Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 1 Apr 2008, p. 6

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A6 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, Aprit 1, 2008 Bring on 'Milton r I.LT~ P~Y STAI4IIIEY Education Village' ~,UP! I'M TMB SENS! That sure lias a nice ring to it, doesn't it? Something really excit ing fer our town is in the werks. Judgîug by a report that at press lime yesterday afterneen was te go befere town ceuncil tast night. a massive new educatien fai..itity irîuld be cornîng se southwest Mitton. As reporîed etsewheîe nn today's paper. ceuncit- tors were expected tast night te eonsider a propes- ai for the Mitton Education Village'. Its a concept that would sce 150 acîts et l.îiid effered 1er irce te v cmxci stty înterested in sestsng tîp shep tecatty The land. iecated esi Tremaîne Road between Derry and Brîtannia reads, weutd be made avastabte se the lbwn threugh a tand swap with Matsamy Humes. Thafs excîting news net euly ter students but fer the entire ceînmunity. wbictî weuld surelv benet n in counttess ways. If att tbe grewth hasut put Mîlten on the map, this sure weutd. We teck terxxard te findîng eut mere detaits en this întnguîng prejers aîîd reporting te yeu. Readers Write E mail your lettars ai miltoned@hakonseareh oem New green development vision needed for town DEAR EDITOR: \Ve urgcntly need a new sisien fer developmeîîî su Mîlten. eue ttîaî addresses concems cf the present cen tury Those include C02 emîssiens, water shortages and energy utîlîzation. Municipal taxes should be indexed te discourage excessive waste ol cem- mumty resources expended lu monster homes. Storm water mn-off from new homes should be eliminated and instead mandatory collection of roof run-offs shoutd he dsreeîed te a smatt underground carbon fiber tank for use in the summer. New industriat parks and new hemes must generate a peicciotage iii tiseir hydre reptiii dodus thieugh i ciii nueunteil s.iiir celîs t teuse te bouse collection et garbage iii new subdivî siens sheuld be etinîinated, and înstead we sheutd use the Scvndinavian medel cf Juat a few central ctcdscated sites liii eacb street The old modet cf atlowsng unter- tered wasse needs se be changed A change in tise rules and regulatiens for new construction cf homes and indus trial parks could pave the way te mak- ing Mitten a medel tewn that ethers would envy DOUG DEANS SOMERVILLE TERRACE Please, keep your dog on Ieash DEAR EDITOR: t have been neticing iateiy that there are more and more irrespeusibie dog owners in Mitton. I cant xli you how much dog poop i encounter every day whde eut walk- mg my dog. t cany baga with me - why caut you? Aise, are peopie nos aware that we have byiaws su Milton ssatiug tisas yeu must have yeur dog on a ieash? Milton isut eue bîg leash-free park Rees utly my deg was attacked by anothes dog. and i dent appreciate other peopies degs russuing up te us when wc're eut waiking. You may shiuk you have controt cf yeur deg. but then why doesn't it ceme back when you cati St? lnstead yeur dog comes up and harasses mine. How do you know my dog is lrsend- ty? Luckyforyou heis. ifs gettiug se the point that t dont even wsut te waik my dog anymore hecause everyday we now encounter a dog off its ieash. lv this fair when t'm a responsibie owuer and have my dog on a teasis, which bas a bag hotder attached te it by tise way? Te ail these irresponsîbte dog own ers, go find a leasb-free park some- where so those of us who are responsi hie dont have to deai with your dog running amok. uSA BILTON LAURIER AVENUE Milton best place to live DEAR EDITOR: Receutty after driving through yeî anether snew- ssorm, I asteudcd my tsrst Milton Concert Productions evens aI St. Pauls tlniîed (hurcis. Is was a wonderftîi and eutertasning cencers. and t met some very kiud sud pteasaut peeple. The musie was tremeudeus, tise atmesphere was warm and intimase, tise treats at intermission were provided by La Rose Isalian Bakery~ at ne charge aud at tise end of tise concert each womau received a red caruatien. I isad a supers eveuiug, the kind tisas makes you thankfui you live iu a smatl towu that offers such a high qualsty of cutwre at a ressouable price. You'd be isard- presved te find this in Misaissauga or broute. t knew t issd te visovel tise driveway wheu I get home - for tise umpteentis time tisis wluter - yet wiseu t drove up my street I noticed tisas eue of my neigisheurs isad useil their vuowbtower aud cleared ail our sidewalks aud tise bave of escis ef our drivewsys. I vtepped eut ol my car sud just stared. it was cube- lievabte. Someone had taken tise lime te net ouiy help eue perven, but mauy of us. This raudom set of kinduesa, combined witis sucis a apectal evenlng, visewed me tisat ne malter isew fast Milton la growing, we ssii retain shat persoual toucis tissa uvakes us the Seat place lu Canada lu wisicis te bye. LESLEY MANSFIELD FOURTH UNE ~tML~ Qana~iîan Qhampion NI ' *î\ J....spape. 100 555 tndustnal Dr. Milton, Ont LYT 5E1 905-878-2341 Edatenal Fax. 905 878-4943 Advertismg Fax: 905 876 2364 Classified 905-875 3300 Circulation 905 878 5947 www.miltoncanadsanchampion.cem Publisher Neil Oliver General Manager D 'i Harvcy Editor in Chief D.vs Managing Editor K.-" IAîc'h Advertiaiug Director W.' v M -rkb Production Manager T a. C Circulation Manager Cl~. orleîîc Hall Office Manager S.~nc1y Pore The Canadian Champion, pubtished vvory Tuesday and Friday, is a division ot Meirotand Media Group Ltd. - Groop Pubtisher Ian Oliver 51,0 .,'~ ' ~I~î ~..a.iU... Sa' 1.5 j, i."." CCAB Audited t' flac a.~a....sos.a.,.îy ~OC Nss.paps.. A..s..a.os ~ S..b~.,bo.. Nes.popo~o _ of i. pore n a i. ~v, l~V~M% ANADA 00/ UNSTODWAY~ 0F MUTON ~-~- TV AUCTION YYMCA New Milton bus first class ~ ArRkNA ~,. (5~k~fr Mois, DEAR EDITOR: t'm a iongtime Mîlson resident aud badn's veen the new Milton buses. On Marcis 26, t was on my way te work when Shewcas "'a" ~ i spotted my fîrst ene. - - eMdien ~ I was very surpnsed. The bus stood eut se much. netjust - -e the sire but bow etean and bright it was. I thînk ifs a very nîce-leeking vehicte especsatly with the Town loge on it. D. LAWRENCE MILTON A~ard, *0o MILTON SANTA CLAUS PARADE

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