The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, Aprl 15, 2008 - A9 lui1 'TaaTDj %iV 1ii 11 Milton's Most Ex.%%perienced Providor of 1111M41 Music /f and Me NEW. Kitdenîijîsik Sigi & Siîîg qffered in collaboration wii Luit/e Hands Taleing ,hmbsigncs&ýng tQikino sîgn tiguage class "USTANG MESSENGER"; Emily Barrie Harbi Naît Leanna Ritchie Zainab Asadullah MILTON DISTRICT BIRH SCEGOL Finally, finally spring is here! The scent of a not-too-far- away summer is in the air, and almosi as palpable is the anticipation of neyerai senior students. it's no wornder they're excited, as responses from universities and colleges are winging their way Io their eager hands. Going to new and different places is not jusi on the minds of seniors though; there lias been plenîy of globe- îrottiîîg for the resi of fle studenis. Receiîtly a numbei of grade 11I and 12 studenis have coule back sunburned and exhilarated ftom a trip 10 Ghana in Afrîca. They had been, along with Mr. Newman and Mrs. Lloyd. building homes and even a school for te impovcrished and iinderprin ileged people there. The colire trip had been in a blasi. and wecre sure another joumney 10 Africa for îîexî years ninidenis are already in the works! Foilowing fic theme of giving back, ihere i. arther upcomîng trip 10 News York. Aller lte sucens ol' the Los Anîgeles trip to the Museum of Tolerance a few monîhs back, a date for a another trip was inarked down t0 New York's Museum of Tolerance. Students who dîd go 10 the LA trip aIl agree ihat the vîsît was an eye-opening and life-altering experience. Hopefully these scitool vîsîts 10 the museums will become an annual event in the coming years! The scitool band is also participatmng in the travelling fun, in a few weeks urne they aIl will be travelling 10 Prince Edward Island. There they will be performing at a local university. This is a great accomplishmenl for our scitool band, and we ail wish them the best of luck in PEI! A bit dloser 10 home, students are gîving back in our very. own cafeteria. A video-game themed fundraiser for Habitat for Humanity took place last Friday in which students played Dance Dance Revolution. Cînitar Hero, and various Wii garnes for a dollar each. They had had the chance 10 win loada of different prîzes and compete againsi leachers and friends. lIts pretty much agreed upon that these types of fuandraisers are far more effective (and fun!) for raising money than your average collection box type. While we here at MD are enjoying the weather. we know that the rest of the year is going lo be anything but boring. The last few months of the second semester is going 10 be action-packed, not only are students jet setîing across tlic world, we are gîving back to the global communty in 50 many different ways. The year may be winding down, but we are only getling started on so many more new and exciting projecîs in our school. -Zainab Asadullah 11 66DATELINEDBR-T"1 Kevin Bayd Nurin Merchant A/tison Wallis E.C. DRURY 1116H SCHGGL8 Arc yos ready ta ramble" 'Cauise sprîng is liere. aiid evn titanal the hallway pointî ai te serriesier is f«asi approacliig. Diury is ast shawîng sîgns af sliing dawn.. Nsw îhat hIe snoss lias nielied. and flie Irees are blaamiiig, everyorse is gelling inia a productive. spri- lime maad. Tire seecind lidif aititis semnester promises to be liiied ao lthe brutn wih aN5 esomne aclivities tbai i C is prsaid îa liant Speikiiig afi îiddIe ai hie seitiester, mark ni ait .ieidr lneeiise Midierni repaît cards go baine ail Tiînrsday. Far lfins yen 'n gradiaiing studenîi its li asve applied la past-scanrdaiy s duait ii its treanls ilit itai acetne ire abot so 'gos Duesi oli lîick iii vori 11i Of' courîse. as Midterîin reports gor ont, Plierti-tacher iiters rets are Saint iii irlliris This semesier's Pi iliterrie\ nîgit is oit \prii 241h. srî once .igain, niarn yoiir caieîidars. NeXt, ittIaOiTai sliiiîld cert.iily pîas e iii be i itîter eniiîiîcing day. Wity? i s hritrnr rît a lispirtis li shoais 'l sane ai ilîîr tricks ta the stideitn We'l be sitre Io hase mate ait titis senýt eekl Nons tir samieliîng dîiferetl it' iretîctinoer aîd ebisýer lihe Stretîgili Witutin l.'snierice is îintî liere aîndî siideitn irnit ail rîsel Iitas liaive been seraitibliîig iar hiîer chianîce tii paîlîcîpale ii the esent. Singer sang-wrîler Laurel] is out firoin t flaiovie lise music bein een the sessioni abott lthe Deaul