And the winners, nominees The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, Apri 1, 2008 A5 Child porn case back in court \, M lon ia r ge I n a lttic r Milo Annual gala set for Saturday Drum rol, please. The winners and nomînees for tbe Milton Chamber of Commerces 2007 Community Awards have been announced and wîf f be present- ed at a gafla event Saturday nigbt at Grantte Ridge Golf Club. Reciprents ru tbree categorres - I ifetime Achievement Award, Citizen of the Year and Presîdent's Award - have afready heen announced, wbil e business award winners wilf be named at the gala. The Lifetime Achievement Award goes to Irma Coulson, wbo's wom a multitude of bats over the years - evervthing [rom teacber and bistortan to volunteer and advocate. The Lowville United Cburcb, Halton Recovery House and Mapleburst Correctional Centre are just a few of the benefici- anies of ber tiring dedicanion to the community Tbe reciprent of Citizen of tbe Year is Peter Stemmann, an active long-trme fundraiser wbos efforts include major work for botb the bospital and Gol[ing 4 Cancer golf toumnament. And tbe Presrdents Awarrls wîll go to Bruce Carlin and Kanin Muller and Kevin Brackley. Carlin is beîng bonoured for bis work witb tbe Milton Historical Society, wbrle Muller andi Brackley were tbe driving force of Multons f SOtb anniversary celebrations last year. Nominees for Business of tbe Year (25 employ- ces or less) are Albatross Restaurant and Banquet Hall, KML Foodl and Confcctronery id. and Troys Dîner lnc. [bose up for Btusiness of the 'tsar (26 ernployces or more) aie AI-I International Croup lnc., Sargent Fan-ns Ltd. and Xrrdbiie Entertarnment Croup. Vying for Business Person of tbe Year are Kim Mason of RBC Royal Bank, Melîssa Debrouwer tif Bick Financral Secunity Corporation and Percy Efkins of KML Food and Confectronery Ltd. Town and Regional Councillor Colin Best bas been cbosen Chamber Volunteer Member of tbe Year for bis reliable dedîcatron ro tbe refresbment stand at tbe Farmers' Market, wbicb aîds tbe cbambers' scbolarsbîp fund. Tickets for tbe black-tîe gala are avaîlable by calling (905) e,78-0581. DO YOUR PART HeIp keep Our communîty dlean by tollowing Milton's local recycling guidelines, and recycle this paper when youire finished reading it! I bursday. Collrs Court resident Mrchael Edward Sbipley, 32, bas been charged with one count, eacb of making avail- ahble chîlci pornographv, possession of cbtlcf pornograpbv and accessrng chîld pornograpby' He'I appear at Ontario Court of cd a scarch warrant and scizuf a quan- titv of computer eqrttpment f ound to contain images of cbifd pornograpby. He was one oi 22 people arrested across Ontarro in wbats berng called the largest co-ordtnated cbild pornog- raphy crackdlown in the provinces btstorý, Living Healthy A serres of FREE public education seminars presented by ADVANCED CATARACI SURGERY THE STATE 0F THE ART Tuesday. April 8. 2008 6:30 pmn Displays and Refreshments 7:00 pmi Presentation by: Dr. Omar Hakim, Ophthalmologist, Halton Heaithcare Services Milton District Hospital Classroomn 30 Derry Road East, Milton FOR MORE INFORMATION AND TO RESERVE YOUR SEAT TODAY CALL 905-338-4379 or 905-873-0111 143791 Presented in partnership with: cnib Supported by an educational grant from: Alcon-r Wifh specaf appreciatron to0 Milton District Hospital Foundation DRAPERY PANELS Various styles & sizes. From 7.99 en. CUSHION COVERS 1 From 2.99 en. MANUFACTURER% BEDDING CLEAROUT! Assorted styles & qualities. hqcflvidually pricecl. New 66% Off Our Regular Price COMFORTER SET CLEAROUT! 4pc., 6pc., 7pe. sets. Assorted styles & sizes. Selection varies by store. stertins freM459.99 »t