Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 1 Apr 2008, p. 21

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The Canadian Champion, Tuesday April 01, 2008 - 21 Dataica Heeeale Data ProessI- mPoeicM aePui optr 6Cmue nsde Se leolde Sales [f'i * Retaureat Sar iss as5 wetl as concrete torming, car- petyand erection an asset. Some distant work site. Waes epening nttptritoct. Transpor- tto oEiOtroa must. S uI No phono colis pleose . With iestl experience. Ca~i: 9"77ff Fulil tirme position _7 Ofie ep Oie He (IRIS IIC>WluKr ru tht wurld leader in develuping antI manefactor- ing diagnostic eqeipesent Io determîne tht ongoing conditiot of high voltage motors and geneveturo. 00e are currentlp louking for as Electronics Technologist Tht duties antI responsîbiiities ut tht position are: inspect and test circuit huards and prodecîs, carry ouI trouble shuuting soi repsirs, assist in preparalion soi auuemhlp ufntrurments, and ensere quality nf producto aI ai levelo. Applicants must have a Dîpluma in Electronîco Engineering Technulugp, abilitp rousee test eqeipmeflt and ruai electronrc schemstîcs and excellent communication skills. We offet s cuvepetitîve slrp ond feul hunefîtu package. If pu muet the requrremento and are interested in leinîno Ibis progressive urganroatin. plusse sebveit oun resumu lu: into@ irispower.COnl SENIOR PREPRESS Senior Pre-Presu/ designer nevded Iot a fast pacei offset uni digital production envîreument. Eeperîencu reguirti vîth Adobe CS2+, Quatk 6+, OSX 10.4+ uni Windows AP Wie format & variable data aise un asset. PEpenîvuce wîth fout culour preceus ond plate evtpet. Lucatedi n Stoney Crvek Please forward resume to: stea112@gmail.com TRANSMISSION RE & REmi PERSON '- vvanted for Communiey Milton location. r F-T Ilîto rNewspapeir Moniay to Fridua y prn Call inprn 905-878-8156 or Fax: 905-878-0836 + Hapw!r d ol Proi- workbo ls ut Canada, mnc. s eaiil ng manufacturer ut ocîvemîng pool sc- csoy equrpaient Your hou sesonai openi- workeOt chtch may Total 1usd te FT poitionis- Re ri ,en Wages otattitg ai e ra m n StE/ht Hru. O 30-Spm Pieuse appiy in pet- S l& 'n son ut cotact: Dernk 805-828-2880 est MU 231 2880 Plymnoath82 Drite, Oak. (Wlnston 7 3 ChurchtV OEW) part-lime or fuîltime for husy local office. Must have 4+ peurs corporule law eoptrience with excellent covemunication and computer ukillo. Attention lu detail of paraveount importance. Knowledge of willu ond ettes veould he as asset. Sond resume ti: hpltpntw@hotmnail.com Onty candidates seiected for an interview will be contactied. Receptionist/Assistant for optoveetric practice in Milton. 20-25 hoots/week, including Tues & Thurs evenîngo. Schedule flexîbility eooenlîali Excellent veulti-taoker, reliable suave ployer, technslogy-friesdly veîth uuperh telephone manner. Specify wage expectation and apply by emait toi: Dr. Susan Jany adminjany@/magma.ca Localvdi n Ourlingren, Eclîpse Imagîng ru a leader n he large formol prrflrrfg markee. We requrre a DATA ENTRV CLERK te jin eut Finance Department. ou wîli be re spensibie for maîntaînîng the accerucy ot eut ceut- ing upurvo. and enterifl o b information Item rime sheets inte the Avanti oputem. Yee oi vise pro- vide bock-ep receptien on a daiiy hasîs. Tee must houe a bigh school dîpiema, a basic endvrstanding et tee principets et cestîng and be cemputer iter- are wîth a