Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 1 Apr 2008, p. 19

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The Canadian Champion, Tueaday Aprl 01, 2008 - 19 Suies, Repair Wa !--. a âer aer a GntlH ein jeerI Hep AUTOMOTIVE Parts & Gibb, Kathleen Mary (nee Dick) in Equ pssest fo es i, Ottawa on Marrh q7t 1 -_ Fi i < i flfig-:i -, JO FA R Wiltamine Marshall of Milton, aunt, gra- aunt, great-greal-great aast and friend toi many. Predeceased by hasband Kenneth (1994), sistens Peggie asd Edith, and brothers Kenneth, Sidney, Jim and tws infant brothera, Frew and William. A gradoate of Milton District High School, Life-Member of the University Wsmen'a Club, volanteer at the Wsmen's Cottage Hospital, oser 60 years of faithful service et Deen Park United. Memorial Service on Friday, Apil if 1h aIt i :3Oam at Deer Park Unitedi Charch, 129 St. Clair Acense West (alf Avenue Road). Crematian has taken place. In lies of flowera, please dosaIs loi your favoarite charily. CadofTaks CardofTh anks The family of the lote Laird Smith wsald lihe te ensessl a liaasfeir thank Tee tei Al friends andi fartolî ifon rhe ext)ressient of love andi kîndeetssC t hase lre ped us trniugls this difficulr tinte. There liave berat sflans' people athe have teuchesi oer lives drnoegbeout Laird's riîrtets Dr. Jan c)rf, sanies trarti trnlin andi Nassey Dabten Irote the leart Foînctien Clii, Du Laurenrce Cbau and bit kînsi staff ad ofcors Dr. Kimt Choiuf;e'o is or islassi of saniri in a seasofîmainess Thank yousroJason andathy ROo tf Detrv ltlirtsacy, rto Donnrraandi the taff ef Miltson Boorms leor flic itrageilicet Itoiers. the cf AC andi rId itrses frere St. Elizabeth. Te Al ef Laird'r celleagîses whe carne tu thare a srery as a brasi ivrd, rlrank feu. Yeîrrremnîiî ceaies brougb wrrh rbens grear îey aed peoce. Pater Pegg ,Oartler ceadactesi tbe Celebra- rrea aiflie of LairI Smîitb. ttaser Bartetrri grace, digisityi orrd elitq .nce ineniptified rbe manee in hbch tLaird bad cenducedsi bit lifet. Her wnrds gave os greor cenforr. We ateuls aise, fîhe tea tlsanhtbe Hagersarîle Urrited Chnrch, Wetnen'r Aosîlîary, fet their very fine luncb. Few things are store greotl appreciotesi than a suce cep efl ma andi a rrear made wrtt carag liantt in thîs fast fned tnertd. 534& CLEANING lady wasited tes rai office in Miton, seat 5:35 Opm cois Esa as 905- 878-5553. I mrvements MALETRON BUttOiSO ssoav, eoseat e os talloat ttitg ar s0 sas taîîisa 005-257-86eas t-877-JUNK-TWO-GO. t- .77-586-5896 Came day lunk remooni service Sentesr dieceant. Cari il gail cldonetB careetÉleanig SANTOS carpot cato Gsesat srvices. Gseat sates. Satisftactioss araas tord. Opetia 9t7.50/reosn 905-821-841& LjËdkvlïle Our clienf bas an immediafe opporunify for a Cinief Financial Officer (CFO) Iocated at fheir Corporate Head Office neor QEW and Ford Drive, If yos are interesfed in joining a world leoder in the poclsaged producfs indusfry, earning a comprehensive compensafion pockoge second f0 nons in flte industry ond are seeking a cha[enging ond rewarding position as parf of a progressive and professionol executive teamn you ore fthe condidote we wonf f0 meet. This role wilI be responsible for driving profitability as weI as enhancing financiol performance by working closely with thes execufive feam wifh respecf f0 afrafegic planning and execufion. The CFO wiII provide leadersh ip and direction toi both tire IT and finance feama. The incumbent wiIl be responsible for enssring accurafe and timely reporf generation