d rU g S The Canadian Champion, Frîday, March 21, 2008 - A3 Pot and booze most common dusof choice: students St~ ~Iortt, tol D~Y(îrr~.a~'~t bf J A CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF Alcohol and marijua~na ar c the inosi ccîîumin subtances' being u',ed hy F[lton teceos, according t0 local 'tudciits A group ofl hîgh school popilk [tom laoîl north and sooib Haltoni told thc Region". becalth and social services commit- tee about the realitie', of tcen crug use at its imectirag 1ocsdav, Grade 12 student Kavla lulatovicb of Oakville said even thougb ibere are a lot of cliugs out there, alcoliol and mari- juana ai-c the higgcst prohlcmns in local scbools. "Binge drinkîng is a normal tbing [or kids,- she said. '-We need tcîreduce the risks associated wth drinking hv educat- ing youth about sale partyrng." She noted there are a lot of mytbs out there about mari- juana, like its flot addictive or harmful. "Students are making decisions based on misinforma- tion," she said. Bulatovich added that painkillers are beeoming a new trend in student drug use, wbile other drugs ike eestasy, ket- amine and cocaine continue to be a concern. Fellow Grade 12 Oakville student Lindsay Boyce spoke about how easy it is for Hahton youtbs to get drugs. "Kids in Haton have lots of money [rom part-time jobs or Award to be presented at national convention from CHAMPION on page Al Second place in the Champions circulation class went to the St. Albert Gazette in Alberta, wbile third place was taken by the Orangeville Banner. The CCNA encourages excellence by sponsoring tbe annual competition to celebrate the achievements of its member newspapers. Newspapers compete against other newspapers of similar circulation for Special and Premier awards in sncb categories as editorial, pbotography, adveruis- ing and special promotion. In addition, newspapers compete in the General Excellence Compeution, wbich recognizes newspapers for the Best Editorial Page, Best Front Page and Best Ail Round Newspaper. Awards wil be presented May 9 during the CCNAs annu- ai national convention, wbicb this year wiii be beld in down- town Toronto. The Champion is on a bit of a winning streak, since just iast month it was announced the paper is up for the Generai Excellence Award in a similar competition beid by the Ontario Community Newspapers Association. It took top bonours in the category last year. AUTO BODYbi ROYAL ATLANTIC) INC. Complete 'co//ision repair ame' re/ýiiishii5services 155 Nipissing Rd., Milton (905) 878-2721 im- i l i Uc u,î ti u Lt cucu-u \utt cugit uIli 'uc-c ticcl a t îauu«)Ii lic cuoiiliicc \m'ou s $5 a atala culLI(ecc'tas\') s , ,andl il c un bus tmire [tout a tes ftront the 2007 Ontario ILtucliti DruIg Use Stirvcv and caler thc price cores cloiwn. utc[lie rii c tecasýcd rcsilts [tfrînt the 200)6 [laiton 'ti 'lie ali> ',atclsoute taittils arc gctttt li LIgs ailut 1011CIl-(I tît Iti v 'v thcit parecnts trt sibl tngs . lIic pout ibac keci ip t lac ilfotmaitin acsentccl lac tbe 'lli ctecits rtrn iing Ioi ci cgs [tir a c ari utciii eaoif ,ILcilutis--that ,tlculail contibiucs ii bcte lcdrcig iof c iticit saicl (racle 12 sarcldent Banca Nagy, itaclutclng fori [fin, 1 it foilii inta stctdcnts titaGracles 7 tcî 12, 10ill<wccl k cannabis. n witla a certain groua, laccoine naîre ccunfidcent and ci aci FlacOtaioic sutx'cy alsci ici calcd taî lo ies been a the>, chant thtnk anythiîng bad wîll liapcnr. (ccccasc uithe ic sc of cigarettes,. metbiaiuapbletainine, crack I bc ccmt knctw the cctnscjuercces or thcltîng-tcint ancd steroids acrosthceçaprcvince. efcts, slIt saici i1lac coînînîtîc erccctccd the repoart [car informicn pur- Sca waats the ansîver to lilp sier cianils .ax I, rnt [poscs. drugs? Pvelanie Ilennesse-ctitbc erched ai m hcnncsseA@ni lion- GraceIe l Gecorgetown student Marc Stiel said sclaaols i anadian htlinpi(ont. MASSIVE ONE DAY upTo200 NEW AND USED TOYOTA' S SATURDAY MARCH 22 9AM-5PM MyToyotaPlace.com 400 Steeles Avenue, Milton bul Free: 1-800-617-4025 5 Fax: (905) 875-1516 info@miltontoyota.com *!11 M [MILTO 0)