verkîng knewieige et ecel In addition, attention te detail, spevi and acceracv are a must. As back ep receptien vu are nergeing and haee a pivasarît telephefle mannrr wirb pinvefi communi- catien skîis. interesed candidates sbeeid ferovard thymr neseme 10 oslrttt@tecipseinagiog.c or tas (905) 335-2196. '~' Customer Service I( (Bitingoot Posiions availahît) Burlîngren bosed lînancrai sereices cempanp is cuit rentiy ueeking seerai pesitiens in eut Cestemer Sererce Departmefll We effet flexible uchedeles and tht epportenty te wurk in a tast paced, cutem- et erîented eneirefimont, Tee must bave a peut- secendary educolîmn und bave a minimum et 1-3 pears et experrence werking in a faut-puced, frvnt- liv cuotomer sereice envîroment, Bîlîngoal candi- dates preterred. Please sabrnil your application by ernailto1 hurnan resources@ceft.ca tîke no werk in oe et tedoy's meut dynomic and hîghiv respected indestries, on a part-rime basis? Then we tant te pet yeur buiness skiffs te geed ese! We are eopvrîencîog cenlîneed gtewth in eut Berlînglen lecatiens & seekîng additienai Part-Tîme Recenlion DeuX Administratren, oersunnel. In Georgetown iu louking for motioatedi energetic in- TURF w o divîduals with greal communication akîllo in areas of personal training, receplion, consulting and member- MAINTENANCE ship sales. You must be fit ir in the process of STAFF becomîng fil. Earnings based on commissions, bu- emnal lynn@ cl nases and service rendered, up to $40,000 annually gtdefit o Fao resume to: 90".77-8169 Attention: Elaîna Brunt Rd. & QEW Please iach otur ete teilîrgîis wh ouwouid e a gw andidate Fax: 905825-9559 8 82 4 for theaoress idusiry and wh o ud enjo sats inthness. - Sales HeIp Sales HeIp ~I~ree~ I ý vr l i.mw r,. 1c- 11 u, . production fscîlily. Qualîfied individual wilI be reapsosibte fsr maintenance sf light prsduction eqaipmffnt. Resposibilities wsald include metal wsrking and machine set up. Machine shsp and wetding esperience wsald be an asset. Position reqaires a minimuam 5 peara experience. Ontp candidates selecled for an interview will be contactd'. Resavees shoatd be forwaried in confidence 1or: Industrial Ceramîco Ltd. 851 Nipîaaîng Road Milton, Ontarto L9T 4Z4 Fax: 905-78-3143 reqeirvi fer Oukurille Phatmocy. FT & PT position avoulable. Candidates sheeli have excellent com- munication and ces- tumvr sererce ukîllu. iPleas tue reseme lu tu place voor a In calI 905.87824 L'-Ee tlRe tarant Dish ase * P/T pourtions * ava ah t utal ppuear doentoven Mlton restaurant 1Cai: 90587533051 or drop offJ eumne to: Bruneilo' a 395 Main St gé-1 oet Resarant (,e Restarnt M 3 Ht estauant Make a différence with Kelsey's. Kelsvy's is gtowing, thes ru yoer oppontcnîty 10 starI a carvvn aI ou5 NEW Bunicrak locationt WVV'nv ookîeA ton ail bout p positions5, ic eairg Servers, Bartenders. Host/Hostesses. L ie/Prep Cooks and Dishwashers if vos muanI te work for the irvut ru toh- business, Km- vy's has a future for oDet JOB FAIR Saturday, March 29 ta Tuesday, April 8, 2008 -10 arn. - 8 p. 3549 Wyecroft Road, Olakviîîe Can't reiake il out? Porward voir résurne te ketseys7l13@cara.com www.cara.com C R11I EW EST MEtDIA G RUUP Mac Artîst (Junior) Th nam d W\V- MediaGrouta Ld., pubtishe of Our Real Es aee uto te,,,.Y for t j il able to work i ]mlil loca Thse ideal candidate, muot Paced deadjineor'nmtipe, toaons thtnl