The Canadian Championriday, March 21' 20018,BI Findings from a recent study revealed that.. sicioilU.oLIN ind liii o1 imcl of A ihese stueliex. One day we hear sonieihing ix good lor us 10 eai, ihien is not, dien a nexv siudy sax s il s olsa>inni ocleration. Laier, we'1Il find (ouitirais hai aie ibis food showecl a 4 per cent decline ni cancer raies. And il al ihesé tie\, slnd- tes prove ihai îîieiions suincs were incorrect, iheiî xx hi shoiild we helieve theni noix 1Soixhere di- cowsn the road a nemer styinmas orinias iîotshowv the latesi xindv il incorrecti. If uve paid aileni ion tIcv ieryîbing w'c were and weren't supposed t( cat, we'd ail be siiting in padded roonis eating blueberries in inoderation. There sbould bc a sîudy donc to sec bow înany people bave gone crazy payîng attention to the atcst study Fverv university or college in the world is condueîîng stuclies. Lois of them. 'We dont know bow ibev did tbern, wc canit verîfy ibeir accuraci', and we dont question thein. They conld be mnaking it uip for ail we know. If it cornes from the Univcrsitv of' Wbatever, iben iî mmxl be true. Thai despite the fact îbey"re dîsprovîng sometbîng the University of Sornewbere dîscovered 10 vears ago. Wc pay attention 10 studies, and we believe tlîem lindly, especially wben we wanî 10. One studi' ai somte point said dninking a glass of wine a dax' is good for you. 1 know tbis because peo- pie keep pointing it oui. Tbey beard ihis, tbey remembercd ib, and ibev liked il. i îîsî saw a slnd> ihai shlo\,\d(lMat user,,sltleliliiseIxex sulxipor bo PC uxers. An on-line adx'eiîing conîparrs deîcnnîned this ihrougli an on-uine suivev antd inierpretecl the answerx theinseliex. There ivas no quiestionî on tbe surves' thai skcd: Dtovo o leel you are superior lii PC users, or do y ou lecl ytîu'rc supenioî 10 Mac users? In ibeir superior wisdoin, biîwcvei, îhev deter- nîined from the questions ibey dîd ask, that that was bow tbey feit. 1 neyer bul oui surveyx ctîrrectly any- uvas: I make sîuff up. And il 1 think the surves' ix actualis tif ans' value, l'l igve the answers i hope xiii mnake ilingx hetier for me. Did 1 gel cnoiagh huiler on imv pop- cornî? No, i did not. Mavbc 1 acînaîl>' dîd, but I wanî more xiilIlI sas I didnit. Then of cuourse ihere arc scientifie sîudies. A recent one reveais ihi fislî dont gel cancer. People at some unuver- ii> speni a lot tif ime xiudving îlîîs, and aren'i we ail betier oîff for'iî I1 donit know how, but maybe if we cover our- selves wîîh fîslî scaies wc Il bc proieci- ed. Here's some more useiess studies ive uncovered: East Asians have tiuker age 20 ,uin ie n eiii uonlieu gel depressed belore, diurîng oîr alter preg- niant> , nîîî enough sleep ix îîoieiitiall irinflul, ioo inucli Jeep uis poicîiiialli' lia bîcl londsimake imen aci lmore ()ilei sînudics aire 1151 ohioos anid a xx asie ol imie. xi udics showssis i gr-ois hedxveitig, Smokinii dures ,lic chlantes ol sul vivi ig ii oai calncer. i liank xou so mtith 1Iow ixOuILi tic ex, tuat xaid tlut iîtds weîe uîiîruc or a wasîe of timle. i hai's orne 1 iee 1 anl save people a lo)t ofl money and tinie. liere aie ioi:, oin stuidics: People wlio cal fmore ar i lîkeiv bgel latter; people xx ho 511Shoot ai ol ber people aire mnorc ii kels 10 Ikif liemi; sniow c overci roai aieclharder [o drive on, people ,arc more liklel> o gel wei Mieniît rains; people xxho read ibis cli)iiii are moi01e lîkelx bo laugli thaiîi hose wlio donti. School's in. Please drive sately. 4AHa~~InTeRgoan Triple P- Positive Parenting Programi Semninars for Parents of Teens and Pre-Teens Parents, have you ever: *Wanted to improve the relationship with your teenager? *Struggled with handling your teenager's difficuit behaviour? *Questioned if you were doing the right thing as a parent? You're flot alone! Alil parents can benefit from additional support. Halton Region is offering Triple P (Positive Parenting Program) free of charge to parents. The program is delivered by accredited Triple P practitioners. What is Triple P? Triple P helps parents: " Manage their child's behaviour in a constructive and caring way " Develop good communication and strong relationships with their children " Learn positive parenting skills that may be applied to a broad range of parenting situations Children and youth who grow up with positive parenting are more ikely to feel good about themselves and develop to their full potential. Semninar 3: Getting Teenagers Connected Who can attend? Parents/caregivers of teens and pre-teens Where: Milton Bible Church When: Thursday March 27, 2008. 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. 200 Main St. East, Milton Registration To register for this Triple P seminar or for more information please: -visit (Connections Café Speaker Series) -email cafe© -caîl (905)876-3586 ext.401 1~vWI,, MIton, BluCIbk c" American Sign Language interpretation is available upon request.