Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 1 Apr 2008, p. 33

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FURLONG COLLINS 905-878-2341I DUNDEE SLHVICES INC RI' cuneril lei ni ends Nu Brokei Fees ou Morgages W&#ÀMIK.- AL.011IMMà 93"Nwnlll 5 YEAR PRIME VaiabieRate Mortgage PAUL FOLEY MORTGAGE CONSULTANT 905-827-8009 ABBEY PLAZA OAKVILLE - Thd Luié ai Upplu Plýddi, APRIL 1,2008 B odworth ""8788101 HOT OFF THE PRES 11111,11111 Great eoecative tawnhame nr "aide Milton" within vsydbpu,.s walking distance af downtown. Dewar madel 1760 aq. ,e .u. f hame mrtli daable garage, deck and patio, 3 ROYAL LEPAGE geserous bednooms. 3 baflis, bocks onto ravine, u pgnaded kitchen, gos fîreploce and in move in coonli- trot. Priced 10n seli at a reasonable $349,900.00. Miko Mogn.. $6799900 w5-~8784777 DESIRED ESTATE SETTING- Beautîfal brick hoame boasto foan bedîvama, fonr wash- nomos orne foot mort level cerlîngo, faînrly nvvm witi tira- place and hardwood tlonring on tmo lovais. Basas foaturos RV W f mas ton ensaite, two staircases ta finîvhed lamer lavel a. MT111! and trple garage, ail as t.9 acres. ___________E CALI MIKE. $679,900. M0I-NM-AX X .l 1 REALTOR» IN GTA' 966 FourtýýL n Be ni h'an th mri Pocher Mattama s ail Onuce hteiiechvivv modal COMISIO glos kitca 0w/granite aoreitap & cira si 2nd tir loft oaivlokîrg m ira xc Ifri lie araîr tva liting agentîîîg ovi cpa iticrn.aatari lu O RV .afinfiielav The Oasemeîît is talla tirstd wîth a 2 badroom ffl >X r sutafatrvriio its owa kitchan fli bathraam and living isiý ro ogdouble drivaway asatt parking lai 4 cars. 'V O A RENOVATEC BUNGALOW Onaîpranîmaaiv 12 arev ivînnini ai Lanavir Oiaanrrrv inivagnoar os878-8101i Openicncept aaith grean viris Cusiani. haro clatd cabinets rails RWN.Mu granite ananrnirs in kîtairro Ne iavourvas Ihraoharr Watt aut ao deck ROYAL LEPAGE and mninirraa ait OOUiI For torther information and photos piease unsit. Mlton-realestate.com jack ý D~a î (at aYPPifi heSlwu kId vivritgEl v e ta 3 tedanînarau & Orguat Lorriy Open Casaept Kianrsorain - 11111111 vpraaar Cabineta And tnp hi lhe Laie Sira s ara rp Appliancra Cas hrpacr Mo-542-2745 Stylisr Brreatar eUs tadra Cerairna Oararaa Wiadora In Tie Baseant oas542"3511 Fece Yar BetvleOirdD oiss 1 Stair Stee TpThi Luner Kîrahnr ttpiiaan5ma laovaire8 aiharr vii Ligit Fiairra Oul Orrno l OBiîrda via i rîniavi Unaradrd euîran Tir aîraved KOuvras Oaa ah tira 5aarnst val aer vui Starare S great învastmaot apportunrty an fastent gromînt cammaaity an l M&2n Canada, shao malk ta damntao Milton. Inventons miii ba ratrîgard bv lia renvia an tuis prapant, and 1tst tîma boyons cooid poy a large portion of thaîn mortigage wfOS rent tram ana ont mhîie living in tha alliai 4 n 2 bedrvam mOSh 2 entraîcas Prudenil Hoga proparty, ample parking. rapdated top ta bpori in orenaso. u '03 don t deloy, Ibis is a greot bapi Direct (416f 2i.09-2506. (MINMMMA XX'I IN GTA' O auiul vnaitaîrad sidaspiit aith dra iava renvtdbts ag COMISS O ta bi ray liarge brioPi nourrisara raurrdovs, 3 skya ligits crova 151 Navoidîrga, Washer & Orvar, saura, workbaonh. centra ucirun ana raiar soOar mun axco 1 te nsal sy lacofla aen euc 3,00 0 COUNTRY £OMFORI IN Tiff goo--878-8101 VILLAGE 0F IAMPBELIVILLF ai 3 cuns, 2 halva Mais Douar Fanmiip rayai and drr irparata fiv- ýmului ira/dinrîrgrooms lai tri kitaaarn arasiana eirishrd kroiiy viane ROYAL LEPAGE rirs &tramo Upoanvo tarroar air cardiaînrîr eravaîr gardeas Frfurthor information adphotos pIes foo t GABRIELE BAJIN 9%5-878-8101 ROYAL LEPAGE 905-875-3343 .270-2M1 In Dorset Park an a wandentvl 50a 20ft. lot.Great tar kias ra play ana aialiaing d.lstance ta sahools.Eal -n Kit.with Main Flný Family ranni. Living PDining rnr Eatra living aira i partialia fiaisird basrment, 4 bedrsad24c.th complete this homa. Igpu»reyuu .-- Il INVGROUND HEME H SAI WAIEB POP[ Maptamh Tathbvrg, cabania. pattarnad cancrata + interlockoan pramîvum lot, alvnnîng home, 3331 sg St of inaryi, grande iv kitchari and iaervr, haut nr stainiass applioncos, bond mode lilas on bocknplash, hardmaad thnovghvvl, oak staîrcana, cîvain maing, 9' caîlîngs and mata. Yvv mont Da dîsapporntad. '1151 BAR R CRES rW , 'uar oh n th aloOr Hum tharriiî nt ari 'O A L hnd tri tanna Molaritar r rr thei voila ie oi a su tofIp ofIO a M riairr i i Toaîtaommsionaaa nourri rrrrrrourar Carisio arr t as On Carlo eudû 4. ii fil w lirai ai Os iait ir lau Ouw,1 taaitm. 15 e 11rw minmaxx.com M . s. iuu_=il"rOni1roeZ, io hýlrlaang mmm' Plarna liai Ail le \Xrakt RW 8VERSIZED PREMIUM LOT hifts ail Prick honte ts sitvalad hh a pleanvau 53fot fily leaced vitner aot 2h5 agIt aila 4 ghod vive hedrovoos Dovble door aatnv lv grand ftoyer. Spacinvi yod open main havi mîith h St caîltînga dpgnadad Kitchanl Living ditniaT ravm, Famîil raam mîth gai tiroplaca, and lavndry ravin an the main lil MILTON/CAMPBELLVILLE ras 5273434 WF ABL" 8 0800M FIOMF Thraiir is havie iv trviv geageos thravghavt Teny dlevra anîd tasteîaiiv dacoratad ai neutrai lavnes. Large kitciovioviila vpgnadad cabineats and Breakfast Par, Main flion livng ravm mîtn tirapan. forma dînîniq mata plvs a favoîls Rf M ovai on second havar euth a maikou nto lvalny. Largae dacli tri the tviiv tanced pond. 1be Cfanabian CbDampîon w5-827-3434 lýlarkefittg Your Lente For All lu %rthl WM>X REMýn SfTÇlALlýTý Ic

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