ARTS The Canadian Champion, Friday, March 21, 2008 - Bl jkM(-MKEEHAN,jyM- CONTACTIUS Ai. 905-878-7777 Art loyers enjoy sharing their passion Cross-section of arûists represented at groupý monthly gathenings By Stephanie Hounseli CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF Too mari\ pocmns languîsh in writ- crs' notcbooks or on the baclks of napkins, neyer to be read and enjox cd by others. And to JcnnN Panda, thats a shame. If von havée a poemn and it's not sharcd, that's kînd of sad," she said. The fourth Frida\r of each mionth, lioin 7 to 9 pin., tie Express the Arts group mecets ai Martindale Gardens on Maruin Street [o give poets - serious and otherxxise - a chance to share îheir musings. The next mneeting is next Erîday. Sometîmes the format is an "open ie night, while at other âimes the sound equîp- ment is abandoned for a more intimnate gath- ering around the table, saîd Panda, the groups organizer. Some people read their own works, somne recite poems by the masters, while others simply enjoy listening. Ail artists welcome But its not just a poetry group. More recently; Express the Arts has expanded to include the visual arts and music, Panda said. Attendees who express themselves through paint, clay or another medium, are encouraged to bning a piece of art to share, while musicians are welcome to bring their instruments to the group. "Whenever you express yourself, you build a certain energy- explained Panda. "Theres an elated feeling." Panda - who herself is an author, poet and artist - said the group is always full of surprises. "We really neyer know what will happen until Ot happens,' she said. in the past, the group has included bag- pipes, tai chi and Indian dancers. Members of aIl ages are welcome. Panda remembers a little girl who once came to play her violin to an appreciative group. She later GRAHAM PAINE CANADIAN CHAMPION CALUNG ALL ART1STS: Express the Arts members (from leftt Naz Bhimani, Elspeth Lane, Carol Chaddock, Marion and James Detior, Barbara Ariss- Stroh-Wasser and Jenny Panda invite area artists to their group. returned 10 read some of her poems. Most teens are "full of poetr)y" Panda saîd. The group was startcd in 2002 by long- lime resident Elizabeth Kiddle. In honour of National Poetry Month which just happens to be next month - Kîddle decîded to hold an open mie night at the now-closed Espress Yourself Cafe. The turnout was beyond what Kîddle had expected. "Nobodv was more surprised than I was," she said, adding, "When I saw the response and gauged the cnthusiasm, I thought,'We should do this once a month."' When Espress Yourself closed, the group moved to Milton Cafe, which also shut its doors. Now the group is enjoying its new home at Martindale Gardens. Somewhere along the group's joumney Kiddle - who actuallv had no serious inter- est in poetry when she held the first open mie night - made an important realization. "I had neyer conceptualized the idea that I was a poet,' Kiddle said. 'Through the poetry evening, I learned 1 am a poet of a certain kind.' And thats not uncommon, she said. "There are lots of people who come and find out they're more of a poet than they realfze." Locations may have changed, but some- thing that will always remain ix the group's intimate, informaI atmosphere, Kiddle said. Group members don't critique, but sim- ply encourage each other. "Poeury ix a matter of the heart and soul. Its not an intellectual pursuit," Kiddle said. For more information about the group, visit Stephanie Hounsell eati be reaehed ai sthiessen@amiltoncanadianehampion.eom. The Changing Face of Our World House in the suburbs, kids in daycare, hubby is home on the 6:28 GoTrain, head office is in Aberta; three sales exIls since noon and now... pickup mail from the PO Box, head office packages at the courier drop-off point and stuff 10 organize your files and, oh yes, dinner. Oops, forgot the kids at daycare! Sounds familiar to an ever growing population in our 'small town" Milton. Women and men alike are flot onlv working from, their homes, but from their cars, the closest coffee shop with WiFi or anv spot that offers convenience of location. Many seek 10 sîmplify their lives by streamlining their daily travel, by planning routes with daily stops along the way and choosing stops that offer groupings of required services anld goods 10 minimize the number of stops. 24/7 Mailboxes offers street addresses to receive: aIl your mail, aIl your courier packages; purchdse aIl your office organizational needs, aIl your computer supplies and stuff for sehool projects while maintaining anonvmity from business contacts, ensuring a more secure home life. Mail can be picked up securely, as the name suggests, 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. 1~ -24/V7 ÀMA 4IILDJrOX/E5"4i 182 Main St. Milton 905-878-6962 Advertisement 1