Hatonia&st oulit4sk - Ze'y ei onmrens, where tIse abatiy to Ew ' il ford an - 11a T se oc es oll cand ia t, btae eoni~ desagnang adve ising for tousI Ra ?aat plicationsas weli as desigainrareadefetv marke-t Iaaaeeial for a î-eay of projl cranaed effuctiv Tlle ~ ~ ct indndua MUrodIuaet TIitraid have a rin etiable vehdan efA Prowocekyinte lMAentlrometand deoidJy, 1) Adlobe phorosh0p 2) taDesig 3) AdobeIlutao Peevous NewpaperoMaziex a flcesiry. ro aaie peieoce as a plus, bus roi, Pl-aaepply usR eata uoaos @b On/y candd, iSkdeed/Aa inv"lngnPao»cOea V sj# be 10 eae.,d S AIpliadoi Deadfij, APel thd, 2008 Designer/Sales Professional Eotablishedr Kitchen & Bath Showroomn seeking very highly qualified individualo fot sales & design positions. Qualified candidates must haue mini- mum 3 years esperienice in high-end cabinetry de- sign and sales. Computer and 20/20 design knuwltdge an asset. Salsry plus commission. Psud holidays. Benefits oplional. Team basti ap- ptoach wîth an escellent support staff. Send resurne loi: OAKVILLE KITCHIEN & BATH CENTRE 599 Thlrd Line, Oakvllle, Ontaris L6L 4A8 or ornait: lnft@oakeillekltchenicertre.con Auo oieSales Consultant Weare tht fasteot growrng automutîve dealevehip adfranchise in our regiur. 00e have at unapdlaeprfloadtomc rfi o handle. If you aresa recorrnized sales consultant for a dealerohîp 1ha1 s flot pruvîding pou whh the louis you requîre fr succeed, please furward s copyo f y00t resume lui uur Sales Manager ernail: sales@ burlingtanhyunda.ca HsitaiH Rt E Mic.ai Dental c aj osîial, Dental A busy and gruwîng Oral Surgery Office requîtes the following posîitons lu be fîlled: Registered Nurse: Apply ONLY if experi- enced and commilfed. Traveling lu 3 locations lIsfed below folloWîng training is imperafive. Medical Transcriptionist: P/T. Must have euperience. Vîrfual hours may be a possibiliy. Receptionist: FIT. Apply ONLY if esperi- enced in Dental Recepfîon. Traveling lu 3 separale offices (Missîssauga, Milton and Oakvîlle) is a reqoîremeol. Cummîlmenl and relîablîfy are a MUST Please send resume stating position yoa are applying to: 905-828-2358 RPN I RN'S Burloak LTC Centre RPN's & RN's FulltIime uvenîngu Part-lime ail] shifts Fax or ornait reaumie toi: 905-639-7259 nancy.martin@reverativing.com NOW HIRING ILookîng f or enthusiasic, energetic, animal lsving person. aytme hoursstartng parlimelutl- t ime. Wîll be workîng in a fast past, positive, f un 11oienvronmenEoperîenc j n a tatj1 Please sentI resume or drop off in pemson al: 332 Guelph Street, Und 5 Georgetown, Ontario L7G 4B5 Oppotunes Opolues Plqie ncl utbe 18 years of age o r oldet and enîoy wotking with children. s sum to Croln apeol /Karts Urion. 10 Monanvîew Rad,South r GogtwON L7G 4K6 Fat: 905-702-1010 volneers 11ffi oleer DITESCENTRE NORTH HALTON * S NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR NEW VOLUNTEERS IWeareolukî for CarmnglIndividssiswhewant tol feelconnctedtc, therp fl ur cummunity, Oujtensivtrainin proram wilshepjhuse wl are distressed, Ionely ut tinkînu of suicide. Fut mure information contact: 905-877-0655 4t üanaüan 0a ion Ad Submissions Received by: Fax: 905-876-2364 Tel: 905-878-2341 Email: cluosified@milloncunudianchampiou cum For your convenience ?& accepi VISA. MASTERCARD, AMERICAN EXPRESS, INTERAC CASH CHIEQUE, .s5e

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