Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 Apr 2008, p. 32

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32 - The Canadian Champion, Friday April 11, 2008 Rotait Retail& Computer Computer Computer Opportuetis_ Ror Unifies M Technlc al1 HeI p EM Technmcal Help Dt rcnîg Dt Processn Data P rocessing ATTENTION î il MÊvHIi' Av $20m/hr Wealy piecework compenisation Enamematîsn type wstk NO EXP NEEDED Training for accepted uppicanto Paid training baaed an Performance Student ochoashins proarama Avaitablett To ochedule an interview t-866-421-2727 A ieadîng diatnîbaît ut Furnîtare Hardware n Barlîngron Re- qaîrea vaperience carehauve csrkern. Respsnsîbîiîtîet in- ldda, Pîckîn & Packîr Orgdera. Camputer knswledge a mst. E-mail paur Resame 15: hpereraet hatelearmenccamor or fax: 905-319-4445 Manufacturer of gareen claanîng prsd- Iactnneqaîre a Full-I ager in a fast paced envîraneent. Encol- lent appsrtanîtp tnt self starter lsnkîng fo buîld a career. Fan te- sume 905-337-0328 BARK & FiTz Groomner Wanted Profesuinnal, eaperienced, able ta work Saturdayn. Apply in persan: 2590 Appleby Lino or essail- burlington@ barkandfitz.corri RECEVER Lots of IOvertimeI FAX: 9036-272J Driver Helpers/ GU Needed For a Miton csmpnry, FIT 40+ hrs/wk $15hoaur Contactaus tot an interview: Ph- 905-333-5011 Fax: 905-333-9586 Essuil: pokeefe@althr.com M-j-.AC tor Waiker Place Pharmacp, Buri. Pieaaa cail Kria at 905-319-3333 or emai reaume to: walkerplace.idu@ dt.pharmssasist.ca Retail Dpportniliea Sales Associates Loukîng tut enargatîc people, aîth a love tut Appip wîth resama ru 325Barigl Stn 325 rie t, j 905-631-0005 The Milton Mail location is re-locating to 75 Nipiaaing Rd. Vie are currently hiring for: Full & Part Time PHARMACIST'S CASHIERS -MERCHANDISERS College & University Students welcome ta applyl Please apply ln person at the Milton Mail location Canada's largest and fastest growing Dollar Store chain lu NOW HIRING AT! The Riocan Burloak Plaza 3465 Wyecroft Roaci, Oakville MANAGERS/ ASS'T MANAGERS CLERKS/ CASHIERS MERCHANDISERS We are looking for energetic, enthusiastic and team-oriented individuals who enîoy working ln a fast paced retail environment. Benefits include: Flexible achedule, Compelifise cages, Career appartunities. Send your resurme by fax fa (905)281-0260 Sao& Spa elp M islo& Spaelp Basy Salon & Spa taquines the foiiawing. -P-T Esthetician *P-T Hair Assistant *P/T Hair Dresser Excellent communicatinn akîlis reqaîred. Flexible hauts. Serinas inquiries oniy. For further inf pIease cati Vince, Toni or Nick: 905-878-5751 or ornai: shearoeasure@cooeco.ca Hairstylists t for busy new hair salon FIT & 7PFOrs pard hourip + bonus tocentîvsark $300 aigning bonus. Coul now 905-257-3990 ci or email90 abasonta@ sympatico.ca 8824 Techcal Help jj hncal Help an elcuication kls MnieWo h bpeomtr lieai xopensatio be un sernc. Smemhav inresvreet Campe ostauges cma h hanrs packearent- Pease asoema esume o BRATIN AUTO ~Fax7058672 Oeail b aras uo@benet un would be helill $16Jrnt, 40 hours pet week. Minimum 4 years esp. Prothane (Milton) Email or fax resume to: altes@ prothane.