f0 su pport effective decision-making, will overses çall budgeing, forecasting and reporting requirements and ensure that the best systems and software are in place ta support tire growth strafegies of the business. As the ideal candidate, you are a financial leader with a designation who has demonsfrafed the ability to successfrally leai mentor and develop strong and effective feama. lnterested candidates should forword their resume in confidence te. ssampson@nrpsfflrch com 2 das pe wee - A andPM.To transport individuais withnHalton Hrls to ourActon site.I I$12120/hoor. ApyoJas McCabe Faa 905-875-9]262 Email. nhmanager.stride@halonaaalthworks.ca A ia I tiahs's r feug itr thei o e tandf ar McKersîe-Keche Itr rer bpe as gidance. "Think where mants glery mort heýrnr and ends, And say mylryn ad sn ~ n wd suc fierrA- 7 .4 At Hafton, wa valua our ampfoye, as it ia only lhmagh theus' effos ihat ive are abIe la e the evolvlng nantis of our cuslomars. Be reesysîzeti for pour contribution ta Hallonfs scessers. Provldlng servies ta public health, social and community services, andi planning anti public wor*a, Hallion Raglan is a dynamnic arganizatios in an ever- changing and grewîng coanmunity locatid in lthe westerm Greaier Toronto Am.a PARTNERSHIP DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR With 3 lo yeam 'esperiesce sn mark ng w 1h the corporaIe sector and un commasity collaboration and demographic and labour market asalysis, yas miii baild asd maintain relatîanabîps muai emplayems and commanity agescias sa, as toi deeelop strategic netmsrhs, foater corporale social respossibility and sapport thn corporate sactor to accens reqaired services mithis the Regias. Yaa brng ta Ibis rnfie a hachelor's dagrea in Commerce, Business or Social Sciences, plas a superiar morkrng ksamledge of relabosshîp huilding with thra pnvarefpsblicfsat-for-protit sectom, and community deveîopmest asnd planning. Your excellent usderatasdisg of the goals, prnciples asd methods of empîoymenî prograres as eshascet hy inlerpemanual, presentabtos andi Iistenîng skîlls, and the ability ta employ a variety of solution- facset echniques tai achieve positive asicomes. This position involves matkîsg a flexible schadale, mhich may inciatie eveninga asd meekentis, tai reaposd tai thse neetis aI empiopems and commsnity agescies. Ya msa sspply pour oms transportation for Iravel bolmees locatiens milfrîn Hulasn Raglan, For tetlber informtionrs, please visit oar mobsite. Please apply onlîne or lormard pour current cover flatter and resame, qootisg Competion #S5-104-08, hy April 5, 2008,to: Hamac Rasourca Services. Applicants milI be considereti baseti os tIse information proviee. We thank ai candidates for thi' intereat. However, onit- thos oeiected tes' an interview wii ha costacted. 115 -rnt .,-, Oavile ON e 6 - l Fax 90-82 432 Construction Truck Driver/ Yard Helper Mast have AZ drivers licee aond kaamledgv oI tha GTA. Faf I-rime employmet PIeuse las reoume ta 905-842-0564 DZ Professional Driver Barlington haaed compoay seeking Liqaid Halge Drivera. 