Too long a wait on Thompson DEAR EDITOR: Nv ix'ster ofwico ' i.. ,m nLii. During tbese past many months, she figures it takes nearly as long to get from the Main Street GO station from Derry Road along Tbompson Road as it does to travel from Union Station to Milton. Sbe now travels witb a box lunch and cbange of clothes, because you just neyer know. Recently 1 took Nipissing Road to Tbompson in the bopes of making a rigbt-band turn to go soutb. I faced a steady stream of cars, seeminglv bitcbed bumper to bumper, and, after doing my nails and a crossword puzzle, decided 1 migbt as wcll turn and go back. Just then a nice y oung man in a black pick-up truck stopped and let in me and the fcllosx behind ne. Thank Sou. C ani (icimoagine aitcinptiing a lfeu banc i to i go oip Tbompson? Mission impossi- hic (.xnlnc,. ,,x xh veci.Ic iiadIoii gcîulîogh. 1 read of the anticipated growtb to the year 2031, and also that construction on Tbompson was progressing "as scheduled." Does that mean Thompson will be completed to accommodate this growtb. or will we be in the samne pickle then? A four-lane thorougbfare sbould have been in place when tbis grand scbeine was batcbed, but that would bave involved logic and planning ahead. We bav e four lOrms ofl gov- ernment - mnunicipal, regional, provincial and federal. My ques- tion is bow inanv lax'ers of tax dollars dcs it take to destroy' a town? It would secîn collectîvely ihex' dictaîc wlîat wxilI bc donc xith our land, carc Ilde of xsatci- i,,sttsues xildcland (ihe cllect ioiassix'c gi ixx h lia,,,oi thce envi- ronieci - îucluding vgt tion, and ultimately the very air lac ilitic-, icc1irc.d Io acc oiiuo- date increased population of this magnitude, and especially the tremendous burden placed on our little bospital, doesn't seem to enter tbe picture. Regulated growtb is expect- ed, but wbat's happening to Milton - and the Niagara Escarpment in particular - borders on caiasiropbiî. Several years back we were fortuntate to have Rose Harrison --no relation to yours trulv - as a counicil member. She worked biard for her con- stîtuents. 1 kno\x; for xse oftcn bad phone calîs for bier iii erior. She said -Wait until the hig pipe coines tbrough, ibis towiî xill bc horsiing ai ihe scaîns. 1 thinikcxcii Roîse xxoulcl Ne Iluockecl Io scecthec .ilciiîlit ELIZABETH HARRISON CAMPBELLVILLE Story on MP's meeting just rhetoric DEAR EDITOR: This letter s in response to tbc story in the Marcb 4 Championi about Gartb Turners loxxn Hall meeting. 1 sec tbat our MP was coinpelled to outlîne tbe Lîberal cbîldcare plans during bis meeting. According to Turner, tbis Liberal $5 billion cbild- care plan would open up 600 new cbildcare spots for low-income earners in Halton. 1 can only assume tbat Turner was talkîng about tbe Lîberal plans tbat were promîsed durîng tbe last 2006 election. Wbat be forgot to say was tbat tbese same plans were also promised bv tbe Lîberals during tbe 2004, 2000, 1997, and 1993 elections, and tbat exen tbougb tbe Lîberals acbîeved tbree straigbit maîorîty governînenîs in 1993, 1997 and 2000, none cf tbese Liberal promn- ises were ever bonoured. lm disappointed tbat tbe Champion would prînt such obviocis rhctoric, anîd not rinuincl rcad- crs ofi the chronic lixporrisx xx ithin Icrners state- nients and the lailure of the Lîberals Ici fcllill cxcii minimum obligations wo Canadian lamîlies. Turner won't fool mie wîîh bis lantas\ lîllcd talk, and 1 cao onlv concîcide based on lacis and bistorv tbat the Lîberals bave no intention to do anytbing about cbildcarc exccpt talk about it Personally, 1 don't tbînk tbe Ccnsevatiix pro- gram is perfect. 