My ii aiid yoga amntig many aihers. Senior siadelils wîll alsa bc iendiiîg a hand dîing the day ta ensure everylthing rnuns snotaaily. The keynaîe speaker, Dr. Karyti Gordon is alsît provîdîîîg a iree sesionin the en'enîng of flie C'onférence ai the Milton Sparts Ceiter. its ealie "Bridging the Gap" and parents are welcome la attend wiîlt iteir leens. Dr. Karyn Gordon is ni oaly a molivalional speaker and anîhor, bt also a TV prodacer for lier music ialk-show, "Spîli Yoar Gais". Her speakîag is ith pow- erfiil and iaspiring, il is gaaranleed la gîve yaa ganse bamps. la aiher news, the Arts Departmeal has iteen sîlenlly warkiîtg away in lte deplhs ofithe Drama ront and lte Muîsie roant so, Daieline Drary senal uandeconer reparter iii ta gel lthe Ina down ai lte oint- bitngs. Il flmes oui, te Arts Departaîcal is luiimng o11t a sprîîîg play. Nai only nuli il ite a sprîng play bit il is a mander niyslery ltai wîli ite featared as a dîîîaer iteaire prodactin ealled "Clockwork". Titis is a very special eveal lthat wîli itave lîmîled sealîng and tickets are itoand la b iten igli demand. Mrs. Cales wîll itave informatiaot if yaîî are înîecesied an pareitasag tickets. Titis piteitonenon is fast approaeing ion iteeause te performances wîll ite May i si and 2îîd. Tite Dalelîne crew is stili lrying la work ont itan tey maîîaged la keep titis itader wraps lac s0 long aîîd nar avîd readers wîll receive îîpdales as we gel tent lThe comîng of Sprtng rentîndn as ltai ,ve oaly have a quarter ai' tite seitool year remaîniag. Don't worry toagit itecarîse Drary is fan front ready ta slow down and take a cent. As always. ne'il ite keepîng yoa apdaied weekly. sa anlîl nexi lime, adîns! "6TUE ROYAL6 REPORT"P Joanne Bayoneto Mati kerwin Chantai Pereira DISHGP REDINO IlIOR SCIGOL lley BR! Titis week, ne have a fanlasic article for you! Sîrap in. attd prepate l'ic ait eîîlertaîîîîîg iecad' 1 Wîith a itens sîîîîîîîer jasi aroiîtd the eonter yoîîr Inside Sources liaive tir idea witat 10 do wiltiheir old sommer clotîtes' Lackîily. il yoîî'ce feeling flie saine way, tucre's an aîîswer. t5isiiop Redîiang iî oldinîg al stmmer clatîtes drive. lTe greiti v n ot nîies lthai n on brîng iii nul go t 15' ildreîî aîîd v'oîitg aduits alto lîve iti te wac tîrt ciîulrs i if laîli. [these peole wlto ire nti îci nîldertha litus do 001 lias e lthe prîni- lege thai nie itere ii C ana.da (Io of wearîng braitd iten elotes ecti yea.î Su sulpport lthe pteople ofi liatti aîîd leai, apart yoîîr ci itet l'ot clîrlien tut yoîî tiener knen yu tiadi 'lie deadiites M.îy 28111 soi ItRRN' I asi nneek. on Taesday lthe Sut. 13R hosîcd a senior bail- milliîonî îîîîrnamneîî f'or igit scilools iîî tite area. 'Fite compeli- lin nias lîeree laiasîîg telin eitooIs iii aiteîîdaîce. With coîtîpe- tlonîls lot wîîîîîeîî'n anîd stt ingles andi dolîîes, an n eh an iixed doubles. titece was lois oil excieîîemenl. aîd youc Itîsîde Sorces were titere lthrîîîgil ail. BR's top linîsier mas Krîsla "Dirty" Deîîîîoît. isio plaeed second iii ttc wontelis singles diivision. Ohier notable perlorîtters front BR îîîcluded Tyler Wilson iii mten singles, aîîd Evan Titomas and Daniel Lewandonskî in men's doubles. BR's SAA, or Student Allîletie Association,. was ihere lo rua the eveni, and a speetal thaîk you goes oui 10 ail who came 10 show iheir support of lthe scitool. Wil the warm weather apotî us. maîîy spring sports îook advanîage and hase begun lthe paînful procein of try-ouls' lits lime 10 gel back in10 shape BR!! Slay tuned in flie nexi few weekn for iense updales about our BR sports leams. LINK CREW, LINK CREW. LINK C-REW!! Titese were lthe words ihat filled lthe itallways on Friday morniîîg. Mr. Freeman and Ms. Rîdeoni are recnîiiing for siodenîs wito are goîng Io be in Grade il and 12 nexi year, wito would be inter- esled in itelping oui tite Grade 9s, wito are makîîîg theîir ansi- tion ilîlo igi scitool. Titis group is mach different lthan tite LIB progrant ai BR. The Link Crew is beîng csiablîsied for one-on-olte interactionî wîth lte Grade 9s. Titis seemi 10 be a promîsing group. wiîe wîli furtiter our goal in making lis seitool a friendly, and safe envîronnîeni for leamîing! WE ARE BR!! Weil DR, your Insîde Sources hope lthat titis week's issue itas been itelpful in lelling ail of you about lte recentiiîews. We will be back itexi week, wiith anotiter SUPERFANTASTIC article!! XOXO, love your Insîde Sources 1