The Canadian Champ o Fiday Apri 18, 2008 - il Weekend driving levent puits Nissan's compact crossover toi the test Rv THF FDITil J ýli\ 'ýqtttîci Otitile .icit[1iS ic)C olJl the new Nissan Rogues target market experienced what prolessional auto wniters tak for grantecl recently, when they were invited t0 drive the coim- pact crossover and give their impressions of it. Their 'Rogue Weekend' began with an advanced driving course ai the PMG Technologies skidpad near Montreal, and concluded with an extensive Iwodl test drive to Ottawa over a vani- ety of back roads and highways in real wtnter conditions. Lt began to snow as the group arrived PMG Technologies where they were met by profession- ai racing dniver-turned-înstrucîor, Guy Lahaie of Trois Rivieres, Quéece. Lahaie's mission: To teach the group advanced driving skiils wi th the focus on skid control, prop- er use of the antî-iock braking system, and colli- sion avoidance techniques. As the snowfali intensified, the drivers took turos through the various courses and with each consecutive pass, their confidence and skill leveis rose. From Biainevilie, the group motored to Chateau Montebello where they anticîpaîed a chailenging drive 10 Ottawa the next momning through spectacular Laurentian Mountains scenery Impressions Sean Kavanaugh of Buriington lîked the steer- îng wheei's wide range of position settings, large pnint and easiiy identifiable switches and controls, whîie his wife, Ailison, especiaiiy liked the heated seats and seatbacks. Six-foot-tait Aiiy lsted, aiso of Burlingion, found entening and exîting the vehicie "extremely lo ( 1 \ t l, ioc iut lututitu O thi) lIl! till 1? il Sai mers aiid the large, round kiofo loi li hai îîîg aîîd air condiîioning. jff (han of Hamilton offered kudos for "greai seats and heîght adjustmnelis on the non-poweîed front seat in hius tester. For Frank Veril of Toronto: "The radio con- trois in the sîeering wheei miake it easier for the single driver, as weii as safer." "We purposely drove over humps 10 gel a feel for the ride comfort level, said Aiiy lsted, "and the humps feit almosi non-existent." Ail around visîiiîty was "quite good" saîd Mat Rodriguez, though the view dîrecîly rearward was restricted by the "smaiiish hack winidow," a point noted hy more than haîf of the dnivers. Tammy Chan found the brakes quîck 10 respond, and weren'î too toch "The sîeering wheel feli liRe a true extension of my anos," she said. Said huhhyJeff, "the ride is slîghtly stiff, but l'Il taRe that over a tail vehîcie that wants; to lean in the corners. The Vehicie Dynamic Conîrol "made a huge difeérence" duning the car control exercises, said Monîka Bujalska of Toronto. [s'en Ihrul slalom contes on snow and ice, "the vehicle responds remarkahly 10 sîeening coî-nmanids." Oscar Valencia, who moved to Canada f romn Columbia nine years ago, notcd ihai a big pari of dnivîng in Canada "is doîng ot in snowv condi- tions, and this car responded perfecîly " "When i slammed on the brakes, 1 was stîll in control and was able 10 steer where i wantecl 10 go," said Allbson Kavanaugh. The continuously-variable transmission was a Nissans new Rogue crossover repfaces the successfu, but boxy X-Traîf. The Rogue boasts sf ippery f unes, a wide track, aggressive silhouette and powerfuf rear shotîfeer uines. l aionmy Chan lound hacs. k cat ooli nîce ancl iall withlî ois of feg imont "\Ve coulci easîls 1usd op oui (tîls andc thecir thrce hockey hbigs. Lanks' Paul Constantin of Bcirlington found "pieni> uf foot roon" under the front seats. "1 he spare lire is in a convenient place (under the cargo floor) and the boIt that holds ot on tan't gel rusty (in that locatin. Several drivers noted that the front passenger seatback flipped forward a îad Iu forcefully when unlatched. In the end, the Rogue received high il's tear jerking how much anme drivers overpay for their car insurance. Yocî can try 10 find which com- pany has the best rate yourself, or we can do il for you, for free! IinsuranceHotline.comn compares over 3t0 insurance companies and provides the lowest rates. I ook ai this chart. ht shows the lowest 10 highest rates quoîed from 30) insurance companies. There's olver a $5,000) difference! tci -,,i îug tl inc t1icirs. Ib viiepet cciiit foui- ciîci' i .uîed thec Rogue as ' ccelîcot" vau iltfoi ltoOnl cl nd 50pv cent siewscîl ita "above avrage. ' lss o cli sers calîccl1 it "good" value. Not cmlv dîd Rogue exceed Ally lsîed's expeclations, especîailv wheîi considering the prîcc range in which il competes, "il also proved 10 me that Nissan cao but a vehicle tha has high appeal foi womnen drivers" as well as for men. BIT WAIT! THERE'S MIORE... 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