Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Apr 2008, p. 14

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A14 - The Canadian Champion Friday Apnîl 25, 2008 Drop off old tires for free tomorrow Have your say r rrrr r. r.' 5 îtsg octu a giirid cacîne ai tise t t ils sisisci ai Tire Atntsestv Dan cuîîîtcst t ow (Saîurday). Haison residents eau dtusp oit u~s 50 eighs passeilger sites Icîr frac heîweeu 8 arn. anci 3 pus. as tise ilaissisi Vs'antc Ontarlo Energy Board Regîssîsai Priaci 2 s 'utiiissii i tirs-a ns iris stus~5 isn aie eticaicît ageci tir isriisg a ciusiii tissu uit fusoci or casit tint ilaitois aiea tuîcsd isauks. Dut îîsg tise pasi i.) s eii s i taitusîs rcs dessin isas c itetiscd ciîn ert usure tisais Commission de l'énergie de I'Ontario ttuisrcigii tisa t us \iiiitesis cRis -' \i~rs. unie tisais 5,0(R) kg rît suivi ,siici h 3,48s cisc isecîs csiiiec teci titi iuscat tîrrîci sauRs. lites tsi îictgiit tir tise t i~ituitt \\ OsiL' t\latsageitteiit site trîttîsîri urss ns iii se tîteets ans a> tuti i uc 5 c t up tus ise i esiseci i s ,tcttsiisiuitinc' ,î~s~siiu altssiis t isstttiiig tiic tus aisit isiantsitg iiiais un tisasi 5 liii su tic unit ,tc i un tics t îssîîîîsc'îu iii s'etiicie îî sun k unît suc tutus ns Iris t su' au u'istc'si iris iii c ,\iiiiiesis iRis isuiiiitg tirs' s nI isl tus n coi i taitisit tc'siuts'itis cas i uiins~s ru il tir tise îsassc'titiei neisîcie tises tic' suri ai tiîu ns asie iisotiagetiiessi sus iii P s Sitrititer iscîtetît uit takiitg nid Issus tri i us' .\îîîîsesis Dts' s îeduîc up îsîîsscîuîîîss isîeeciîîsg sites i îîes cii ,tisitiitct tise y arci cati cuiiiec t sioîisciiisg sn'aiei ns'tiic t cati ise ais ideosi bîeeciîîsg pi sscîîsci uit iisusscîuiiuses. Missqciîiiies caîs cai r> West Nue sîrcis anct tise cissease ctit ise ti ails ititiieci tus isuiisiiss Wl ~UU~ ijuuyet \'satti tus mas e s issu sas' iris issîns itsc' urss s sisîritici siseisci its iscîcipet tte\i serti i tiesi y usci iists mliii ina lii eîsci tise tiisn s c rssiisc i iiseet iitp tisîs "otistscias. ns iîeîî sesîcicisis sn tii lic pin cil a c suivi tir cîsîrrîsîcrîl issu tirs' tri urus sires tirs rire î(f5fcf nsisîs aliiip risc1 cuis iii itiicipc s -tilt isscsu'irt~tiissrr tri sîîlîîsuiituu' ttc t5f5fcf isiteipsi il surs r 'r', \ni il su sitrsic' il risc' i slips t ring r il i ru' iiis'u tiissip ns rtc i ~lat t- as . 30 s iti ris i urîsîsu i C itittiisc t'~ ut fr55 i tnt \îctîîrî,î i',ssi t iii suit tîrrîts tri siseair. ,îî itîcet up i lump' sursis sîcci ut itistS suit10 ~ 'iulsrr~~1 ic'nii'rto'i 555 ,iuln iris 5 its t i iiiisp mn À cisis npolu' i c'ciiic'st fi suit i irs rus s ,tii su' rsisiaiiieii ,ît ltsc' t iii i s cic3rrii t 5555'iil 31 iris s i tiii S cliii a t'ai k iii tris risc as nnsnnn îîîîisîsîr st sriltiiiuiu'ci titi us tilLint isi' striitiiitic'ci tir uic' t. tsi ir.n isitîce ire taseci tir t ~5) s) 87fs s022 iss id a us irti \iiiiscits i iîurse nn'iîcr cstn i iistise s rus tise îîseeuîîsp un ns isus ns uscîid t atisai c uîîîsîîseîsi us ns'ntuiisp c ais cirs sus ms e îssaîiîîîp titetainie nvtiitsuicisei30iiitiiusis ca EB-2008-0078 NOTICE 0F APPLICATION AND NOTICE 0F WRIT~EN HEARING UNION GAS LIMITED CERTIFICATE 0F PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY FOR THE TOWN 0F MILTON Union Oas Lîmînco J "15e ApplicantI han tsled an application daicd Apnîl P 2000 mîto the Ontanso Enengp Boaîd tiSe Board') ur'Oer section 8 ot the Mossîcîpal Prasîcîsises lot R.S O 1990. c M 55. as ameîsded (the "Acil. ton an ondes ot tht t3oard tSat supnssedes ibe poisson ni the eornisng Certîfîcate nI Public Cossvenrence and Necessity I Certificate I assecrated msth the tormen nsunîcrpalrtses nom wrthrn tIse Tomîr ol lAiton liSe "Municspalstp' t and establîshes a sîngle Cenirficate ot Public Consenience and Nncessrtp for the Municspaliip. The former munscîpatîtres ibai moka Up ihe Munscrpalrtp include ibe tormer bien ot Mutes. 