ûr ~' i' r r t' The Canadian Champion, Friday, March 21, 2008 B 13 I .......!....I "s.,.~~igIPrj I I i Self discipline and motivation required to be successful Re/Max Real Estate Centre IfiL., Miton Broker Barb Kng waeeîs ber young protege Jennifer Krane to kuow tbe realîties oft ber job, to be educaîed about tbe favorable and nuts o favorable aspects of a s'en' cuopettîs'e presles- siLif. Sîxteen sear-old Grade Il1f'.C. Drurs' Higb Sebool student lenesifer. wbose parents are sselt entreescbed in, Mition«s bu.siness ceeeeseeunity- bas embarked ots a uniqee ooperatise eduLa- nion (Loop) pursuet sitis ibe permsission of Re/Max Real Estate Centre InL.. anu ider tbe tutelage of Ms. Kinsg. Esers sveekdav essurîsîeg until tbeecndt of May, Jennifer assuesees tbe roetoef Ms. Kîngs assistant. Sbe s parîecîpatîesg fuleyits u bse actîsitees aliossved bs att assistanst utedet RLI3BA. Sîse es uts cised tuisn' tbugfrortes lintttou admsinistratiesoand errasds, atreacivs sie bas aîtended a Re/Ma\ COntarios .tlattu Cocference and traintng sessions an OSpen House. as sseli as cusespleed bauds-useswurk sueb as prepareng leateeres slieets atndipettintg Ltp and ltaleng dewsssesges. i ssaess jesstsfer sur get tise fuil beeselus us! tiss plaeet. 1 .tt osiser te parietpaie feilsM\laspeepie Isas e teisseneepýttutessabut Realtors , tt tises aill Lies e ates cars atd le n ieaesstens. Tbaîs useiN' truc lurr a seesali per- cectage Csf ibesetoni te pofession, scsMs. Kingtise realit\is'ietg Lie te bopporsie. "01 thte fesser sisan ihall wss'buc cesfll\- cecî tec Ltise rcal estate pJogratn.osuis 40 ofs tbestt retetainites u sicsîesss tast 18 l tetueîts Tisere are a eseteobct uoflae tors o oueo gito thIs result, Some decede tbey are just flot Lut out for tbe business; they cant deal weîb tbe consta0nt rejetiton flur, as new entreprencurs, Lau ibes' esaintates tbe self discipline and motivaticon requered t beue be LssfuOI The real estate business es also kuown as a serv LoMpetetive business, susme eake excep- tiont t sbaring their ideas, bot Ms King densves treenendous satisfaction oLut of ber n'ew venture as edreeaior, and as far as is known, tbes erarks tbe Mlton debut ot a real estate coeep stodefit. "The bosiness es moLre Lompetiteve than Looperative, but 1 love tcacheng'" "IToiflot afraid of a carcer that pays you cosmmlissionf for wbaî >,ou deo because there is nus ceeling on ttcouse,' say's Jennifer. 'You eau be as successtul as \ete wane to be .. if veo are prepared tee work for t. 1 ans learnîng about tise business of Lourse, but I amo also, learnîng oui- sîde of tbe lassrcstset bussetbe business realîs worlrs. 1 know ibis wissîl ielp usie for wbat lies abead." Her fatber was "tbrttled" tbat Jenuiter opted for a defferene LLoop prograess. Her parents base \vatched jenueler desetoîs a 'îerretec' ssork etisiL sobile ssorktug in tîseer Miltons Subso as, 'Saesd\,webestoeures, "lestglad oter e.oepanss Lau preesede tbe upporiuesits' tes enuifer tuf learu about our etsdestrs' fruenthee gruutd up," sas s Rosso \\ilon. Broker/Manages Reusa\ Real i stase eocre Is(:, tes \ltltests' iarb is a great teacber s it a lestteof epeneflce tu shsarc.' 