A28 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, March 21, 2008 Denal entl H nteRetaurant I ilesarant PTime HeI i a-Tme HeP p anî Offiîce Assistant SprSdsPtSopNTMDEEOMNTLSHO Saeking afternortn Pari Tme Aýsisi)t mlu.- ig aiifies. ofaa 1i oe, cierirai and computer sklis a mnuat. Please email resume to: info@KmFamkirihirooaîco REGISTERED NURSE required for busy famiiy practice office. Opportunity 10 work wilh a fun, innovatve & hard-workng team. The successful candidate requires: 1 Carrent certiicale of registration wth the Colege of Nroes of Ont ao an RN or BSeN. Excellent or- ganizalionai skia -Ability 1 moitn & prînrtîze workioad- Comtort aorkîng in a compterîzed ot- fice enorooment * Min 3yro clicai exp, preterabiy in a primary care enoroment Please send resumnes (in confidence) f0: carolinefht@gmaii.com or fax f0 905-632-6932 1* Ht. Rsturnt.ootl esauan Sioer Thyme Exents and Calerîng, aeroicîng the Haito n and Peel regiona, preuently have a nomber ot part ime catering server and baîtender posi- ions avalable. Candidates muat be wiling lx work eveninga, ceekendo and holîdaya and must be team playera with positive attitudea and auperior coatomer service skilla. Benetits include: paîd gra- tuitiea, staff meats,sorat serxe training, tine dînîng training and uniform. Preterence wiii be gîven lx tose applîcants wth preious hospîtalily service îndxstny esperience. Pieaae torwand resumes 10: aobs @aiverthyme.ca We haox aliapplîcanra ui ooîy those seiecleo for interviews wmiie contaced positions avaîlabla in the toiiowing areas. Activittes Desk Attendant - This part-lime eoenîng/weekend position axeko someone aho os cutomer orîented, cao muti-taok, meet deadlinxa, be proactîoe and handie a fast paced enironment, Must be computer oavvy and be able t0 handie a moti-uine xwtchboard. Food & Beverage Servers - P/T positions aoai. Muat be abe 10 work evenongo axekenda. Dishwasher - P/T Please forward resumne to the attention of t-R, 56 Water Street, Oakeitte, ON L6J 2Y3, Fax: 905-845-3186 - tcrone@oakvillectub.com Monday, March 24, 2008 No phone calta peaae. W*OK= Hidden Lake It Al Ab -- ý Golf Club Now Hiringl #11Sie3 oa Eirma s Backpnrch andra Sd Ra The Waer St Cooker Burlîngton are hring now NOW HIRING lot ail positions. Fooc/Beverage Cooks - Servers Ail Positions Bartenders F/T - P/T Studentsl OPEN HOUSE Haxe the time ef SAT March 22 your flie thiosommert 1 Dam - 4pmn We are aso 'ookng 10 hrte sludenls who are wîliing 10 commit 0 ot or- -AER a May 1, 200 stan atlx REIEM N Pleane apply in pernon. EI NC requîtes mature £MMA~S WAITSTAFF BACKPORCH DISHWASHERS P/T Perminate, Pt Exenînga. Prexînua * - experience necessaa 2084 Old Lakeshore Rd. -lyat Burington, ON 3 - heidn r. emabackporch.ca O- -ll Cooks F/T & P/T Fax Resume to: 905-812-3319 or /T & p /T Cooks Phone: lýesu e to- - or 905-878-1777 541 -. - First À SAFER À TO THE SC -..go Beome a steady, pari-time Se"ooSusflnvwith us and get $5OO+* in Hiring Incentives * r ý Voupr ComuujNucou"r________canadaiobs@f irstg roup.com kooh ~, Recruirneni Soludon.' ~ Vald rom February 25 oMarch 31,208.Witts ad. person. Capime Surs, olarlîng partl ime lSthe part ime asssant and xappiy tor an energetu o opportlfotr adoancement. Wîil e workîng in a chl cane enoîtooment. Pleaxe cxii Mary or Denîie fast pasl, positive, tan workîng enitonment. Expe- Lat1905-873-9256 or email resamne ta: noence an asuet. mackenzie@tinvtimdevelopmentalschool.com Please oend reaume or drop off in person xl. 332 Guelph Street, Unit 5 Georgetown, Ontario L7G 4135 U P miltoncanadianchampioK, cml M IL EAN i N L IL m 1 m