16e termes Townshrp ot Trafalgor, a portions 0f Ibe former Towssbrp ot Esqueornq and a portion et the tormen Tomnship et Nassagawepa She Applîcani holds a Certiticate iFe C. 3241 wbîch cocons ibe f rot ibrea et the above aneas as watt an ether areas outorde et the Municspaiitp. No Certificats s hetd for ibe portion csf tPe former Tomnsbîp et Nassagamepa nom mithin the Munîcîpatîtp. The Board bas assigned File No. EB 2008 0078 te 5h55 application The application miii be decided by the Manager, Facîlities Appilcaisons, mbo bas been detegated ibis autbonity pursuant te section 6 et the Ontanie Energp Board Aci, 1998, SO. 1998, c 15 iScbedule Bt. The Manager, Facîtities Applications dees sot retend te preoide for as award et costo mhen decîding ibis application Copies et the application are acaitable for inspection ai the Boards office, ibe Appiscanis bead office, the Appilcants regienat office and ibe office et the Corporation et ibe Tomn et Mîtton, at tbe addresses îndicated beiom. Tbe Board intendo te proceed witb the application bp map et a mritten Seaning unlens a party satisties the Board tbat ibere s a goed reasos for net holding o mnittes beanîng. il you objeci te the Board botding a mniîten heanîng in ibis maties, pou musi procîde mrit ton reasons mbp as oral beaning s necessarp Anp submîssîons obîectîsg te a wnslies beoning musi be receiced bp the Board mithin 7 days et 15e publication date 0f ibis Notice if you wisb te particîpate n 16e wnîtten beanîng, peu muot formard three copies 0f pour wnitten submîssîons te the Board Secretarp and ose copy te 16e applîcant at ibe addresses belom Ah submsssroîrs musi be recesved 50 taler thon 14 days aher the pub tîcatron date et thîs Notice, If 16e Applicant mishes to respond te the wnîtîen submssssoss, such respense muot be receiced bp 15e Board ne taler thon 21 daya oher 15e pubticotron date of this Notice. Att submssssons must quote file ne 00-2000 0075, clearly stase 16e sendens name and address and be receîoed by the Board Secretary by 4.45 p.m. on the required dates. IF VOU DO NOT FILE A WRITTEN SUEMISSION OBJECTING TO A WRITTEN HEAR- ING OR DO NOT PARTICIPATE IN TNE NE.ARING BY FILING WRITTEN SUEMIS- SIONS N ACCORDANCE WITH TI-IIS NOTICE, THE BOARD MAY PROCEED WITN- OUT YOUR PARTICIPATION AND YOU WILL NOT BE ENTITLED TO FURTHER NOTICE IN THIS PROCEEDING. ADDRESSES Ontania Eneras Board Apaticant F0 Roc 3319 Oxien Oas Lrmrte0 ~23ooYongeSore et 2718 Fleen F0 Bas 2001 ne Keir Orme Nenth Tarante ON M4P SF3 Choiham ON NPM 5M5 Aiin Ms Kîrsiex molli Atm Mn Patîsot MoMaeex mn ~,rarrun Ose, riaicer Ruscaneh Tel i 877 632 6: Fan 355 040 765 073 hall ineel e Municioaiitv axO Recards Tel 519 036 5325 Fus 519 056 4641 Unions Repionai Office Oxiax Oas c mrted r r - - 0050 Paletta ceuni 53 Orewn Otreet Mîlten ON LOT 5H2 Bunlîxoten ON L5L 502 Atm Mn hep McHang Atte Ms tire Atme dent Onerairens Manager I Tel 905 eps 7252 Hamîlten Hastex Fax 905 eeo esos tel 905 335 7348 Fas 905 335 7354 DATED aI Tononto Apnît 22, 2008 Oeigînatty esgned by ONTARIO ENERGY BOARD Kîroten Watts Board Secmiaiy im: I I... r ',~' r PSYCHIC~ ~'FAIR, April 25, 26 & 27e" i Friday: 2pm-lOpm i Saturday:llam-lOpm Sunday:llam-6pm I Psychics, Tarot Cards, Auras, Palmistry, Crystals, Furtune Tellers, Lectures & More. i i I r Ouality Inn, OakviIIe 754Bronte Rd. I:7Â~~I 1:111 Lb5-i OIT A FRESH START. Get SOLUTIONS now for: Credit Card Pîeblems Less ni Job or (oued Ose Rep ssesninns Ma1oî Cash FIow Prebiens Wage Gaînrshments farcIrons Persistent Bru Colitess Jonigements Laie Sous Stedent Loan Delinquent Taxes foreclosures Dvoice Ruloiud t non roi Prenieno Ituirîiuelîieieerî isuecudi'ut. truiis~' Setueîuî 11 PADDON + *UYoRKEiNC 875-0811 baffer solution! 