Volunteers sought in village ù, LY-~ W ML ~ilun-x As the first Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Destination Campbellville Community Association (OCCA) approaches April 10, members are reflecting on the year's events and prepare to move forward into the next phase of putring the village of Campbellville back on the map. Stu Johoston, one of the DCCAs founding members, said as with any organization, [md- ing addiîional active partici- pants remains a key goal for the DCCA. "The first year was devoted goveromeni anil Conservation Halton officiais, developîng a constitution and business plan template, and creating programs to enrich the area and stimulate îounsm," he said. i have been a part of the DCCA since inception and I remain impressed with how hard a few people have worked to get it started and to see that slowly, we are beginning to get increased support. However, as with mosi local volunteer groupa, we need members who are prepared to take on some active participation." The DCCA was formed over ational, residentoal anil coinrncr cial interesîs to enrîch the Campbellville and surrounding Nassagaweya area and inspire îourism through direct activity, co-operation and communica- tion. With several initiatives underway for the upcoming year - orgarnzed through sev- eral internai committees - addiîional energetic and creative volunteers are essential. Anyone intrrested in being part of the DCCA or hearing plans for the communiiy is urged to attend the AGM, set for 7:30 p.m. at the Mohawk Inn. Special guest speakers at ag. meeting The agricultural community can leam more about how 10 effecîively communicate wiîh îodays socially conscious youîb ai Onîario Agri- Food Education Inca (OAFE) annual general meeting ibis Thursday The session, which stanta ai 12:15 p.m. ai Country Heritage Park, wiil feature two guest speakers - Maureen Callan of tIse Ontanio Mimstry of Education and Dr. Alex Jadad, bead of tIse Centre for Global eHealîh innovation ai tIse University of Toronto and University Heaîih Network. Callan wiIl talk about Embedding Agricultural Perspectives into the Ontario Curriculum During the Review Procesa.' Sbe wiII review the curricu- lum development cycle and point oui how OAFE can participate. Meanwhile, Dr. Jadad wiII speak about 'Taking tIse Pulse of Youth in ibe Age of Social Nerworks: Opportunities for OAFE.' He wîII idenîify pro]ects in wbich tIse agocultural community can poten- îîally collaborate witb youîb. TIse coat ta $40, which includes lunch. Regisiration is available on-une ai www.oafe.org. The Canad an Champ on Tueoday ApnI i 2008 - Ail Partnerships being Iooked ~ fp.r <~r ir~$r~ rr~mrd~wr from MAJOR on page Ai launched. Alîhougb tIse proposai gar- nered înterest, tIse Town was tolil the small size of tbe property would limît tIse development of a complete cam- pus. Tbe Tow'n then began explonng the idea of partnering wiih the devel- opment community to enabie a land trade for a larger site to accommodate a fuil-scale campus. So while a lot of work has already been done, theres stîll a lot that bas to be ac'omplsshed hefore the university dream can be realized. [irai, town council last nigbt had to consîder a series of staff recommen- dations that woutd inîtiate tIse plan- ning process for the neîghbourhood. If council approved the matter, tIse Town would turn to the Region îo ask tIsai it identify the proposed.site as an urban expansion area. The municîpalîty wouîd also cail on tIse Ministry of Traîning, Colleges and Universîties and tIse Minisny of Public Infrastructure Renewal for their direction and invoîvement in the overaîl procesa. WhiIe tIse Province hasn't commît- ted funding for a Milton university at this point, Town CAO Mario Belvedere poînteil out the recenîly released provincial budget included sîgnificant fundîng for post-secondary education. He saîd the Town s close to mak- ing a deal with a potenrial university panner. Once it does, that institution cao make an application to the Province for funding. Belvedere said [me thinka tbe Town's proposaI will be attractive to the min- istry "Theres no other place in tIse GTA that has this kînd of virgin Iand ihaîs free," he noted. A staff report on the topic indicat- ed part of tbe process would also include consulting with adjacent landowners to undeniake a neigb- bourhood plan, as well as a design charette (workshop) for the education village. To read the fuli staff report visit www.milton.ca. See Friday's Champion for [sali details on councils decision regarding tIse Mîlton Education Village. Melanie Hennessey can be reached ai mhennessey@mi lîoncanadianchampi- on.com. -, 4? 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