I ~ -,-.---.-..- - -, - lime has corne to finally 'relax' lui I~UI lily idiIgruund custodian6 Couple turn over responsibilities afte'r nearly haif a centwy By Robin Downton-Poirier SPECIAL TO THE CHAMPION They've been surpnsed by wîldlife, iovingly chased by dogs and they've handled emergencies dunng events, but now, after more than 48 years, its time for Bruce and Annie Bird ta reure from their positions as custodians of the Mîlton Faîr Grounds. "We have worked year-round, aimosi seven days a week for so many years, and now it wiil be mce ta have some time ta relax and vîsit wiîh lriends when we Feel like it," said Anme. "My son told me bey been waîtîng for us ta retire [or years now" Bruce, 82, and Annie, 78, accepîed the job in 1959 "ta help someone oui." Bruce was doîng shift work at PL. Roberison and Annie îook care of their home and family, and ihen they worked ai the fairgrounds afîerward. Neither believed that that îhey would have sîuck wiîh o for so long, said Annie Rut the cusiodial job kepi theni healîhy" We were aiways on the move there for several hours each day mowong iawns, cieaning the buildings, some heavy lift- ing, whaîever needed ta be done. h kepi us heaiîhv and active and we enjoyed every bit of o,' she saîd. Being custodians, Annie and Bruce rnowed and triinmed the lawns and cleaned the eight buildings on ihe 23-aire properîy every day. During the aucîtons, the couple also ran the lunch caunter Mosi days, îhey worked for several hours, movong ai their own pace and enîoyîng the lime together. Some days though, said Annie, îhey would he ai the fair grounds ail day if there was a big event happening Annie said the fairgrounds have become a loi busier in the past five or six years wîth a number ai bigger funcuions scheduled includîng dog shows, picnocs, and the Strawherry Fair, ail which made theor job a bit more demanding. "With the bigger events, we spent more lime on the grounds, made sure the washrooms were kept cican, and conîinuously maintaîned the buildings. If we hadn't, I guess a would have been a ioî messier ta ciean up ai the end,' she saîd. The Birds, married for neariy 62 years, have five children, 12 grandchiidren, and 10 greaî-grandchîldren, mosi who have heiped îhem ai one lime or anoîher ai the fairgrouiids, said Annie. "One of uhe best uhings about being there was we were basocally aur own bosses," she saod 'We could work în the IIIGH COST 0F HEATING GOT YOU D0~? CAIL Four Seasous GeothernlalM >~OUR OFOT//ERMAI EXPERTS! 4seasonsgeo.com Tel: (905)208-2624 DeNurektu Looksng for that perfect getaway dus summer or fali? YoU are Invited - -. DeNurc Tours Travel Show in Milton Apral 23, 2008 at 2:OOpm Granite Rîdge Golf Club. 9503 Dublin Line lin i~ f o a up ut caf tee aîsd a t0-e-,enîauioos ob ut aur 2(1(18 sightseeioag tours tlîroughuîot Canada aosd ihe ttosiied States, Seats are limited! Pledse RSVP to 1-800-668-6859 or email toi: info@denuretours.com CROHAM daiNE CANZDiAI4 CHAMPiON A STROLL DOWN MEMORY LANE: Bruce and Annie Bird n front of the old grandstand take a walk arouod the faîr grounds mornîng or at nîghî, whatever we iiked or needed, and we could brîng ihe kids wîîh os I hs'n, afier îlsev had their onvn chiidren, the grandchildren carne with us, 100, sometinles. Annie saîd she and her hushanci had rnanv sUrprises over sea DOGS on page A15 "~êê~45ff, hp Mon*Thurs 9am-3:45pm * fleos-Thurs 5:3Opm-9:4Ipm Sat4un Oam.3:45pm Di & (12 Road Tees Preparalion Specrai liieniion Fi, N~rviu~ 25 lire io-Oass iosiruciisotio Hro & Senior Siîderîis Deirini Tue Wheei Traiorog Eariy DookinO S Oeiîicie Priviied Nioha, Weekeods & 4 Consecoiioe Fi, Road Tesi Day Coîrse Ceaiiabie ipociai Paîkaoe Raies & Mode,, Duai Conirai Cars Paymoni Plane Osailahie Delensive Doive, TraininO Feee Tee iadîciiiiio italie Swneii O 5poraii . -I .- I. 9O5-875-6867~~] The Canadian Champion Friday Aprîl 18 2008 - A13 WANTED! 7 HOMES THAT NEED ROOFING INTERWCK metal rooling systern înstalled on iheir home an at a reasonable cost This lifetime product s capturing the interest 0f homeowners across the country who want ta know this will be the ast time they miii have ta re-roof their home. Our produci s environmentally friendly and cornes with a transferable Lifetime Limîted Warranty with an excellent choice of colours to complement your home and s going ta be introduced ta your local market. Your home can be a show place n your neîghbourhood and we will make il worth your while if we can use your home Please cail Angelo: 1-888-696-0548 ToII-Free 24 hours 7 Days a week Il I 'i I Il From April 21nî ta May gO, 2008 parents with children in the Haltan District Schoot Board will once again be invited ta complete a School Effectiveness Sarvey. The results of the survey will provide important data ta be used ta shape system and echoot effectivenees planning for improving student learning. Parent survey resuits will be esamined in conlunctian with survey results tram students, teachers and non-teaching staff The survey wîll be available begînning Aprîl 21, 2008 at www.hdsb.ca Parents may camplete the survey an-une tram wherever Internet access s available (home, wark, or at your childa schoal). If you do not have access ta the Internet, please discuss alternatives with your '~hilds achoal Principal or Vice-Principal. NOTE: To lag-an and for securily purposes, parents must have their child's/children's Ontaria Education Number (DEN), the number found at the top 0f the repart card. Fui-mer intormation s available thraugh your chîlda achoal or by cantactîng the Research Oepartment, Haltan District School Board at (905) 335-3665, est 3280. Halton District School Board 4 ,/iudii, Cil/ian Tui.h Kîaaî na Di iii r I Edai aîiiin Chai, 0/ (hi? 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