225 Main Street East <Main & Martin St.> Milton Comnîunity Lin ing ~$I~ Burlingion tOc an ASSOCIATE I FAMILY HOME PROVIDER The Assesciane Pamriy Home Proquani s a comrnrnrip i arrq sînernat an wirerr. chîlorer arrd sdol5 anti a deoelopmerstal oisabiirny lrvs ou a fui l'ors e oasis s rth ber, ras s' o pars r o ose 'rr ail aspects cf familp lite We are currentlp recraîtîng families or indîvîduais who are înterested n becomino an Associane Famîly Home Procider We are lookîng ton carîng tamîlies or indîcîduais who are committed and înterested n shanîng their home and procîdîng support to a chîld or adult wbo has a decelopmentat dîsabîiîtp We are also recruîtîng Respite Procîders We are lookîng ton famîlies or indîvîduals to procîde short tenm reliet to our Associate! Famîly Home Procîders. Respîte Procîders support a chitd or adult by establishîng connections mîth tbem and prociding a consistent home ton them te go te on occasionat weekends or tonger peniods ot tîme. tnterested tamîlies or indîcîduats muot lice n 55e Hatton Region and 6e able to procîde a safe, suppontîce encîrnement whîle tostening communîty connections and provîdîng opportunities ton growth and independence We offer support, training and supervision as welI as financial remuneratiofi. For detasîs catI or emaîl Robyn Suzuki 905 336 2225 ext. 249 associatetamitphomeerclburlingtoss ca Fstabiisiseit ix t955 Cnmnîsssiiy Living Ousisceton s ffuîi cgtehs oieest & langent ses pretit chanitaUle enganizatien Fer cnes 50 yeans, we Case ecascatea narseives ne enniching tnt quaiîtp ot lite asseleement ana cemmunstp integratîne ot inaîcîduais mOS aeceiopsnensai dsabiiities ST@P SM@%IIO Permanenhly w 2 1/2 hrs Rcpsnîtlass tsars niais trillas poil rave tsrea te girl n lIre paS soir iii stop s lrOOillp IIVSTANILY Sp seririrras allîlo Pair cr11 Sa taîîpht 50w ta relax 5cm ta lecer stress airS train te rarrîrcl pool is'erght otter pair stop srîsokrrlp rlesipned te arercosîre ail pour taîrires c tse pont 15e tîrst tour t mîlI ecplorn hem r---------------------------I hypeesis msrks acd demonstrate 50w i ~8O cash i LI.FSE ~IEIGII'I anpene cas Se hppnetîzed The neet 30 We feel we have your besf chance et minutes s tan anycce mho monts te lest I Includes: tosîng weîght and keeprng il off Ihan meîght Weight Ions session o tree tes I anythîng else an tIre markef smekern 15e ast so minutes n toi u Lifetime Membership Card I Yeer~ tibcenscious oued ceottols att ot sosekers eclp You mîlI snreke peet tant i I peut Se500ressn and eatîng habits Peu cigarette mhrle Seing hppnetraed Free Re-inforcement CD i isîsînt pet the psepes rofermatron into Seminar Leader L-------- ~ pont sabcenscrees te recerce the psoper Karen Nogooosh ina Neeso Lrngerntrc PARTICIPANTS AGES 12-16 sennîts We naît ectp Hppnesrs net Pregrammer & Censuttrng Hppnotrnt HYPNOTIZED ABSOLUTELY hîsodreds et dolIons n prîls & progtamni certitsed Sp the National Gestd et FREEt Hppnetînts MaSS HAVE ID ANO BE SOMPANIED Preuented by SCANADULS HYPNOSIS, FOR A CHANGE www.hypnusisfuîachange.net SEAT I N G I S LIMITE D hypnauistsrachange@hutmail.cum BEST WESTERN INN & CONFERENCE CENTRE Sunday April 27th, 1:30 pm - 4:00 pm 161 Chisholm Drive, Mitton Registration is at the door only, I houe betore seminar.

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