18 - The Canadien Champion, Tueasday April 01, 2008 e - , *e : :7 Index: Real Estate 100-135 e Business 140-169 _______________________e Rentais 170-196 e Leisure 200-239 e Community 240-299 Fax: 905-876-2364 Email: classified@m iltoncanad ianchamp ion com e Merchandise 300-385 a Auto 400-470 e HeIp Wanted 500-5W, Mon. to Fnh. 9am-5pm BONUS! Ail classified ads also appear on www.haltonsearch.corn e Services 700-795 For CIRCULATION caîl: 905-878-5947 Ad submission b p mail or in pers n: The Ca adian Champion, 555 odus rial Drive, Side i2 r, 2nd Floor. Milton, ON L T El Deadli es: M on., il arn., for Tues. publication Thurs, 11 a rn. for F ni publicativat Special Fea rre & Holiday deadlines nay vary CHECK YDUR AD TH4E FIRST DAY IT RUNS ta ensure the information is correct. Contact yoar Sales Consultant aithîn 24-Hoors if art error appears. An error in a Fni publication must he repnnied ro lutrn tsar Mon. hi arn. JOB ai ho nain - F 15',, o O nant*,!4 rata va - , Mai' 0i, iii.,s Finee Bali vn COlint' i1'2 R' 05ioON i', iGo, ERASE Yn,,t aunai avaaral au anaopetitian cal' t, vil ive tien con- sltiatinas Ovrirosea 001 navinw g 0ve r neri p atr ain va Cuit Rîsyn t 80vo a9a soa $$$ b Duednit, tai lova- gage arrnais, seit-non plnynd 100% MantougeS dan't pay lyn inganm One taramie Finanial Car eoratio n 1-8-0 799 DOWPITOWN MIL-TON MilleideTuweîS 82 Millid Drine. Cntracive vut building. S panîno aui t eant tua becrian nitîs wirS tauanîn lanitity ana aoilmet n litre renviai eilent avents Open 7 days & evenlogs Cati 905-876-1249 awrealstae. o ecTON uPAesMENna aipý nar quinaetals ,M la,Oty ta,it la sir. s-)r aaae nia- a. Soelan& dl1 apatavat C.a MEaOEOW tý ana i niai vaY ninlýeninqtatl v-yc ai a rial ca appliainnas Sep etaie lavatn.a ndî t>aikata $8su tas ap rut wvie-JTninn lvwnnentatal Giaq 1 6AS 36,I MILTON r sint apt, ai appt 1 Baeîgnavnî Tala- ing. sait 905-334-66a0. MILTON r aeirnn apail- nient avaiaîiuv May tsL Jtîtlîes insiven $740amth Na ange pîrenerrd Cas MIL-TON 2 r-selon aprte $800. each. r 2-banni lune unI. $1210 r t sern unI. $375ý Cati Deb Tani Re/Max nos u7u-7777. MLTOeNone beomupart- ments, $8/asuina1 tw ninued Maont hage uprîlonot. $1rosvîo i one bedîonn aaient, $9nrmn. esTa Rernan 905E178-7777 ACTON /ROCKWO 0 iuuy t und 2bdsnaiaan apaîbmanie inanuni ena vatee budngns Faon ssanianleh Newn ome Liaiantrce undt rlaît epace aieoauvatabin Mike are- uuu nte-n FlatsFr RentI HALTON His spaninas 2 nase an cauntry nmnped. Bavks ota eBv Tiait. Coveta to eorgetown, Satan. Ern o St OvOtonnth tlus vttes, Na sienia ogre0ts Rein enaes 41r C~r ondotiifiau GEORGETOWN SANtaS 1 3aven Oi 2 seainmsion- dpakingsta ge. Vie- of TorontoaSkyne saini Sa- aum na Saiaany. Masy aeds ,n builinîg. avaituote imedeiatety env- R53 uss lm For Reni MILTON 3-bsen o u nse larne narane May ti Ti~oanoses lmFer Rient GEOETOWN, 2-bed- avili canva tana5vse, v appitanses, vas tiiepiace, 2-ananînîvana parking spots. OiC cabia Oeil No nnts.vona Ovaîtasie plus vtttts Cati Ciily Liant> Johtnsvn usanniates L~&os oud F01552q oa nge . tOnrwi moll RvIoa Playseall Ire 6-ra laC5,q a osa5 7 2ct LOS Maeylo Oupa Matai. 