Thousands on on-uine petition] callinci for better GO servire directois. Wbile the board didnt agree to reinhurse riders [or laie trains, it did commit to improve customer service. Eaies said shes pieased witb the support she has received from Chiudeigb on the issue. "I iook forward to the gov- eînmentÈs response and encour- age other riders lo contact their MPPs and nuinicipal leaders" she said. Belore giving tbe first peti- tnon pages to the clerk of the ieg- isiaiive assemnbx, Chudleigh and other Progressive Conservative MPPs aI fixed their own signa- tures. To sîgn the petition visit www.petitions.coin/petition/go on time. Transit dough cornes in from Province Tbe Town is receiving a funding boost from tbe Proince for ils transit svstein. At its meeting Mondas niglit, council passed a motion to accept $141,941 frons the piovincial siots ai Mohawk. The prosincial funds wîll belp redutce the amnouni of siot resers es neceded for the buses. C ountcil also appros'ed seriding a ltter to the Ted Chudleigh Haiton MPP led Chudieighi presented a petition to the Ontario Legisiature this week that catis for better customner service rom GO Transit. The on-line petition, wbicb was înitîated iast montb by Oakviiie resident and GO rider Patricia [aies. has accumnulated neariy 12,000 signatures and continues 10 grow. t requesLs a 50 per cent rebate on [ares paid when GO is late by more thani 20 minutes, more train cars to ease the overcrowding and bei- ter nouification of transit cancei- iations, modifications and deiays. "As a GO rider myseif, I was pleased to presenit ibis p e t i t i o n t o day (Marcb 17) on behaif of Ms [aies and al Haiton resi- dents ss'bo are negative- lv affected by inconsisteni trains and buses,' saîd Chudligb. -i hope that Dalton McGuintv and the Minister of Transportation take Ibis very seniously." [ast week, Eaies presented ber petition to the GO board of The Canadian Champion, Friday, March 21, 2008 - A9 when yourse r h aur research If your treatment for Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) has been conventional but ineffective, you may want to consider clinical research. Rght now, a clinical study is under way to determine if an investigational drug reduces joint tenderness and swelling for patients wîth moderate to severe RA. Research professionals are looking for participants who: *Are at least 18 years old and have had RA for at Ieast one year *Have had persistent and active RA despite previaus treatment with Enbrel', Remicade' or Humnira' Participants wiii be asked to attend nine study vîsîts over 38 weeks. For more information, please contact: Dr. Andrew Chow L-- -" -recUit YdIIey hrnto goseromeni for transit infrastructure improse- lederai gos ernmnent indicaiing the Tossos interest (0)6621 ments. nu ieceis'inig potential public transit infrastructure .(0)6621 Tefnswiii be put tossard the purcbase of fîinding. transit fleet aiready approsed tbrougb tIhe 2008 If the inunicipaiits ssere io gei issinex rom tbe budget, wbicb inî.Iuded $864875 for ixso addi- higbecr level of gos'erninent, i ss oold also be put ut tionai buses. Of tbat anoutint, aîbout $500,000 sv as towarcl the pur-chase of transît fleet io better ~A t 10 be funded bv revenues the Towsn receises froin accoînmodaie the town's population boom. These are the clothes That 'were washed and dried during the 'u'eekend w'hen rates w'ere lower Whi'ch helped save money on your electricity Mib And reduced the strain on ourpower system And decreased our impact on the environment Whi«ch is comfortingfor everyone - Like 'warm clothes out of th-e dryer OWe ail need to be smarter about our electricity use. Smir meters are rere aid Ire orce ,ou p,ýr eectricN w' aý epena or wvrer ,e Drirg eveninga aind weekends w a b oý cýe a Qd rrqe StPeck 'ares Se fi rna sme of ,uiruse a notrmr srep in 'w pirg us oa 0e-fer moraqe our e ectrror5 corsumprior .4Adsi Ft w ' be or'r for o u, c,%r e sserru a'a he er,,:rL '"- rl.*Fo, more i'formia'nr- s' * a'raa ' t rrydra ir qp iý7Ontario 019ieso Chudleigh delivers constituents'demnds