Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 15 Apr 2008, p. 6

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A6 -The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, April 15, 2008 If's about time * Queenl Park lias minro- * duced the Provincial Animal Wellare Act but our enthusi- asm Foir this new animal wel- faire legislation e, muted because it-s O long overdue. Iliat fact tbat these are tbe * mosî significant changes to animai weifare legislation in this province sînce legisiation was first passed migbî be impressive if it wasnît for tbe sorry fact that animal- abuse iaws were first adopted in 1919. It bas been neariy 90 years since a provincial gos'- ernmenî bas given animal abuse legisiation miore tban a passing giance. Under the proposed fls lation animal abusers couid be siapped wiîh jail time, banned from wIng pets and fined Up ta $60,000. * Vecterinarians will also be * required 10 report suspectrd abuse or neglect. Under the proposed new law, animal protection officiais wiii no longer have to prove inient in cases oi trtielîy but only evidetîce of owiiersiîip and tbat thc animal was mis- treated. Inspettois wiîf tht Ontario Society for tht Prevention oi Crueliy bo Animais (OSPCA) will bc aliowed to inspect ntînrei dentiai premises where an- mais are kept for entertaîn- ment, exhibition, boarding, sale or bire. The (SSPCA couid also seek cusîody of seîzed animais whîie the coutirs deai wiîb their owner - a înarked change iromn the curreni law where a person charged wiih abuse can retaîn tare ni the animais hy cieanîng tîp the conditions and paying any bis owed 10 tht OSPCA for inieriffo care. Wbile these changes are welcoîîîe, we're disappointd it took so long for lawinakers; to, proteci man's besi fniend and ail the other creatures that enrich our world. Daffodil Days support was truly heartwarming DEAR EDITOR: During four days as the endi of March, the Canadian Cancer Society ran the Daffodil Days sale of fresb flow- ers 10 support tancer research. Milton raised a record amount oi money for this cause, whîcb bas îoucbed most fainilies. 1 wouud likr to thank the local husi- nesses - încludîng A&P Canadian Tire, Cristello's Market, Food Basits, FootiPort, Home Hardware, the îwo LCBOs, Loblaw Soperstore, Milton Mail and Wval-Mart - for giving tht voluiteers space and a warm weltome 10 their premises. As well, the Maple Avenue Beer Store was gracious enougb to allow us 10 store our boxes of dlaffodils in their ctmld room. And ail 110 volunteers deser-ve a big hand lor giving.îtir lime andi effort to self the flowers. Finally to the cîtizens of Milton, îbank you for your generosiîy botb in purchases and donations. Fvery penny bnings us closer 10 a cure. Milton is stili a sîîîall iown witb a big heari. JENNIFER MIROSOLIN DAFFODIL DAYS CONVENOR Thanks to ail who helped with book sale DEAR EDITOR: The Canadian Federation of University WAomnen, Miltoni and Disticts 35tb anocial book sait was a grilt success. Tbanks 10 tht Chauimpioni or ils pub- limity so that people could lînci us in our new location, to Zellers and Milton Public Library for beîng the collection locations, to the bigh school student wbo earned community service bours while sorting and tîrganîzing the books and to the donors and purchasers of these books. present scholarships for post-secondary edîttation bo studenis aitending Miltoni bigh scbools. inclciding i . t. Drtir- Sm.bool for the Deal. We ai-o assist ad mature woinan returning bo posi-set- ondary edîttation. Our memibers work bard tollccting, sorting anti organîzîng the books because sve belies-e that besicles raisîng funds for scbolarsbips. tht book sale encourages reading and the reuse ni books. Thank you, Milton, for your sup- port. The funds we raîse are directedti 1 JEAN 11111E edutational endeavours. Annually, wie CFUW BOOK SALE COMMITTEE -~ t- -4' - ~w Too many irresponsible dog owners out there DEAR EDITOR: Iwas a pleasant surprise to read the April 1 letter bo the eIlo from, Lisa Billon enîîîled 'Please, keep your dog on a fl. i have to îoîally agree with bier. 1 reside in the Laurier Park area and am toîally dis- gusîrd at the irresponsible owners wbîî let thIr dogs mun free and who dont pick up alter îbem. l'm îired of1 baving to, constantly keep an eIe on the ground in order not to sîep in a pile of poop. Il's Irue, Laurier Park isn't a leaslh-free parV nor is il a training facility Ici teatb your dog how tu play fie im..I seems that there are more ciogs off îheîr Ilhesan are dogs who are kept on iheir fls On Aprîl 3 for example, wiîbîîn a 1 5-intte iime fraîne three dog owners came to the paro and noit oi . îhem bad their dog on a leash. lInoo don't appretiate soineont cIses dog runnming up 10 me and not only frighîening nie butî iiy dcîg as well. This park is also ful of children. Goti forhîd somnething happens III a chiid. The Oakville and District Humane Society is respon- sible for enfcircing Milton aimai byiaws. aîîd 1 en.ocur- age everyone whots fed up with seeing dogs off their leashes te cail and speak with an cîîiorcemenî nfiter and arrange for an enforcement ollîcer 10 pay a visit te0 the park. I also understand îhaî if y ou have tht dog owner's address, an enfortement ofictrr will pay the dog owner a visil aI their home. The humane soeieîy nuinher is (905) 845-1551. I don't entourage anyone 10 confront any ni the dog owners, as 1 matie that misîake one tune and had obscenities hurleti aI me. SABINE DOBEIL WHITE DRIVE Zt1j (&înabkuîl Iliarnpion 511, lndustnial Dr., Milton, Ont. L9T 5E1 905-878-2341 Editonial Fax 905-878-4943 Advertising Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified:905 875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 vww iltoncanadianchampion.com Publisher Neil Oliver General Manager D)ïvic Har e i Editor in Chief Jiii Davis Managing Editor Kai n Mo Advertising Director Word, Mcilab Production Manager Tin Cr io Circulation Manager ('haileroHall Office Manager Sandy Pare The Canadian Champion, published every Tuesday and Friday, lis a division oi Metroiand Media Group Ltd. - Group Publisher Ian Oliver Avelsrig isavcppd on the conditio tra th ffno a typographla rror thapolrto oh dvr Ti s0paT cuped b orarr ' ti ogýthr wh a rei allowiat fr sgnatre aill ont beharged foiu the balnc rof the odrrîrroat will b paid for ai thr appial otbe roThe pal frve t ioohe rig1 to 0,gat deT Ot rie CCAB Audited Ontl~ ario, coorotr rae n mspave,s a* a ilmi UNITED wav OF MILTON V AUCTIOr MILTON SANTA CLAS PARADE Showease M ilii ~t r i rd, Readers Wriote E-mail your letters o rltoned@hatonsearch. om

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