ço ~ 905-878-6684 Sheridan SHERIDAN COLLEGE INSTITUTE 0F TECHNOLOGY & ADVANCED LEARNING requîtes an OPERATING ENGINEER B The successful candidate must pousess a secun- dary achoal dîplama and ut leunt a 4th Clans 515- tinnary Engineer Certificats. As cel, tas peurs of practical asrk-related eaperience in building main- tenance in a commercial building envirosment is required. Please aend a resamne and caver letter by Aprit 18,2008 by eisiting http:Slhumanresources.sheridaninstitute.ca or Fax: 905-815-4054 Fat mare information, pieuse vst: hftp://humanresources.sheridaninstitute.cai Munt ba organizad enthasîastîc self starter wirO MS Office sius ton entreprenaur engineering company in Milton. Email resume 00: admîn@advancedtu.com BILLING ADMINISTRATOCR Are yoa a casiomner service oniented persan able ta take charge ai a proceas? Fait lime posilion, respanuible for casiamner biiting. Passion for and taperionce wiih cuaiemneri service a must. HVAC, b Illng, accasnting a dot nite asset. amatil rhonson@allasair.ca fax: 925-829-9519 -FIC MiaPubisher ADIIT O in Mitonseekîngl i . Office Clerk Autsm sveS & I3dayslcweekl Insuance Cam 8030am-4:30pm1 [ xpince equijed Ofhice saperience, ABS Accounting computer knol- knsaledge an anset edge necessary. infa@waterdawn Fax resume: collision.comn 905-875-2864 Sales Heip Sales Help LUETECHNICIAN 1 SHOP HAND Autosesise isnoaedge, banic vuos, uald d ivasli cence and a gea atttudeae a must Fumwar Aesume o David Huden Service anA Farts Manager Puons: 905-873-1626 hax 905-873-3309 Email: Aholden@cuncesttordca ATETO:SLSPO Requîred Immediately t Assistant Sales Manager reporta directiy to GSM t Assistant Business Manager t Superstar Sales Pv son We are: Sosas ts 3 Sales people, auo of ahich Isl 20+ in Match *The CNLY Chrysier Dudge Jeep Suore in uwn * Building a saae ufthme arr taciy to accummu- date our population explosion We have: *Cisaned house ru nane roun for the Sent ut the Seat * An extenase and loyal uryhan vanar file that requires immediate attention *Hundreda of uppurtunîries from Chrysier Canada's saccensu puii-ahead prugran * Too many ups ru handie ptuperp *An oulvtanding aurking envionment whers your input iv valusd and potentiai realized Sound Different? Emaîl John Ironsde ai: iohn@qgeorgsrsanchrysler.com IL Or tax: 905-877-4557 TECHNICAL SUPPORT SPECIALISTS Reynolds anA Reynolds, a earket-leadng pravîder of software, services and training solutions fa aulseafive retailens, bas neyera upportunities for entry levai Technîca Support Specialints in sur Miasissaaga hased Technica Assistance Center. We are issinng for prsfessîsnals cho enjsp pruvîdîng caatsmners aîth remote support and resoluttun of soffware/hardware problema. Idea candidates ciii have a related degrea or dîpîsma: excellent communi- cation and castomen service akiIIaý cîilîing ta curk avekenda, holidays and non-tradîtiona fisurs; auperience aiih trrublashosfing castseer prohîes on the phone la preferred. Reynolds and Reynolds offers a tutal compensation package incladîng saisry, uvettime, medica, dental, visison and pension. If yoa are looking to grow your technical career, please subtil yoar rosasse with salary requiressents ta: HR-Canada@reyrey.com Rot. #TACML Oniy qaalîfied applicants cii ha csnfacted REAL ESTATE SALES PERSON Required for new condo sales. License required. Fax or email resusse: 905-333-6794 info@daviescondos.ca Linda Davies Ruai Estate Limited, Realtor Multon's North End Nissan ExperienceciAutornotive Basy small town deatership. We otter salary plus commission and bonuses, grat environment and vehicles. Pieuse torward resume ta Willie Kennard willie@northendnisaanca s---uure smo o o one pespie tsrn tabiished sales team. Succenstul candidates ciii be eu preuentad selt-starters. preferabp aith preuluas automotive sales or retail saperience, Complets product