1 think tbat bigb-incomne carners sbocild be dropped front the prograîn and lower- încome carners could then get more, but at lcast ît s scmething. Why. Id ask the Lîberals, xvas Harper. with bis ininority gcîverninent. able to do more for Canadian children tban the Lîberals dîd with their majonitx govemîinents and massive scrpîcîses? F. SHAW MILTON Proper crosswalks needed in downtown core DEAR EDITOR: Of ail tbe stupid signs out there, tbis town takes tbe cake. Why do pedestrians bave to yield to traffic on Main Street? Does this mean if a driver speeds up and bits tbe pedestri- an the pedestrian is at fault? A car bas brakes for quîck action, but a pedestnian can only îumrp straight up or ini front of the opposite lane of tralfic. An old man cor lady wtb parcels or a hum Ieg could wait untid bell freezes over to cross the road, or bc forced to take a dangerous chance crossîng. Get witb it, Milton. Stop the kîller cars witb proper ciross- walks, lîke ail sensible incînîci- palîties. WALTER TRAFFORD HESLOP ROAD The Canadian Champion, Friday, March 21, 200&-A7 Farmers meet in effort to recoup their losses from bank's dem ise fimne Capsules' are geins (y injor- mation extraetedl from past issues of the Champion and other publications in order to provide a window into Milton's past. Explanatory comment is sometimes provided to place the situa- tion in eontext. May 1911 Farmers Banki xictims met at the court bouse on Tuesday, enougb of tbem to, nearly MiI tbe court room. Most of them were Halton men, but there were a good many from other counties wbo held proxies for others. The Halton directors were present. Dr. R.K. Anderson was chairman. Wm. Laidlaw, KG. addressed the meeting. He said be did not agree witb the statement in the Toronto Globe tbat the Farmers Bank share- bolders were partners and if they escaped tbe double liability would be in for trouble Just as serious. In reply to a query whetber the depositors xvould bc legally entitlcd 10 collect tbeir losses from tbe per- sons deemed responsible for tbe chartering of the bank, Mir. Laidlaw said thai if it could be establisbed that tbe certificate autbori.zing tbe bank to transact a banking business was wrongfully issued by the Treasury Board, and tbat certificate was tbe basis for securing deposits, be tbougbt that the foundcation exist- ed for entering an action against the members of tbe Treasury Board, but not against the country It was stated that a eall would be made on the sharebolders wbo had been paid dividends to refund the surns that tbey thus received. Mr. Laidlaw advised them not to resist sucb a demand, for tbe dividends were illegally declared. David Henderson, M.P, spoke. He expressed bis sympatby for the sharebolders. He bad not bougbt Farmers Bank stock. He bad not the money t0 spare, but be would pay the sbare of the expense of contest- ing the case that went with the hold- ing of $1,000 in stock. The meeting agreed to dispute the dlaim for double liability and con- tribute tbree per cent of amount of shares on account of the expenses of the litigation and pay a furtber two mtilton ~ Capsules per cent. A committee consisting of Dr. RK. Anderson and Messrs J. Irving, J.F Ford and Frank Greenlees was appointed. The 2Otb Halton Rifles' three rep- resentatives left on Monday for England and the coronation. They are: Sgt. Major Robinson, base line; Sgt. McLaren, No. 4 Go., Campbellville and Sergt. Ward, No. 8 Co. Norval. Ail these are men are of particularly good physique and choice samples of the Canadian man- bood. The annual meeting of the Milton district of Hamilton conference is being beld in the Methodist school- room, Burlington today The business of the year will be under considera- tion, and an important discussion wiIl take place regarding the question of the union of the Methodist, Preshytertan and Congregational churches. The members of the lawn tennis club practice in Victoria Park and it is understood that the team for this sea- son is fairly strong. There is no sign of any other summer sport bere. The basebail club bas not been reorgan- ized. There bas been no reorgantza- tion either in Georgetown or Acton and that means diliculty in arrang- ing for matches. On Saturday the part of Brown Street running through the court bouse square was anointed with crude petroleum. Sheriff Webster superintended and assisted at the work. The roadway is ratber aromat- ic, but that will pass off and the dust is laid for some time to come. This material is assembled on behaif of the Milton Historical Society by Jim Dills, who can be reached through the society at (905) 875-4156. RSAi AH Aj. Next Course: April 12, 13, 19, 20 Saturday & Sunday (2 Weekends) 9:3Oam to 4:l5pm May 6th Tuesday & Thursday (4 weeks) 6:OOpm to 9:l5pm 905.875.0480 YOUNG DIV ~E R e~,dS, -.1