The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, April 1, 2008 - A9 C.O.P.R. program volunteers invaluable' Meeting to provide info trct te oiiiiy u', iliig anud partnershîps. One of the partnerships that we enjoy is our citizen volunteers - Communities On Phone Patrol (C.O.PP) Its a joint effort of the Halton Regional Police Service and the citizens of Halton. Its a structured programn that is supervised by the service where the role of the volunteer is o 'observe and report'. The members are volunteers from the community who receive ongoîng training from police. While volunteers don't become directly involved in incidents, they învest their time and energy the continued safety and secut community in conjunction wi Our volunteers have bee mental in Iocatîng missing assisting stranded motonists, îng suspicîous vehicles and s activities, as well as being th' iriOliiix es If you would lîke to juin our _____ C.O.PP teamt and you meet the lollow- ing requirements, please contact me. lic Alternatively you can pick up an appli- betcation package ai 490 Childs Dr. (12 be t Division). ý.idiw Requirements: -19 years or older [o ensure - have good eyesîght ity of our rerbyhva aidies th police. *prerbyhv avaidies n instru- licence people, -wîll pass a background check. identify- Const. Maureen Andrew, communi- uspicîous ty support officer, can be reached by e anony- callîng (905) 878-5511, ext. 2470. oe - 1 - Looking to [mnd out more about the Towns Consmunity Fund prograii? An information session runs tis Thursday at 7:30 p.m. at the Milton Sports Centre. The fund distributes a portion of the cash the Town receives I rom the sloi.s at Mohawk to not-for-profit rom- munîîv groups and indivîduals to improve the quality of lite in Milton and enhance the towns image. The session xviii provide details on the I unding criteria, changes for thîs years pîogramn and tips for completing applications. Those interested in attendîng should pre-register by callîng Denise Black at (905) 878-7252, ext. 2603. Fund applications wîll be avaîlahie at the meeting and also at Town Hall Annex 555, the Milton Sports Centre and>,/grants.htm. Neo Cenri Salon amidp ? ULL AR&ETEI EVC 4 145%OFF 2OOFF Waxing Yonka Products Ill Colouring Services (booke wh Kate & JliAnn Book with Katie or Jilli-Ann for the newest Spring Hair Trends from their advanced courses. Main & Wilson - 17 Wilson Drive, Mii..n -<905) 693-878 T- 9-7 W. h- 1- - a Sý, &M, C1s OUTERWEAR JACKETS...................... ... $10 *ALJL SALES ARE FINAL! FITTING ROOMS NOT AVAILABLE. CASH, -DEBLT, OR CREDIT CARDS (Amnex, Visa, Master Card> soiry, no cheques. *APPLICABLE TAXES TO BE ADDED. NORTHERN FRIENDS PROGRAM NOT APPLICABLE. & w.. 905-693-4873 8611 Escarpment Wa, Milton. 905-875-255 NOW REGIS I DROP IN F0 7 great iocaii