and sales training, aiong aith management support, aill bs pruaided 10 thoue who a oh to joi a company ailh 47 years ut suc- casa. Il pou aîsh 10, start a raaarding career & becume part ot our team, pissase send resumae ru Joli Hewitt General Sales Manager 905-845-7575, phewitt@glenieven.com GLENLEVENCmYSUER Inside Sales Representative Siealih Valve & Contrats Lid. is seeking a enthu- siastic moiti-taker lu tilt ha roll of Inside Sales Represeotatse. Il pou have a desire lu succeed, a minimum ut 3 pears esperience in industriai pro- casa controis or valves, have abuse sarage com- polar akilis, suppurisd by a grade 12 education arth a collage dîpioma in a mechanica, sales or engineering field, pieuse tumward pour resume ru: tyle@stealthealve.com we ofler campetitive salary, beneft s, and excellent wark envirannnent OaA udlii Chev'mlèt Due ta on increose te volume The Ail New Ookntiie Chevrolati s seekîng Retail Salespeople We offer: o lare Invenior of New ond Used vehicies GM Co ree Bi cors Progrom compony vehricîs or cor aiilowonce tqalitîed îndinîdnots) vary competitis'e pay pion g reot monogemeni support i orge odvartîsîng budget Comae lois o teanm thos is dedicosed to provîding Ooknîiie with tire higirest lavai of soae and service possible. Ail opplîconts mutb ilntoihove fan ai Ifreir job. Pes ow ra rsumas te confidence ta, Craig Taylor Sales Manager 547 Trafalgar Rd Oukville,Ontario L6J 3J1 Fax: 905-844-3954 Email: ctaylor,@aakvillechev.com Dentdal -or a retirement home in Waterdown. If you love cook- ing, wie miii train. anada's ieadîng cemeterp organizati is saeeinng sales prufessionan for a long term and rewarding caret nr pre-need sales. We prosîde paid training, generoas commission structure benefîts, pension plan and a reaiistic abase aserage inicome potential. Our prsduct la recessisn-prsof and ysur prospects are unimited. If ou wont ta ho rewarded for your efforts white selliog s dignified produci, please cal Chuck Duchesnay ut 905-257-1100 or emuail: cduchesnay@ lenoaks.ca NEW HOME SALES POSITION Wurking for Parkbridge Lifestye Communities Imc. three daya a aeek you cii bs part af the sales team, seiiing new homes and resale homea, Idea- ly yoa hase sonme esperience and /or education in interior decorating. Praticient in Microsoft word and secel, Must be asaîlabte to wsrk weekendn. Aanrac- tise compensatin and vacation package. Pleuoe fax or email resumne ta antrimglen@cogeco.net or tuax ta 905-659-3516 by April 21, 2000 l eia:Dentalcal Dental A busy sud grawîng Oral Surgery Office requires the folluwiog positions ta ha filled: Registered Nurse: Apply ONLY if esperi- eoced and csmmiffed. Traveling ta 3 lscafisns listed belaw fallowing traiuing is imperaîve. Medical Transcriptioniot: PIT. Must have eoperiesce. Virfual hsurs may ho a possibiliy Receptionist: FIT. Apply ONLY if expert- euced iv Dental Receptian Traveling fa 3 separafe offices (Missîssauga. Miltan and Oakville) is a requirement Csmmitmievf and retiahilify are a MUST Please send resusse stating position you are applyiog fo: 905-828-2358 I Massage ITherapisti reqared Faîl or Part Tîme, fleble haust1 Coul 905-854-5777. requ sA far Mai Resue Ps c Dr S ian Hard 3401 FamrveaSt Uni A, Suri ngtsn, L7N 2R4, ar Fan: 905-632-9019 Ns phone cai s plase, 12 0 0 ~OfiHelj Office -e ___________________________ Sales Help Sales~î ___ Sle HelZi Sales elp I Off ice Mananer Wsunted im & Agnt & Agents ilAet &Aet

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