3+ yeors et- patience aith o valid DZ licence. Cleas drivers abstract Evcellent castomet & communication skile Send resume E-mail Intot/ebos.ca tax 905-333-3569 Driver COLA Fast Approved t/ts *Greotl Home Time * Sper Pay Package *No Tsuch Fteiglrt si g aOS Banus- $ tSOO-0/0'a t Yr. aerifiable exp. Expedîte DIvIsIon Aise Miini ll 30 DZ DRIVERS Urgently needed fat Milton fat reaidenuol mate/ recyclisg pick-sp. $1 S-Sf SOr. Excel Ose Stafftlng Ph: 416-849-7097 Fax: 416-981-3001 8Gnrl Help Wyldewood Golf andi Country Club, 6198 Trafalgar Roati, Milton, Now hîrîng Cooks andi F&BI staff for the 2008 season. Sesi rsumea Io: osyydgwood proshocr@ roocrscci, Join our winning teamn! We are holding a JOB FAIR for our Milton store... Thursday, April 3rd e 10 a.m. - 7 p.m. Best Western, 161 Chisholm Drive, Milton - Full & Part-Timo Pharmacists e*Assistant Front Store Managers e Post Office Manager Post Office Clerks * Cosmeticians - Merchandisers; - Receivers - Cashiers As o member of out teem, yoa wîl esjoy.. aStaff discount * Variety of shifts * Competîtive wages Opportunity for growth * Great working environment -Comprehensive benetits for luli-time staff Shoppers Drug MartiB/Pharmaprix@ hoosta ove' 1,000 stores f rom coast to coont and is st15h growing. Wsth 005 commîsmeat ta customes and commssîty service andi oas drive toi escel, we are site of Cosodons moat promîneat retaiers. Pleone hrîsg a corsent resume îsciadîsg refferesces. If yos are osahie to attend, pîease appI9 to0 asdm7l0@shoppersdrugmar.ca SHOPPERS DRUG MART Taylor Nursery Emplayment Opportunîlties Full Time Harticultural Students - Apprentices - Seasanal MAS OPENINGS IN THE FOLLOWING AREAS: Ladacape Maintenance Techncuon Gardes Center Saleaperson -Yard Sales -Londocope Deaigner Full and Port lime woîk ta asoîlohie from Aprl 7th. If yoo eaîoy deolîng wîth cuatomero and haee hîgh eaergy and great work ethîc. Come Jobn Our Team Fiaxs ai01 905-875-0698 os' Emaîl: chas.lawton@amaîl.com STORAGE SPOT a stote-of-the-art abroage locîlity in Milton ta correatly seektng: Fuli-Time and Part-Time CUSTOMER SERVICE REPS with obove overage castomer service akîlîs. ladostry esperiesce tsaon assaI bat rot necassory. We offer a compettîse woge ond basafita. Stadenta welcoae. Submit Caver Letter/Resume by E-mail: cugarte@éstoragespot.c: or Fax: 905-864-7364 * - FRE5H FACE5 NEEDEP Wanted for KP EN Dswntown Dokeille KP EN Fashion Boutique. APULTS * PE1ITE5 Must bea positive, for mocie:o, f.4vhios', aathuaîastic, tac cataloqus work $15 $8O/ltr leader and hase atrang sales abiîity. PLEA5E GALL 905-336-5455 To lead sur a auccestal store mamuel@ Lokingfor work? cogeco.ca Cal Fax resue ta: Ci 905-592-9494 j R Saffing 905 878 789 m Bail CAREER FAIR LOOiING FOR CUSTOMER SERVICE DRI'/EN INDIMDUALS WrTH A FLAJR FOR HOME DÉCOR TO WORK DAYS/EVENINGS At-D NIGHT SHiIFTS. April 2nd & April 3s'd 1lJam fa 8pn- hall days. lis' ts. lyl d(55 Landacape Conatruction & Maintenance Foremen and Labourero needed immediately. F/T Auto Detailer Esperiesce & G2 Lic. P/T Hostess Mature & Frienidly. Soya, Evaga. Sot's Ken Drewett ken iaew rysesronn P: 905-632-4335 F: 905-632-1345 * s- popers, door ft door, lfiree timesa oweek dosing the day. Flexibte hoors. Il interested contact Ryon ot 905 632 0588 DISPATCHER& FORK LIFT OPERATOR A growing campany in the Miltos area needs a city & long haul dispatcher Ats needa a tarI M operator. Please fax resume ta 905-875-0981 or e-mail ouliadellamaes tra@btaelinad.com m iltonca nad lanchampio.WoM ( a!eer 5i5055.555555s Wc ots's ins iso'adirig ia[r'ss,. P-t.. i a0S.svSip awarrt'5S r SiSStiSt1 1rong t t uraîîtsart s"1gs 2 tD ins-1, es 2,5,5 Var 155 10 JI s " essaisaith Nets Store s ho p persd rugma rt.cafcarèers EXPERIENCED Fork Lift 9perators with some lumber experrence and Generai Labourers need-eci-_ Please drop off resume at: 510 fiarrop Drive, Milton, & ask for John Marche ýSTORE

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