo must producu proof of a2008 dues paid l, vote. Articles - 3 Articles DE For Sal For Sale Oee d nun7.0 Seru un bet It dals Ca rm $.9sft cuer Orny Cali 90 o7 51053-8530 hnl.fm[rnroi 1366 n res Cah Nc o r bic Goal cr Gast Wîlt DECKSa 25î ues expiet- cîrîty Oc50 mu c Cali MUMuS CL N tare Custom /aicîca nus 077-9b15 SERVaICES ratli ctean paaîs ijanuttis etc tantued iqserices Finitptacacoi Guraîead tint 3Dnat 1997 Cadllav Otvite tcn mncl ta cmîg voua Ir a sîga 647-299o915u mîttaga (10,00unalias> vitai ald tici hcat Gaîgeons cal $1.950 Watrly bîneaky ald Grae eD Sorinq Ccaas and Maie M &H7gin 2004, Hailua AcovarocE In/Ort îcats mi.Oua -UN-W-G.1 niav witv black eatrer araîlanît Mottais Daca Ce -ou-ukTOO.t intleti tîîly roadd tc îîcs o a oneîc 877-58e.589e Sainte ci civctlctil forîtu Mcm t Spa funk teenaisevc oie Exucaln coasiion M.Cai tolet lot a tac Senier discont. Caii & tait0 al 0572 crOttrate Maittar ai 4 6- gel fi denet la 1. roeet ATS Catpet Cait. $$$$$$$$ Sca GîtaI reoces Gteat SOSPEciALIZING la Flamico, COOKSVILLE Auto Wintb- Oifnal & Tart Na tb - ters, trai cars. truck ta- io. sm.ll' Il ytai eni . Garden Supplies nouai, test, i Onu set- Suserets, Addiionas, adcp iie o-e4337350, Oatclnnn Flua, Riisi Ownaersis peressnli itu, Finish karetlt Cant SPRING risaias, laeti ptuanîlo ai nu-ueou49 cirît, muwet îakîîî, lawne cetattut. sollui, gailti isallan luprtesscu. i .41i-896-0i98 eiue ifo@tree HOT Tu/Spa 200t nîiv POOL Tabla, B a I Nn nvrungrad 2oa [matais, silîtî ntxS., Wnidmunl i CaT1 irTra Caree Training L¶iU Caerf Training 40.a jts,. suit nîaîîel, ni ait Al Arvess tes. ni usi si, ost 7895 Sa o nu 70 nel ut onuý rifice~~~~ ne50 noie1-7- 0-0499 STOReGE boxs Atile atd KS]LIU; lu iU TAKE nuet titi gym mien- baisî ut POR FîTNEOO Mavng $e2 unîmth utî Arg. tatate 905-87b- B EOROOM cheitynao Sel, dresser, mîcînt viheil, îîgiisiail, tn, in bases, Conetaît cotstrrtin. Cnsl iom 1 rlaet Chtrry Ne k'ost $80M, unit $1900, 905-r67-4u42. CARPET 1 have sevrai 1,000 yards oi ten Star; Meuter & inn'. nylun cri pat. Witld litrua0rum & tat lui $389. tactles uni- pet, pi e iasitalanî3 yards) Olea, in9033- itou aOnd O e til innrppr une lt niait Sarifce se250 Cati 9u0-71-1777 AL BeD Cash Pald Jeweiicry, Gond, Sinet, Diamnds, Chuta, ceys- ici, Sive, Figeuines, Rnyalcilonun, Scaînu- ski, Aul atique tnînish- Ingc, Art, ceiteitibies, etc. Ectata ipciaicts, Tnp Cash. Caii John/l Tracy 90331-2477 DACHSHUN DS miniature snau mot &ilog bat, *MIF un00-75n Oakîlte oas- tan 7136 FAEE Daal Rabsît. ralet 2 ucaîs cld Cli 905-876 OOOOMîNG cal's Oely Cai Tii Cal Lady 905-878- cati atte toit 0 arofr Sale 20mi Chrysle, ScO cu ail Cai ors 876-2813 Le YIu FuC-r Be i -ee On Track is a 1 O-week program offered f ree of charge. It wiII help you gain the skills you need to find and keep a job! In addition you II receive: *, Two High School Credits la Computer Training e WHMIS Certif ication Open ta residents of Halton Take Advantage of this Opportunity! 1 For further information contact Margaret Springle at 1-866-442-5866, ext. 4626 or margaret.springle@halton.ca Assistance wîitb chîldcaru and transportation may bu avoulable. rIvoTi tînegraird l18 Solutîons, in partuership wîtb SIEMENS, s îerîtîag yau ta pactîcîgate in thc appartnty af a lîfetîmet OPEN HOUSE Monday, April 28th e 9 arn. to 3 p.m. 695 Plains Rnal Eait, Otite6 Bnîiîaqtn ON .7i arE8 Biingual Guides * May to Grrtober mth SJeicm u i ctic trrutlalareavts a lc ilvoiclitrueu FrenchO, patl wirt av tesîboityI rbvet ac Caada vamîmi tie magpes cV mfe ai raii@pvua eiestiuns.com comoains opei ais Roscalie Tertizi, Recrutment Spccialist V - www.plvotaisolutions.Com BPAýNTH-\VEN HOMES Is seukîvg lu NI the Inlluwîvg positin Warranty Service Manager Succasîful upplîcait musI ha prufussinîul, unrler gîhîc, utguuizud wîlh a positive attitude, Min. 5 yîs, exp. iv Similai tube n nîcîuîty. MuA be prnlîcîuîh in MS Office, Nînîlut îup. un annel. Full kntowl- idgi uf vn huma conructinn spectin, PDI pincirs ad Tai un Wattuvhy Prugru. Niadr Ioa o k ha a self startet cal n wnîk wit minimal supetvi- siou. Slng urgavîzatînnal and communictin ukîin llai nîîhîwritng abilites, an île lut diloil aid ahilîly lu supervise and mutiatu viSais lu con- cl plîli thait îîquîîad wan ua must. To Apply: email: jubo@bronthoven.com Or Fax: 9 5 Randy McGoire @ 905-333-1720 (Ref position in subjeci lino & include solary espectior) 8 82 4 i

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