Page 2. The Milton Shopping News, April 1, 2008 Nv XXJJJ Il~ Çi ~i f 0çrr Polywood e Plantation a Californta Cali Marwa for a Free Quotation 905-820-2739 Factory & Showroom: 3620B Laird Rd, Unit 8, Mississauga, Ontaio REDUCE YOUR AIR CONDITIONING BILL Most homes have inadequate ventitation in their attics. Inadequafe ventilation equals: " higher air condîtioning bilts " drastic premnat,r- wear on roof dock- ing and shingtes " moisture and motd " ice dams (winter) toicrease your attic ventilation by having a RIDGE VENT instatled. Cait me for a free quote.- Bob: 905-749-9308 PINNACLE ROOFING GARAGE DOOR SPECIALIST Sales and Installation of Garage dooru & Automatic Openeru. Repairu and Adjustmont To all makes. Highiy quaiifiod. Reusonable Rates, Tom McCiatchie, 905-335-2657 MATURE FEMALE TO SHARE 3 BEDROOM TOWN HOUSE WITH 2 FEMALES $500/month, lut and ast requîred. Avail. immediateiy. 905-699-4491 Contracting Inc. SPECIALIZING IN: \ýqgnkga " -oundation Repaît " Waterproofing Systems eSodding qýe£ E4«t& INSURED AND BONDED L22lJui TOOLS, TOOLS, TOOLS For ail trades Antiques, Coltectables, User, Kitchen Collectabies, Scîentitîc Instruments, MUCH MORE Sunday, April Sth, 2008 Tools of the Trados Show /Sain Pickering Recroation Complus Exit 399, North off 401, West on Kingutoni Road,. 2 blocks. South t 1867 VaIIey Farm Road 10 arn - 3:00 pm $5 & FREE PARKING (613) 839-5607 COMP E> il3623 Hawkeston Seniors Discount 1 Tel: 905-2 *Drbs.wey *P.rking Lo Locl- 16-17-166 Snow .i,. I INSTALLERS& TOU Fr006717-66 îl20l =. LABOURERS R..*d.utl. Cens.eIot Iui...l.Ifor li Qakeuite! $~~uf IE~ w' DtaUx Buriington :$2 lai fal .mt D'taI based irrigation company. C ali fo Detil Fax Rosume ta: OFF 905-315-9068 $1o MAKE MONEY!!! ... BY ADVERTISING IN THE CLASSIFIEDS! Seli items no langer in use. $1 0/per ad (20 words) Caîl: 905-827-6090 veAsk for: ,AlIa or Whitney Wetke VISA, Mastercard or American Express FOR SALE: 6 FOOT HARVEST table & 6 foot bench, matching bookcase/ cabinet, $45OIobo. 905-878-6891 FOR SALE: BOWFLEX, tîko neW, $900 f irm. Fossebai table, high quaity, $200.' Ce- ramie kin, $600. Antique mahogany mirror, 5 feet X 4 feet, $75. Cati: 905-875-1194 FOR SALE: Matching white Kenmore appliances. Ceramie top utove, micro- wave,' dishwasher. Excetlent condition. $950. 905-827-3021 FOR SALE: QUEEN MATTRESS & box spring set, fîrm, 1 year oid, $200. 905-864-4305 FRIGIDAIRE APPILIANCES Fridge, gas stove, dishwasher, microwave. 2 yearu new! Ait escellent condition.' Beut offer. 108 inch counter with sink, 2 years new! 905-257-5215 HONEV PINE FARMHOUSE SET, ladies 9 drawer with mirror hutch, 4 draw- er hi-boy and 2 diravier/c uîpboa rd night tabs $800. 905-878-0383 LARGE COMFORTABLE COACH & LOVE- SEAT. Tapestry, with cushions, wood- on trame f rom modet home. Excellent condition - $800/obo. 905-582-9018 SOLID OAK ANTIQUE pedeuta table with 2 teaves and 6 chairs. $300. Oseen bedroom set, $100. 905-844-7582 TOP $ Paid for scrap cars & trucks. Service avaîtabie 7 days a week Cati 905-875-6253 $599.00 Wedding Photography Package Award-wînning professiona Photographers, keep your negatives/digita tules Caîl 905-630-2556 1998 CHEVROLET MALIBU i 98,OOOkmu, burgundy, fuily loadod. $900 as iv or beut offer. 905-875-9644 1999 BUICK REGAL LS, certified & e-tested, Michelin tires, hîgh km's but runs great, askîng $2,700. 905-693-1963 WANTED DEAO OR ALIVE CASH PAIO FOR USED CARS & TRUCKS Same Dsy Service 7 Days a Woek Cai Anytîme 905-876-8746, 905-875-3279 CASH PAID FOR SCRAP CARS &-'TRUCKS Same day service 7 days a week Colt anytime' 905-693-5355 EARN EXTRA INCOME Working from home!. NO seiiing, NO stress, and NO initia învestimenf. Send resumne ta: chrisbradley4400 @yaoa.corn *Free Estimotes - One Yeur Guerant.. Ask For Vince Capobinc&* Bus 905.600 «2388 Toil Free: 1.866.3i2.76.56 'ýM= Cet: 416.989 .5712 6= "SAY YOU SAW IT IN THE SHOPPING NEWS" fin CANAA'Ssoor#o~ INSUIRANCE W ESTIMATES HONOURED e Roud, Mdississauga, Ontarie [SC 2Vi 10-8292 * Fax: 905-270-8294 J DA 9 Won'tbe DI~Dunder sold SAVE LARGE - ALL TYPES I DEM DIRECT WIT MILL DiSE. ANO 1 INSTAL MYSELF WmiI do Iving rocm & hall - Caqbot, pad and hallali - 101 Coloum - fILOu (30 yds.) LAMINA1- 19 Colours wlIh 25 yr warant SIm - 890 sq R 1 lSmr - $1 .89 sq ft Restretotting & repairs, fix squeaky 1maors! Carpet, area rug and tomitoure cleaning Shop @ home - FREE ESTIMA T. NEW OR USED Senior Discount - FamiIy Owned TeaCup 0 oorroi #Furnturc e Estates CaiJOROPI Y() 32477 LLMi 1 li-ILu ARBORIST Tree pruning, Thînnîng & Removais. Aiso tree Fertîilzing, sprayîng And utumping. 75ft Bucket Truck. Fuliy Insured. Cai For Free Estimate, VYou'It Be Glad Yau Did " 905-827-9103 STEVE'S HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING Pls gas pipiflg & Ducf work Beut prices in town Cai Steve todayl 905-399-114 SELL YOUR APPLIANCES, FURNITURE & HOUSEHOLD ITEMS IN OUR CLASSIFIED SECTION AT LOW COST! Advertise in Oakville Today and The Shopping News (2 Markets, Oakville and Milton). GET 6 ADS IN OUR NEIWSPA PERS (up ta 20 words each> for only $29-95 A Savings of 50% OFF regular prioe! GET VOUR AD CIRCULATING IN OVER 121,300 HGUSEHGLDS PER WEEK IN THE ABOVE MARKETS. A l , USTDA T95876 0 I.K IO "H O OLD DEL AD