22taî vi.ariatg lia pae. taîts vannera n va v a .asoi LITTLE angnîs Canin Day- vain. 2 epvie avait. Cealthy meate, sale ane tnîeniy envîlanvent nia- vîdee Fui ino vat: Came (l aluh-2234ý EXPEeIENCED Oaycane prauîaen. Fait-TîmeaPart- Tîma, ait aue weicnie, eveciai enugaui or On Ca Cnt lunhes piaviae CPR, Ftnst aie, avel 10 Ceaie expenienve Came- onk lttann, caninaten avaiasie. Cul it eu 905 693-8u8u. Aricles Fer Sale FREE soaasand anadse taon, yvv pick ap. Cati 90us usa-3324. m oing Eenm ong Evnt WI-EZ DetsDa For Sale BEAuTIoUr, ailla fpa 'ay O-pina, r . avna clrsel. Large, dtep voanl naîtz, veia' anas oua a stea1 Finase cat tnt piaivas and nsv em tans c t BEOROOM Cneîîyaane aed desser, maiair, chesi nightstan, ne, te bonxes. Dovelaît constrvctin. Cnet $7000, Snii $1500. ainîna- rnn1 pince Cherryn New. CacI $8ons sert CARPET i eavn seneint t c000 .rdas a new Stain Musien & 10Z nylon car- pea il a doa iintueoo pet. ue e instlaiotn (30 yards) Sieve, nos ea3- ROT Tvb/ Spa- urnde n undt caver SUrain anapper. Cnet $9150- Sacrifice vausoý Cuti 905-C71-1777 POOL 7lva vri Nain ISatttAi vtOav COvit a6 7 ain. tais c 5 Cal 3ein4599as E1111W as aned COOKSnILLE Auto Wrena mavai csh l. liaI bednOr Onneris pînneesen paapeniy, w Tuks for Sale 1999 Dakota Eutra-Cas, OC. Craise, tlt, air,auo Inw-a puiige pauei seul, C.B Otîn sni. Cat Is 05 FORD0 Rangniers no199, excelleat ivonina coitivon a,0r entgnieý 320 OsOamo Raide, nap Cuit nos 702- 0590 a Moorycles 1100 O Star 2000, envellent oua. Cat 905-87u-3503 Sa Yo Sa h a .. Vi E iib(i CI piio Clsi iedGt eus DEL NIN, Renzo Paaaed awuy aI the Milles Disfricf Hospital os Friday, Manch 28, 2008. Renzo Del Nin, aadly misaed hy hia brother ad aistars; John Oui Nin (Olga), Mania Oui Nin, Disa GiaComaso and Paqua Maao. Fondly nemembered by hia niecas asnd sephama, Roger (Kulhnyn>, Karen, Davidt, Ermîsia (Goras), William (Angelu) and great siecea andt nephewa Summar, Dylan, Curlia, Kriatophar, Brillasy, Victoria, Mallham, Kevîs, Amunda and William Jr, Pradecaed by hia parens Ruggaro and Rosa Del Nin. Fumiiy asd friands vîaîled uitIhe McKER- SIE-KOCHER FUNERAL HOME 114 Main SI. Milton 905-878-4452 on Sunday. The Mass ni Christian Banial waa ceiahnated ut Hely Roary Ceiholir Church 139 Martin Sf. Milles on Menduy, March 31, 2008. Inlermeni inilowed ut Milton Evergneen Cemeiory. Memorial donations te the Miltos District Hospitl Foundutien or the Cunudian Cancer Society woald ho apprecîuled. Lattons of cesatelesce muy ho leSt fer the fumîly ut www.mckersie-kecher.ru GERMAN, Donald R., Veterun of WWII IHMCS Skeera. Royal Caaradian Neco 1942 - 1945i Poacrtuliy on Satanciay Man 29. 2008 ai Miltao District Hospitl fn, nîs 85t1s ypr Pnedervased hy flis holod natte (daun son Datialat. aand ara Infant daLlgtphr Fathor ai Valonîn lAvrelet Lyais. Grand- tather oi Michael OClaîtol Canais. Christolîhni (Jonniferý Lainoiý Pameia iSienet Ginoerich ana Dosa!J (Sarah) Germas Ornai srnalahor o!ai FItist, Lavreai Brycan. Javdr, San-anhia and Kyrie. Frienats wilt oe iocoisad ai tee J SCOTI EARLY FUNEFuAL HOME. 31 Jamses St., Miltarn T905 878-2669 on Tu'esday nrom 7 OPa -Q 9:0ri tris a Logios Trîbate service ai 7.00 p.m. A funerel service otill take piano in the chapel on Wednîosday Aprîl 2, 2008 ut 2.00 p.o. Il desîred, donations to the Rayai Carnîdier Loyuvn Bîaîch 136 Psppy Fanat woald ho appreruated. Condoiesces andt donatins cnhine ut www.earlyfuaseralhome.coin MILLER, Lois At the Hunonia District Hospitl os Fridayi March 28, 2008 in hon 751h yean. Beloved mile of Maurice Lapoiste. Dean mother of Gregory Miller and hia mife Pattie, Mernilyns Olmalead and her husband Murray, and Kania Miller asnd her huaband Glas Fissey. Lovisg grandmolher oaf Tyler, Michael and Kevis Miller, and