RE-12 -The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, Apnil 1, 2008 Bathroom trends A A Noise control, the N4loiefficiency key Ccdln factors i bathroomn fan purchase (NC)-Homeowners today arc ask- JA M E S !-,Ï'A G »î ng a lot froin their hathroom ventila- tion. Not oniy do they wanî their baih- e ~roo fians heb quiet, they have to be powerfui enougi to ward off moid a id midew frin their ever-expanding 8 ~bathrooms and oh yes, they inust be in the past conventionai ceîiing bathr om fans were ail it took to alievi- EXIT REALTY HM Ioe , $ ERAGE ate stean and odours. But these days, bathrooms are expanding to include o oseparate toilet ralxystn, showers wtth nulipie heads and air jet baths so that format isn't suffhcîent any- gre more. The kev is to anaiyze the size of your space and the products tn each V 1 hathroom, atcordîng to Matthew Cripps, Produtt Manager Bath Fans for Broan-Nulone Canada. He explitned that "custoner-s are often confused bs' whiat thev need in m f!eiýyRenovated uelrb Ravine Lot!!! 0W Véry Iinpressive!*# order to adequaîey vettilate' the hath- -GanteCuner---------nUprde -hwsA 0 ronin. Using a simnple mile of îhunih i te Cuntrs, Thosand inUpgrdes -Sho s AIo+sq. ti. equais a need of i CFM, therefore -tnless Steel Applianees -Gourmet Kitchen -Approx 3600 sq ft. an average hathrooîn of 100 si. fi. -0ft lot -Elegant Rardwood Floors -5 Redrooma ssouid reqtîîre a minimum of 100 CF M to get proper ventilation. Cail 1-800-672-9032 Cali 1-800-672-9032 Cali 1-400-472-9032 Attordtng ttt Cripps, reducing rnoid, Taikingl Ad #2135 Taiking Ad #2134 Tai -ff Ad #2137 midew anti other poliotants tn the s hathroom is a top priority, but tt won't happen unless the fan is quiet. o "The nunher one compliant we $4 29 0 hiear iroin tustoiners îs that they hate their tonventionai noîsv, hathroom fans. Betatise thes don't like the noise, T- these fans go unused andi totsture, steain, andi odours are not exhausted k ottt ofi the hiocise," C ripps explitned. i i a cati tt tue gins'tii of tnoid ant i niidew." e, tins enîtiotai fans are noister and able Ha wthorne ViY g d' Elegant Family Home!!!ol iess apipealing vtsuaiis thilner iirodtîtts like the Broan and NttTone IosAIO -Approx 2824 Sq ft- Quiet Sertes of Fans, he added. Tue ottu -Cathedral Ceilings Quiet Sertes Fans offer extremelv quiet -Poessionally Fin. Rsmt. -Main Floor Den operatton whmle aiso pros îdtng the tnost eniergs efftcient operation. In fact. Cali 14800-672-9032 ,.Cati 1-800-672-9032 Broan and NtîTone's latest sertes tif bath Taiklng Ad #2144 Talking Ad #2130 fans are now ENERGY STAR tertifted, so tues constume less eniergs and ulti inatex cost vou less over tune. i hese spot ventilation solutîions are OO W wil focs ai our crcial to v out fatntiv s health as they energy and resources tani cear the air quîtkls aîîd elficientis, iWrth rerintng pîîteîîtîal probleins, beinre tues, inite tliitseis es mbt s otr home. uncouuprounising Ci stseilstniittti ols' honesty . hinite a5ts mt tc lîttli suo aîîît glt fi integrity toivard elltut tai utisît te\ atîtluailes,;n meeting the tt~ arhc vet tue ai ev tîies Fatstie Kitche Priue Lke A Seuil!!! needs of our clients. 'îoLl Ilil lcurý .'îîttîîs't tatcKthnpen Concepit Vi t e riht to gi.. cc'f lis t iti tili- iti t uc \îîiitt ii -ngineered Hardwood Uir. Hardwvood Flooring eanth ihtt letlittt (Il\ 't11s itittisititc and 11C1' ) -aster Rfas a Full En-suite Fieplace Your Personal UlO t ti ti( itîtcti Cati 1-800-672-9032 Cait 1-800-672-9032 Reaitor M,ît c Ili fot iti loti ('it k ilt iti titiý iii Taikhng Ad #2142 Talkisig Ad #21L41 for file.'it DISTRESS SALES, BANK FORECLOSURES, - - - .POWER 0F SALES! Reniix li City Reali Ins , Biîokeraae