MÏLTO Li( LeIâRARY R EA L E ST AT E See what's on the market inside S POR T S IéeHawks hire new head coach wwmiltoncanadianchamlion.cm C O M M U N t T Y Lifting veil of family's secret A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ s Mesên ei ru ubiain*VL4 o7 usî%Afl1 Major education facli«ty planned ILLUMINATING EXPERIENCE: Above, the Milton Choristers sîng during a special candlelight choir performance to celebrate the second annual farth Hour Challenge Saturday night at Grace Anglican Church. At left, Lindsay Rhynold enter- tains patrons at the Royal Canadian fegion during the 60-minute event - from 8 to g p.m. - in \sxhich resîdents and businesses across the globe were encouraged 10 turn off their lights. A num- ber of butinesses held their own Earth Hour events, while rnost of the Town's facîlities went lights out as well. ROBERT TETERUCK / SPECIAL TO THE CHAMPION Town looks to atftrct university in land1 swap deal By Melanie Hennessey CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF Major plans are tn the works to turn the Towns dreais of hcîng home 10 a universit campuîs into a reality. At press urne last night, town count- c il was 10 consider a proposai for the 'Milton Lclccatiois Village' nctghbour- hood - a concept ihat would see 150 acres osf landsci ls 'ouîhwest Miltons off ercd for fiee ici as utsiversits tîsteresi- ccl in setting up slsop local ly The land, lccated on Tremaîne Roacl betwecn Derrs aîsd fît itatnia ioads, wsould hie nsade as ailable tsi tIse lo\vsu through a lancd swsap with Mattatoslitonses. A staff report tsi c ouctîcl explaisecl that ais agreement lias becis sigiec 's th Mattaîns that gises tIse I owi tIse i igi tcî acquîre tIse I150 acres tîs exclhange lii fixe acres of Tosvn-ownef îpopet ty col Matis Street, acdjacetnt tsi(lie ,Mltonî Go station. "Tlsc Town is pleasecl that Matitainv fHocmes lisas hecoine a parcnctr bs dccli cating sucs a large site for this sers important consmunity projet ýt," said Mayor G>ord Kraniz. The staff proposai catIs for the uni- vcrsity campus Ici be the hcart of a larg- er neighbourhood that could also include on-site student housing, a busi- ness/rescarch park, .supporting services and a eomprehensively planncd adja- cent residential ncighbourhood. "Once again, Miton is provîtsg to be an innovator in cmmunity planning," said Krantz. "We have a unique oppor- tunitv to realize a greater vision foi- Multons future that wll hoîld on the relatonship hetweeni education and econOmy. Regional Chair Gary Carr also suiscd the Regions support for the tni- tia15 5, "f ýtiýîir education means more opportuoitics for local residents and contributes to a stronger, more vibrant comrmurnty oN ciail,- he said. -We look forward to woi kîog with tise Town of Milton to hielp ibis vision becotie a realit'. The Town lias heen trs tng to attraci a post-secondars institution for years. Lasi s car, town counicil appt oved triak- ing the fîve acre site on Manti Surct available foi Irec tsi citîce a college sor untversîty. A marketing camtpaign xsas then tee PARTNERSHIPS on page All Today's Champion OPINION A HIGH SOHOOL REPORTA7 POLICE BEAT DATELINE CLASSIFIED A9 A10 A18 wwmil )nca ,aatia ,es ccom www.miltontoyota.com AUTO www.gorrudsautogroup.com (ýe&"k doe. MAPLE LEAF DIAMONDSM 4* From the Canadian North we bring you somne of the wortd's most beautifui and scint itating diamonds. 14 Kt ý .2Oct pendent $ 9 JWELLER - 011MO1LOCISIIIIT M.& iý c-d. j.UIMj 19-391 WWW.BRANCIER.COM _ 2M M SL 879499