B6 -The Canadian Champion, Friday, April 18, 2008 Celebrities support fun-filled aduit spelling bee More tban 25 well-known Canadian authors and celebrîties sucb as Margaret Atwood, Ann Murray and Stepben Lewis bave stepped forward to support Nortb Haltons Biftb annual Grate Groan-Up Spelling Bec. The Literacy Nortb Halton fondrais- er promises to be anotber successful event beld to support local adult litera- cy programs tbat belp break down tbe barriers Iow literacy present. Tbe personalities bave eacb donated a book eitber written by tbemn or rec- ommended because of a relevance to tbe cause. One cbildren's autbor, Katby s Stinson, cbose a partîcularly poignant story sbe wrote based on a friendsbîp sbe developed witb an older gentle- man. Stinson wnites tbat witb 26 books under ber belt sbe bas neyer been faced witb tbe cballenges of strugglîng to read and wnite. It was wbîle sbe did a sttnt as a visitîng autbor at a prtmary scbool tbat sbe got to know a caretaker wbo as a grandfatber bad recently learned to read. King of tbe Castle is not based on tbis man "but on someone like bima and tbe many adults in our country wbo, for one reason or anotb- er, were not lucky enougb to leam to read as cbildren." ST among supporters of May i event Miltotn students will be pulling an all-ntgbter of tbc more cntcrtaiing î'arîety ncxt înoîitb. Tbaî'î wbcn Galaxy ( incînas t' slaîcd id bold its 'Starlîgbî All N îgbt f îliiolct, sîîrtttîg ust bcfoî c îotdîingbî ou [ridas, Maty 9ý Rctnnîng util 7 i ni. tîc fi- loxs'îg nit oniîg, Ilic luIIdî ai' iîig i. i cnt bcncl îtîîî tlîc Uniîtcd \Va,î of Milîtotn ill i ost $5 pecr pci sots [bai il atllis I13 Io 18 y tai- olcîs tii talkc in a moarathonîî ii free arcade gaîules, live enter- tatmcent and movies -witb Tbe Stîiipsons, Iransfornlers, îHot Fuzz and Dîsturbia bcîing played. Starlîgbit-gocts eats alsii play Xbix oii Nitectdo Výii oni tbc big scrcci atnd îiiutscl ou popl cotti pizza andI pop utîil dawîî. Th lcvn wciiiistI bc supti viscd, wt tiîcpýrcsciittx cs lt-oui bstîs I altrit Regîiîsal l'îltcc atnd St. Joh tîît \litboLIIc c( ScI'urcC No onti ill bc allo\tix cd ici Icaît prîor id 7 a.n uittîortt a psaretnt, and aIl teens must present a valtd student ID upon euitry Tickcts arc available ai bostb Milltonts trict aîîd E.( . Drurv Isigli scbools duning luttcb peri- ods oit Tlsrrsday, wisle Btsbop Rciîtg ;tudents ciii otdcr îîck cli ilirîugbi tbc Uitedl \Va at (905) 875-2550. Tlic F itcd Vay is also look îtîg liii ,îdult vîslutes tc ic blp soctcsciai nigbt, and tbosc ttstcîcsîctd cil s îi rip ai the abiîic nuoisbct niately the Ion event is about raistng fonds and awareness of the long-rang- ing affects of low literacy in adoîts. "Literacy programs cati combat nutrition and health problems, htgb scbool drop out rates, teen parenttng, joblessness, welfare depetidency and soctal altenation," shne said , The Grate Groan-Up Spelltng Bee xviii be beld Tbursday, May 1 at 5.30 p.rn. at Halton HUIs Banquet Hall, 3090 Steeles Ave. W Tbe corporate bec pits teams of three lrom local busmnesses, agenctes and organizations agatnst each other tn a btlartous night of costumes and anttcs. Audtence members are invited to attend and cheer on their lavourite spellers. Tickets cost $30 and include dinner and tbe sbow Tickets are avatl- able at Elsley Optical, 55 Ontrno St. S., Milton and at Salon 51, 51 Main St., Georgetowrn. SPELUNG IT OUT. Grate Groan-Up Spelling Bee committee For addîtional information about member Kath Beaven brushes up ber skills in preparation for this tbe Bec and Literacy Nortb Halton year's Grate Groan-Up Spelling Bee 10 be held Thorsday, May 1 at please contact (905) 873-2200 or liter- Halton Hilis Banquet Hall. The event raises funds and awareness acy@bellnet.ca. for aduit literacy programs offered by Literacy North Halton. Cinemna holds Filmfest for United Way THE CHILDREN'e S AID FOUNDATION 0F HALTON PRESENTS THE SATURDAY MAY 3, 2008 RATTLESNAKE POINT GOLF CLUB DINNER, DANCE, SILENT & LIVE AUCTIONS TICKETS $ 150.00 EA. FOR TICKETS EMAIL FOUNDATION@HALTONCAS.CA î;' CHILDREN'S