2 BEDROOM BASE MENT Nf APARTMENT This 4 bedroom home offers a fantastic open tayout. Large main floor liv- ing/dining room, Eat-in-Kitchen and famity room with fireplace. The basement is fuiiy finished with a 2 bedroom in-law suite featuring its own kitchen, fuit bath- room and iving room. Long double driveway with parking for 4 cars. IMPECABL s! OVERSIZED 4 BEDROOM PREMIUM îruîy gorgeous - home is situated T. th r u h ou ton a premium 53 r ' Very dlean and " oot 'fulty fenced' tastefully deco- corner lot. 2578 rated in neutral sq.fI. with 4 good toris. Lrgesize bedrooms. tone. Lrge Double door entry to grand foyer. Spacious and kitchen with upgraded cabinets and Breakfast open main floor with 9 f ceiiings. Upgraded bar. Main floor living room with fireplace, formai Kitchen, Living/dining room, Famiiy room with dining room plus a famiiy room on second floor gas fireplace, and Iaundry room on the main with a walk-out f0 baicony. Large deck in the f loor. fully fenced yard. Take Advantage of 1 % MIS Lising Fee -71DLYCE.*LW£ Seli and $ave Thousands! Mula Gawrysiak i 0 Broker Celi 905-617-1277 NEW L~iItm r [~1 Krystyna Grabowski REALTY LTD. BROKERAGE Sales Representative (905) 338-3511 Celi 647-291-6378 www.gowestrealty.com Ths isenot iegedtasoicfecuyers andSeirs uerrinty ner cratirea Broker Fer torse r'rc..uoe pusocece ccureaiue traker frr whch cou' e e sturses' ruy ru Pieuse ai rfor mr seruis ocerise orer $398700 m gou etu edMattau Tolly Ferres BLuodscuPed Lot Totaly UpgradedHarducuod F1 o orsF, repe P ,1arg e Booms Upgaded Ktchen 2nd Floue Laundry Firsrred BasennnWImcoom îîOlre Wei Ber, WoTrshop And 3Pc Bathroom Cali for fuilr roi 0f Upgrades CA411, Immaculute Jost Over 1 Year New 4 Bedrm Home Located On Large Landscaped Lot! Luts 0f U p gra de s Woeodeon Staircase. Hardwuod Fleurs, CeratoresS/S ApPlirances, Over 50 Efficrent Pot Lrgtrts (W/Crmmers), Aod Merefrr Neutrul ttecor Move te Condition! CHANTALLE CHASSE. Sa eo Represeototive ofc.905608-2436 1 59,900 cli 416-5408190 tueeueaELEGANT & STUNNING 2.400 sq ireeopart Home. 000 Fer' .,.rHoe S oacuer ciirmn i ,u'ades Sseqc'rouo cor Larg ea ru'err kCen rne rr c a'rdu r. o' ,iK c. o r'OSopemc o -'1'oo- uhrn rrracru ,r , çs rasir pacer&s5urnr,r flcccr ome'r Fuir! c 5)' DIýqtSrlr'rç'c r a 'io rc'ýg &O oig roo ýri' ' .a000 'cm', a'," psarroerr tsandorarrom fafuresf. o ri oeMa,locaoricr dobleoorr ir, &Greatfirontponre 6 cog!Je ro n d îappiurC,s Coco'mader 0blns asfr'e5 eroor wion doublecIor enrrr rakrl rose' and 4p0cee C oaer tuand c- Se areruno Eceletii,o, rc aero!0scrooo s ru, o StarroroTýrer & rescauants Notrir gr oroý!r rocorerihinShovsrrke armode[ omre"' To avemtu i thist fatme piw cai WDANE- WOLSTENIIOWE at U5-878-2341 ext. 212 nWLdianow@miItocanaiandmha mpI q. 0000 * aesRepeeatv Marketing Vour Home For Ail Its Worth! (E)827m3434 REALTY SPECIALISIS INC.