A14 - The Coinailian Chamninn Tiieculau, Anril I 2008 Early exit for OHL defencemen if il \ I Dcspiîc tînîsboîîg ihiîd sO craîl ils obeir respective conterences, Elgîn Reid's Windsor Spiofires and Zack Sbepley's Brampron Bacoaloon were eliminated in fîve ganes in fîrst round play - botb getting bounced Thursday An overaîl lack of playoff experience was no doubo a srumbling block for the rebuilding Spirfires, wbose season ended witb a 4-3 overtime loss to the Sarnia Sting. Reid, 21, offered Windsor one final spark of hope witb a tbird- period equalizer Tbursday - bis only point nf rbe series This marked the tbird srraight year the OHL graduate bad failed ro see sec ond-round play afrer reacbing the 2005 Memonal Cup with the Ottawa 67s. Having played in laso spring's natoonals with the OHL champion Xii talion had linislîcd 2xx pttiîoî~ hîglîci than obeur openîng round s ival Barne Colts l-lowever, Brampton managed just nîne goals in the [Ove games and were blanked 2-0 Tbursday Now dune bos Major Junior career as well, 20-year-old Sbepley was also bis team's only ployer to bave competed at the Memorial Cup. Fellow Miltonian James Woodcroft stili bas a sbot at claiming a junior championship, with bis Jr. B Tecumseb Chiefs led the London Natuonals two- games-ro-one in the best-of-seven Western Ontano Hockey League final as of laso nigbt. Tbe 17-year-old winger neued tbe winner in a 5-3 game-two victory Wednesday - bis third goal of tbe playoffs. McDougall excited about new position rui Uii~ UIIUUOWP DUrA from JOURNEYMAN on page A12 safetycheckonthemeflU: w coaches lîke to go to a last-place club and star? 1. Clean: Use a pipe cleaner or wire te make sere the burner ports are free nI rust, dirt, spider [rom scratch or joon a fîrst-place team where most webs of other debris. of the work's already done, but Mutons some- wbere in the mîddie so tbis is an ideal situation for 2. Check: Enamine the hose leading trom the tank to the bomers. Replace if cracked or damaged. me. So wbao does the lceHawks' new okopper bnng 3. Test Find leaks by applying a 50/50 solution et water and dinh soap le propane cylinder connections ro the table? aid hunes. If hobbies appear, ligNer the connection ard/or oeplace the daînaged parts and retest. i rbink l'm a nice mix (of strategist and mon- Last Tp? Keep yeu and vour tamily sale by always barbecoing ootdoersl varor). Having played un Europe I know bow to play a okilîs game, and arn committed to gectîng To orderyourfree safety kit from Technical Standards and SafelyAuthocity, tbe best out of the kida. Wmn or lose, I want teams ~~5itwWW.~e~safetyinFo C~ orcail 1-877-682- TSSA. ro come un here and know tbey're in for a tougb nîgbt. __________________________________________________________________ "l'm going to mn this hke a professuonal bock- ey club - to me theres no other way to do it." McDougall. Piett and co-owner Rob DeVîncentos are now in the process of interview- ing assistant coaching candidates - hoping to bave them in place for the May 10 to 12 rookie camp at Etobicokes Westwood Arma. Along witb scoring leader David Vallorani beading off ro UMass-Lowell ohis faIt, the lceHawks will lokely lose young forward Ryan Lopes and defenceman Ryan Moore ro the OHL. Moore has already gotten an early jump as a recent addition to the Sarnia Stîng - belpong obem to a first-round vicoory over Windsor - whale Lnpes Os expecoed to be part of next year's Ntississauga St. Micbaels Majors. When you subscribe to The Canadian Champion for i year ($6500) we wilI gîve you a $1000 Pre-paid lim Card from lim Horions. And.... your name will be entered into a draw for a chance to win a tnp for 2 to Las Vegas0. 6ET if WHILE rr's Hot! To subserîbe sîmply fui n the form below and îend t, along wlth your payment, to The Canadian Champion Circulation Dept. by April 30th, 2008. 555 Industrial Drive 2nd FIoor~ Milton ON, L9T SEl Fax: 905-876-2364 Ph: 905-878-5947 kmossman@miItoncafladiaflChamPiOfl.COm Name: Address: Phone: E] Chq attached ~ VISA [1] M/C C] AMEX Cardholder name: _______________________________________________ Card #: ____________________________________ Expiry: Signature: *Tim HorIons offer expires April 30th, 2008 or while quantities ast. Draw date for tnp wilI be held on Thursday, October 16, 2008. ~ spaokagecsoaiidioriadaltaofldssp tol sboidîeo.Ooe paîkaqedies toi inobele cistof iaoes iood, beottaget, gtatoitiet, aoound toiesportatiot. or setesce o5atges.naîes art 194 tiiper asSit lobe paid itaeeidatesaoaciabiebetWeefldplitliifldttîtetOberîOS Pisghtototosoiscded. sot rncissded tOto ceesissato sciudts ail rotais assd most ,hspboaod acoasosertite primutoooai package s deosgred Sot traoel betaoeer Septem5es ard Febssary ieeolssdsoe 5ol~daysl Pisghtenotcoladtd 2 NIGOT VCGAS GETAWAY TOto oaoatsor o aabd lot 2 ooghto SotS aoooortrnooiaioro idossble oooopaeoyi and 2 ascite, itobet Sort ar appsoooi posct o? os~n s Las teoaoNs OsooasaOsoo ,ooaisdtooi aduIt.Ooeteoaoaddstsoflal5ottptodaY5taddsitooai9ot~ OOoeoasatsotdoescotstoiooittheoootoiioodseotcagtStaote. goatoOstoS, gtootdtoaoopoeaosoo otosodental eopeoses.05o cacatiot os oalsd lot itoscday. 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