AlO - The Canadian Champion Tuesday, April i 200P Dateline Wednesday Apr. 2 The Milton Fibromyaigia Support Group meets at i p.m. at Casey's restaurant. For information, cati Tina at (905) 878-1573. Thursday Apr. 3 The Town of Milton holds a eommunity open house to review the concept and pro- vide feedback for the community park devel opment located adjacent to the Milton Sports Centre. The session starts at 7 p.m. in meeting room four at the Milton Sports Centre, 605 Santa Mana Blvd. The concept and feedhack form are avaiiahii' on the Town website after the session. For more informa- tion, eau (905) 878 7252, ext. 2211 or visît j, Hairon Heairhcare Moms Supporting Moms in Milton - a suppurt gruup for muthers whu are strug giing wtth postpartum depression and/or anxiety - meets at Halton Kids West Mîlton Hub at Our Lady of Victory Schooi, 540 Commercial St., from 7 to 8:30 p.m. For more information, cati Janet Siverns at (905) 825 6000, ext. 2927. Thursday Apr. 3 -4 Empioyment Ontano hoids as free inten- sive two-day Job interview and Self- Marketing Workshop at JBJ Empioyment Services mc. at 203-550 Ontari o St. S. Those interested can caîl Kerry at (905) 693-8458, ext. 104 for more information or e-maii Halton Healthcare Services kerrywnght@beilneî invites YOD b the W&~ê%&ss~Âr Saturday, April 5, 2008 * 10:OOam - 2:OOpni Milton Mail * 55 Ontaria St. S * Milton Corne and leain about health prograrns and resources available to you and your family aI Milton District Hospital, Halton Healthcare Services and in the Halton Region. Highlights * Free Massages * How ta operate a defibrillator * Hearing Screening * Bleoit Glucose Testing * Food and Water Satety * Mental Health * Women's Health Issues * Senior's Activities And muclu more Demonstrations * Yoga for Kids (ages 4-6 & 7-9) * Kickboxing -Tai Chi * Yoga for Beginners and Intermediate * Step Aerobics * Spinning Demonstrations aI programa currently bring offered aI 15e Mutas Ltisure Centre The 2008 Weiiness Fair s sponsored by the Mitton District Hospitai Foundation and The Town 0f Miiton Leisure Centre flN Thursday Apr. 3 - 5 The Canadian Federatiori of Universîty Women, Mîtton and district, hoids its 35th annuai book sate at 917 Nîpissing Rd. at Thompson Road (across from Mitton Baptîst Church). it takes piace lrom noon to 8 p.m. Thursday and Friday and from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday Proceeds go to scholarships for Milton students. Friday Apr. 4 Mîlton Concert Presentations hosts the Hamitton Phitharmonie Orchestra at 8 p.m. at St. Pauls linîted Church, 123 Main St. F. Tickets cost $35 for aduits and $30 for sen- iors and are avaîtable by caliing Joyce at (905) 878-1526. a. - sa .as a . a I a a w M Saturday Apr. S Former students, teachers and fnends of S S. #8 Trafalgar - McCurdy's School are învîted to a reunion commemoratîng the 50th anniversary ol the school closing. it takes place trom I to S p.m. ar Counîry Heritage Park. For registration details, cati Gwen at (905) 877-1505 or Ruth at (905) 459-5687. Mîlton Dîstnct Hospîtal holds its Living Healthy Famiiy Wetlness Pair ai Mîlton Mail from 10 a m. to 2 p.m. featuring more than 35 communîîy organîzation exhibits plus physical acîiviîy demonstraoons. EXHUBITOR LIST Bereaved Familles et Ontarlo Breast Cancer Support Services Canadian Cancer Society Canadian Cancer Sociefy - Smokers' Itelpline Canadian Diabetes Association Canadian Mental Health Association Canadian Red Cross Association Choices4Health Chiropractors ot Milton Colorectal Cancer Association rît Canada Community Care Access Centre rît Mississauga Halton ConnectCare Crohn's & Coulis Foundation 0f Canada, Halton Chapter Halton Aphasia Centre Halton Diabetes Program Halton Healthcare Audiology Department Halton Region Emergency Medical Services Halton Region Health Depariment Well Water Safety/Food Safety Youtti Action Alliance Dental/Dîder Aduits Halton Region Police Services Halton Women's Place Milton Diagnostic lmaging Milton District Hospital Auxiliary Milton District Hospital Foundation Milton District Hospitai Obstetrits Milton Leisure Centre Milton Massage Therapisis Millon Meals on Wheeis Milton Seniors Activity Centre Dakville Distress Centre Ontaria Association 0f Naturopathic Dottors Ovarian Cancer Canada Rock Reach Oui Centre for Kids Schizophrenia Society oi Untarlo STRIDE (Supported Training & Rehabilitation in Diverse Environment) TEACH (Teach, Empower, Advocate for Community Health) Trîllium Gui et Lite Networfc Wellspring Women's Health Alliance 0f Halton DEMONSTRATION SCHEOULE (programs currenhly being offered by 11w Milton Leisure Centre) 10:00 te 10:30 arn Yoga Kids bon te 12:30 prn Yoga 10:30 ta 10:45 arn Cloggets 12:30 ta 1:00 pm Stop Aorobics 10:45 ta 11:00 arn Tho kitchon Band 1:00 t~ 1:30 pm Splnning 11:00 t~ 11:30 arn Tai Chi 1:30 ta 2:00 prn Lino lancers 11:30 ta bon kickbaxing SHOPPERS S PO RTC NS K '~ le château DRUG MART ~- r' GARAGE 55 Ontarlo Street * 905-818-3900