Rebecca and Diluias Olmalead. She miii be sadly misaed by Mauriceas famiiy; Marc Lapoînle ad hia fîoscee Natalie Rivard, Christine Davis asd her hunhasd Bob, and their chilatres Marliea and Merrett Davis. Siater -bmla of Armand Lapeinle asnd hîn wîfe Theresa. Fnienda miii be receivedat u the Nichoila Fanerai Home, 330 Midiasd Avenue, Midlasd os Tueaday Aprîl i aI fnom h p.m. untîl tîme of memoriai service sn the chapel aI 2 p.m. If deaî red, donatios te the Casadias Cancer Society wouid be appreciaeat. Qj-3 De3vs LEDWITH, Mary (Emmeroon) <nee Choma) Pasaad away ai Ailendale sn Milles os Friday, Manch 28, 2008. Mary Ledmif h beiovad mile of Michael Ledwîlh. Prede- ceaaed by her son Wayne Emmeroon. Levisg aust for Walter Lokus, Heles Veal. Peler Lokan, Calvin Wair, Karn Pîroulz, Ass Paicheaki, Mîke Mitriais asd Cafthy Turner. Fosdly ramambereat by han many greal sieces andt sephama. Sudly misouat by Michael's chiidres Elles Riordes, Linda Billon asd Peter Ledmilh. Predeceaaed hy han sislera Katharine Mitrisin, Sophia Lokas andt Pearl Weîr. Famîly yoid frienda vîaited ai the Mcersie-Kechar Fuserai Home 114 Mais St. Milles 905-878-4452 as Sunday. The Mass of Christian Banial waa reiehraied ai Haly Roaary Cathelie Church 139 Munisn SI. Milles os Mosday, March 31, 2008. Memeria donations te the Naw Caihelîr Church Building Fund or the Heurt and Streke Foandatien weaid ha apprecîaled. Letarso0f reodelesce may ho leii ion the famiiy ut www. mckeraîe-kocher.ca CRYER-RIrTERSPACK; JEAN (nee NETHERTON) Peaceally, wih hon fairily hy hon vide, ut ihn Avalcon Caïy Centre. Orangevîlle vs Sundav, Match 30th. 2008 rn Son 841i1 yeai. Jean Cryra -Ritionsparh of Bas shone Villaoc, Brechin, eelonod wile ai Samuel Cryvo and the laie Edaivrd Riierspack. L asing moîlhor oi Sosan Riiiorspacs and hsasnd DasO MeOviien of Castor, WA ynd Carior ah McLean of Orangesilie, T hprisiid grundmaiher oi Ohrisiv.her arnd SI-nri MrLean nnd Tyîn M.,Callarn Pradecr mcd by te on saton, Ilie Shoepharasca atal bronur i - a o' Neiherion. lonarit v uvtve cy Ti Oine nlarn Rita Nviheonr ai Surdiioge. ieriai. has talken place. Frionds artd relatives may Dai ai the Murtooli Fanierai Horne, 79 West St.,N., Onîllia, on Thursday Apnîl 3rd frvm 1 p.m. antil rime of Memvnial Service in the chapel ai 3 p.m M. Iteninerri, Evongreeri Ceîretery Milton. If desireat, inemorial dvnations le the Canadiani Cancer Svciety or the Alzheîmerv Society woald ho appreciated. Messages ai condolence are rnelcomed ai www.mundellfunseraLhome.com. WALTON-CHUCHMACH, Myrtie <Kelly) Paaaed away ai Ailendale in Milles on Thursduy, March 27. 2008. Kelly,I beloned mile of Alvin Chachmach. Loving mether af Stevas (Sheila) andt Sunan (Gilles). Sadly miosed by han grand- chilatran David and Karen and her greut- grandoon Austin. Pradeceased by han final huabasd Wesley Wallon (1987). Remembened by Alvin's chilatran, Tom, Caroline, Cathy, Therena, Alois Jr. and Michael. Famiiy asnd fnienda viaited ai the McKeroîe-Kocher Fanerai Home 114 Mais Sf. Milles 905-878-4452 on Sunday. The fuserai service mas haid in the fuserai home chapel on Monduy, March 31, 2008. In lieu of fiomera, memoriai donatios le the Casadian Cancer Soci.ely moaid be appnecîafed. Lelters of condelence may be leh for the iamiiy aI wwmckersie-kocher.ca <n is Our iris tua rerîgnize Hellen Corneli's lOOth Birthday April 6rb. 20038 We love you Mom! Robert, Iuhnod é- fuai/iy Kat/y, lieni/annu 1